James Maguire48
Q1. What’s your most consequential prediction for tech in 2022? A change, milestone, shocking development?
Chris Ehrlich
A1: The ripple effect of Meta’s launch on the mainstreaming of conceptual applications for the metaverse. #eweekchat
Charlie Ashton
A1: I would not be surprised to see a significant, multi-day outage at a major hyperscaler or telecom service provider, rather than the mere hours-long outages we’ve experienced in 2021.
A1. Change: On-Prem is dead. Cloud-native is the only way. IT will start moving to the cloud in earnest. SecOps is nearly done, IT is very far behind and will be making that change/transition
Rod Simmons
A1: As the Metaverse takes form, people place an enhanced focus on their digital identities. This includes even things like spending huge amounts of money on digital real estate
Rik Chomko
A1:Enterprise data remains difficult to scale, store and use in an actionable way. Forrester Consulting noted that 51% of AI decision-makers say their organizations have too much data to make collaboration efficient. #eweekchat
Llanor Alleyne
A1. As it continues to grow, digital transformation will become more refined with more thoughtful, complex tech integrations (hybrid infrastructures, AI, hyperautomation) & wider implementation (fintech, healthcare).
A1. Milestone: Balance will be found for modern workforces. Organizations will finally come to terms with what is best for their employees without sacrificing productivity with many companies choosing a blend of hybrid and remote work while others move back.
Michael Waldrop
A1: I think hybrid cloud is becoming a much more common end goal for modern data analytics pipeline configurations. It is no longer just a waypoint on the cloud journey.
Steven Mih
A1: I foresee the Investment & Adoption of Managed Services for Open Source will soar #opensource #cloudmanagedservices
Sujatha Sagiraju
A1: Social responsibility will play a big role in tech in 2022. Businesses will focus on not just what they do but how they do it and their social impact on the world.
Paul Speciale
A1. for us in data storage, it is all about protecting our customers data against ransomware. For that reason, we think the most consequential one is Increasing ransomware attacks will demand that sophisticated data protections be built directly into storage solutions.
Eoin Carroll
A1. Nation States will weaponize social media to target more enterprise professionals
James Maguire
@SujathaSagiraju I hope you are right!
A1. Shocking Development: The Great Resignation will continue and put a level of strain on IT and security that we previously couldn’t even imagine. Three years ago there were more open roles in security than security professionals in the US.
Rik Chomko
A1: Until #AI and automation technologies can better master the flow of data, advancements will be slow moving. Therefore, data in motion is the next automation holy grail. #eweekchat
Bruce Kornfeld
A1 We'll start to see the "leveling off" of the Cloud. Not all applications nor data is right for the cloud and alternatives will gain more momentum.
Harish Doddi
A1: Many organizations will finally realized they cannot adopt the same strategy like the big cloud vendors to do AI. Instead, they need to realize their AI investment with some practical tools.
James Maguire
@brucekornfeld I've seen this backlash "against" cloud.
A1. Shocking Development (2) This year there may be more open roles in security and IT in the US than there are IT and SecOps workers available worldwide.
Michael Waldrop
@brucekornfeld I agree. Both for practicality and cost reasons.
Andi Mann
@marsanfra So true! At @Qumu we talk about 'Work from Wherever, Whenever' (#WfWW). The #FutureOfWork is no just remote, it is 'hyper-distributed' over both time and space.
Bruce Kornfeld
@marsanfra well.....if you loop in edge computing needs as on prem - I don't agree with your statement at all : )
Andi Mann
@marsanfra LOL, I am not buying that at all! I am a big cloud believer, but also pragmatic. Everyone would prefer not to have massive on-prem investments, but what happens in 2022 to make that a reality? #eWeekChat
James Maguire
@AndiMann I've actually seen a "return to on-prem" trend.
Paul Speciale
@RikChomko totally agree about enterprise data growth and hard to scale storage systems. This is a massive problem for enterprises!
@brucekornfeld - Me personally, would not build something that needs to be deployed on-prem :)
Andi Mann
@brucekornfeld 💯 , really good point, If anything, #Edge is accelerating, and will add to on-prem.
Andi Mann
@marsanfra Yes, for greenfield I am 💯 with you. But every owner of legacy infra has wanted to go 100% cloud for years. It is not just cost holding back the 'stragglers', imho. I don't see anything changing that dramatically in 2022 is all. #eWeekChat