James Maguire43

Q8. What’s a big myth associated with data analytics?

Radhika Krishnan
A8 One of the biggest #data analytics myths is: The more data you have, the better decision you can make. The reality is the more data you have, the more challenges you face. What we seek is the “right” data. We get there by understanding the true meaning behind the

Bill Corrigan
A8: The big myth is that collecting, transforming and cleansing the #data is the hard part. It’s not. Operationalizing the data, or even a subset of the data to lead to transformative business results is the hard part.

Fred Bliss
A8. 'Build it and they will come.'

Sonny Rivera
A8 - Myth: Data and data analytics is rocket science… it’s not, and I was a rocket scientist.

Ciro Donalek
A8: That all AI systems are black boxes. AI #explainability and interpretability are growing fields that allows us to peek inside these black boxes or fully explain models, behavior and results.

Santiago Giraldo
A8: That it will solve all your problems overnight — data collection, processing, and analytics is made easier every day, but it's a journey. Start small with tangible problems you can solve and as data, complexity, and skills grow so will ROI

Kalyan Kumar (KK)
"More data means better decisions." When it comes to data, quality is infinitely more important than quantity. The best insights are derived from data that is clean, trusted, timely and relevant. #DataAnalytics #eWEEKchat @CIOStraightTalk

Jon Osborn
A8. I can build my own platform.

Bill Corrigan
@RKs2cents 100% agree, it's not more data, its data that leads to insights that move the needle for your business.

Vamsi Paladugu
A8: Quantity more important than quality. While it's important to save & use all the data available, data quality is just as important
as data quantity .. Second Myth:Big data will solve all your problems:
Subject matter expertise on interpreting the data is important
as data quantity .. Second Myth:Big data will solve all your problems:
Subject matter expertise on interpreting the data is important

Andi Mann
A8. Oh, never believe that 'Data is Truth', or machines are impartial. Data is manipulated – lies, damned lies, and statistics – and we build bias into the machines … ALL. THE. DAMN. TIME!!

Helena Schwenk
A8 One myth is that all of your data has to be of the highest quality to be useful. This is the case for compliance reporting or when making critical business decisions, but it ultimately depends on individual use cases and data gov required

Bruce Kornfeld
@BCorr_BMC That may be true for environments that have been around a long time (datacenter/cloud). What about edge? its the wild, wild, west out there.

Kalyan Kumar (KK)
Another myth is that a good analytics platform is sufficient for great analytic predictions and results. While the platform is a part of the entire puzzle, there are other key elements that drive predictions and decisions. #DataAnalytics #eWEEKchat @CIOStraightTalk

Santiago Giraldo
A8: The inverse is that analytics is too hard to do or that businesses have "lagged behind" — The truth is that technology, data, and how we do analytics changes very rapidly. You haven't missed the boat. #DataAnalytics #eWEEKchat @CIOStraightTalk

Andi Mann
A8. Comes back to the idea that any science sufficiently advanced looks like magic. People look at MLAI and #analytics and think it is magic - and thus infallible. Nothing further from the truth.

Radhika Krishnan
@BCorr_BMC Operationalizing the #data is challenging, but the #DataQuality too often remains in question ... making it difficult to operationalize.

James Malone
A8: That #data leads to binary decision making - deciding to or not to do something, whether something was a good or bad decision. In the majority of cases, good data is suggestive or predictive, but not prescriptive.

Bruce Kornfeld
A8: We'll just buy some analytics software and BAM - we'll have our insights!

Bill Corrigan
@brucekornfeld yes, the edge is the wild west right now, with many roll-your-own solutions dominating.

Sonny Rivera
@kklive I like to say "decisions made on bad data is just bad decision that you don't know about yet".

Bill Corrigan
@RKs2cents Yes, without data quality nothing else matters.

A8: A big myth is that there's no bias you're introducing by pulling a simple average. If all corners of your business are making their own definitions of KPIs and attributes, you're going to get into a number matching loop that wastes time and resources. 1/2

A8: For this reason, a shared data catalog/dictionary, well labelled and organized data, and orchestration to get the right data into the right platforms are absolutely vital. 2/2

Chris Ehrlich
A8: That the data is there and shows itself without strategy and extraction

Andi Mann
@chimerasaurus Excellent! We over-rotate to believing data can somehow make complex decisions easy - and even binary. It cannot, and we create great risk if we believe it can.