James Maguire44

Q4. Challenges in Digital transformation? Where do companies struggle?

Mariana Cogan
A:4 Legacy systems are complex - need to select data-strong data-first partners

Llanor Alleyne
A4: Companies definitely struggle with the planning and strategic implementation of DT. It is more than replacing legacy technologies. (1/2)

Llanor Alleyne
A4: There needs to be a 360-degree view that also takes into account employee buy-in, customer satisfaction/expectations/experience, cybersecurity concerns, and proper data processing/management. (2/2)

Mariana Cogan
A4: We're seeing more and more frustration stemming from the lack of actionability, and solving the root of the data problem will be absolutely transformative for the enterprise

Justin Marcucci
A4: Companies struggle with transformations by inadvertently creating "chasms of accountability" between those who are sponsoring and have the lofty vision for the programs, and those who have to design and build the resulting products and platforms.

Mariana Cogan
@Llanor_A Glad you are talking cybersecurity, data privacy - major topics that must be at the forefront of decisions.

Sam Lakkundi
A4. Lack of dedicated IT Skills, mainly due to outdated & rigid organizational structures & inefficient workflows. We saw this in 2020 with shift to remote work.

James Maguire
@justinmarcucci Oh goodness, is that ever true!

Sam Lakkundi
also A4. Poor resource management and lack of IT resources including dearth of key talent like data scientists.

Amanda LeBlanc
A4. Focus. Many make the mistake of first automating legacy, manual processes without considering newer processes that fully exploit digital capabilities.

Mariana Cogan
@samlakkundi Requires a strong partnership with IT. CIO and CMO must be best friends.

Chris Ehrlich
A4: They struggle with the actual transformation beyond tech agreements and integration. Viewing adoptions as a phase and stopping well short of changing how the enterprise works and generates revenue.

Mariana Cogan
@justinmarcucci In the marketing space, we are going to see more CMO's with an operational background. So vision and execution can come together.

Amanda LeBlanc
@MarianaCogan agreed. If you don't ensure key stakeholders are aligned on priorities, odds are the entire project is doomed before it starts.

Mariana Cogan
@RedDoginBR The art of the possible ! Never backfill. The sky is the limit.

Prince Kohli
A4: A fundamental need is ease of deployment, rollout and scale, while offering a delightful end-user experience.

Mariana Cogan
@Llanor_A Great point. You cannot replace legacy - it is not a cut off. You embrace it and evolve it to a greater solution.

Prince Kohli
@justinmarcucci Automation is more meaningful when it is end to end. Processes span orgs and time

James Maguire
@pkohli2 But far harder to deploy end to end automation, true?

Prince Kohli
@jamesmaguire Once it starts with some steps, it grows on both ends to integrate other steps. so "end to end" is really dynamic too