
Global Product Management
Product Superheroes: UX and UI with Case Sandberg, Developer, Shutterfly
   11 years ago
#ProdMgmtTalkGlobal Product ManagementRegular broadcast w/ experts about all things product excellence
   11 years ago
#ProdMgmtTalkGlobal Product ManagementHacking Professional Tech Communities w/ Anca Mosoiu, Founder of Tech Liminal- Tech Hot Spot & Salon
ProdMgmt Talk
@mightybobarian does a written documented flow before using pictures. @cindyfsolomon says Me Too - my brain operates thru text based communication first. Most designers think in pictures
Kelsey Mulcahy
I tend to sketch before doing full mockups so I can get all my ideas out there - otherwise I'm not as creative and clear
Yes, I've tried doing the picture first approach but find that I keep erasing everything. Text outlines keeps me on track. :)
Kelsey Mulcahy
@mightybobarian true, I also do an outline for any written comm to eliminate any tangents!
ProdMgmt Talk
apple guidelines - button 45 x 45 pixels average to click on. Desktop sites now going with simpler interfaces for same experience on iphone. ex. @mailchimp fluid user interface, big, works same on ipad
Kelsey Mulcahy
I love the simplicity of the design of @mailchimp- we just signed up the other day and its great
Kelsey Mulcahy
Check out this snippit: https://ux.mailchimp...
Pattern Library | MailChimp
The MailChimp Pattern Library is a byproduct of our move to a responsive, nimble, and intuitive app. Constant iteration requires both an efficient workflow and a well defined collection of atomic elements that can assemble new UIs quickly without acc...
ProdMgmt Talk
Q: How would you get into building a good #UX #UI experience? What is the process?
Alec Furrier
I would build around two main functions. Everything UI/UX should be there as a catalyst, aka make it easier to do those main functions.
ProdMgmt Talk
@mightybobarian great ending! Get in touch with bob at productsuperheroes dot com to be interviewed. If you don't love what you build, how the heck will anyone else? :)
ProdMgmt Talk
A: @casesandberg forces himself to write down URL or path to recreate & analyze good examples/experiences to deconstruct the experience
Matt Manning
Exactly. Find popular websites and figure out why they work
ProdMgmt Talk
Creating personas - think of what user is going to be to describe their perspective and how they'll use product, what problems they need to solve.
Crowd Doc
definitely- this should be the framework around which you create the UI/UX!
ProdMgmt Talk
A: Go through 4 stages to arrive at #UX: Discovery, Design, Iteration, Scratch and test phases says @casesandberg
A great place for getting some inspiration is:
Mobile Patterns
A library of iOS and Android screenshots for designers and developers to reference.
ProdMgmt Talk
How do you measure a good UI and bad UI? its a mix of science and art - art is subjective
and the art is continually changing as well. Love the new Google Material Design recently announced at Google I/O
UX/UI Cereal, sound delicious. Read more:
The Difference Between UX and UI: Subtleties Explained in Cereal
Ever met someone who uses UX and UI interchangeably? Ed Lea created this photographic infographic to visually define the differences between user experience and user interface design and how they relate to a product.
Had a lot of fun talking with @casesandberg and hope everyone had fun listening. :) Thank you @prodmgmttalk for syndicating the show!