James Maguire35

Q8.Will the current craze for “digital transformation” continue, fade or grow larger in 2022?

Bruce Kornfeld
A8 Continue and grow faster. The world hasn't been digitized yet. Paper is still being used in business. Tech continues to make it easier - LC/NC, GPUs for faster processing....the list goes on. We are just at the beginning!

Sid Mistry
A8: More companies will continue to learn and refine their AI strategy as this time of digital transformation grows larger. We have seen budgets increase year after year and expect them to continue to rise.

Larry Lunetta
A8. The concept and the execution will continue and accelerate. I hope the term goes away...and I'm in marketing.

Ram Chakravarti
A8. Grow. Effects and advancements of pervasive intelligence and enterprise automation will be felt more quickly and globally because capabilities are not only increasing but becoming more significant and measurable

Llanor Alleyne
A8 Digital transformation will continue to grow. Many enterprises are still exploring how to effectively & economically implement it as well as carve paths to retiring legacy systems. That will take time.

Llanor Alleyne
A8 For many companies digital transformation is an incremental process that will take years.

Kevin Coppins
A8. Not sure how to answer this one, but I will say that there is WAY more tech debt in the world than we think. Lots of legacy (20 year old+) stuff running factories and companies (probably more than one NetWare server out there still serving packets...) So yes - will continue

Stephen Zisk
@larry_lunetta A8 Digital transformation is already way beyond markting boundaries, though. Spoke w/ a big CPG today doing virtual product testing.

James Maguire
@ktcoppins No doubt the enormous tech debt -- lurking, and growing...

Larry Lunetta
A8. COVID changed all the rules and forced transformation on every organization so it is now a fact of life.

Sid Mistry
@larry_lunetta Yes, COVID accelerated digital transformations and AI strategies for many organizations.

Stephen Zisk
@Llanor_A Slow transformation is a painful (but true) message and a kick in the pants. Big Gap between aspirations and reality!

Ram Chakravarti
@jamesmaguire there is a reason why the mainframe will outlive many of our careers

James Maguire
@larry_lunetta Every company is a tech company

Larry Lunetta
@ktcoppins Agree, the challenge now is to manage multi-generational IT while transforming.

Llanor Alleyne
@szisk Yes. There is also the employee buy-in factor. People have to be able to effectively use these systems.

Kevin Coppins
@larry_lunetta I like that term - will use that instead of "Digital Transformation" and move on to "migrating away from multi-generational accidental IT architectures" #marketing