ProdMgmt Talk10

Q1 How do you define "wearables" or "tech wearables"? @forbesoste http://bit.ly/1q1vWm... #prodmgmttalk

Wearable Technologies & Presence of Mind: Heidi Forbes Öste, Global Strategist
Heidi says, "Human development is an integral part of understanding how we engage with ourselves, people and products. Developing products that can help us achieve our personal bests is a huge step in the right direction. Understanding what it is tha...
Heidi says, "Human development is an integral part of understanding how we engage with ourselves, people and products. Developing products that can help us achieve our personal bests is a huge step in the right direction. Understanding what it is tha...

John Furrier
anything with an IP address or RF id equivalent is wearable tech

Kelsey Mulcahy
yes I am especially interested in wearable sports tech, where tech can improve your game immensely

Kelsey Mulcahy
here are pretty cool examples of wearable tech http://www.crunchwea...

Sports - Wearable Tech | CrunchWear
Ah, golf tennis. The game of kinds. The game that takes both a lifetime to learn and a lifetime to master. OK, maybe the situation isn’t quite that dire but, as anyone who is a fan of the game knows,...
Ah, golf tennis. The game of kinds. The game that takes both a lifetime to learn and a lifetime to master. OK, maybe the situation isn’t quite that dire but, as anyone who is a fan of the game knows,...

Matt Manning
Wearable tech replaces classical wearables to provide more benefits and more convenience. It is technology that seamlessly integrates with your daily life.