Judging from our poll... Sessions in our ‘Data Centers & Cloud’ stream are looking very popular at #VMworld Europe this year! We’re expecting the IoT, edge services and machine learning to be big topics. What trends do you think will be driving the conversation at the event?
Rory Choudhuri
Every conversation I have with customers starts with technology, but comes back to people and change. How we manage data centers to host new and emerging workloads, integrate cloud resources and be more efficient. Without creating new silos.
Matthew Bunce
As companies start their transformation journeys they are realising it isn't just about new hardware or how quickly they can move everything in to the public cloud. It's people and process which can have a much more dramatic impact on an organisation.
VMware UK
@virtualisedgeek @roarers our cloud-focused showcase keynote is all about driving business transformation this year. How do you think the cloud has transformed the way applications are built, run, managed and delivered?
Rebecca Fitzhugh
As @virtualisedgeek was mentioning earlier, we're turning our focus to data rather than infrastructure. So the question is, what value or insight into our data does something like ML provide?
Matthew Bunce
Incredibly! Cloud Native Applications have to be architectured, delivered, run and managed in a completely different way to traditional apps. VMware is building out that ecosystem to support that transition.
Johan van Amersfoort
Looking forward to see some more of VDI by day / Compute by night and utilize GPUs for multiple use cases
Sam McGeown
@vhojan hard pass on the VDI for me :D
Rebecca Fitzhugh
@sammcgeown but it's the year of VDI #sorrynotsorry
Johan van Amersfoort
@RebeccaFitzhugh It says so on the shirt. Shirts don't lie
Matthew Bunce
@vhojan Maybe mining crypto out of hours to offset the costs of running during the day!
Rebecca Fitzhugh
@vhojan indeed and what a mighty fine shirt it is!
Kate Lechowicz
Next Gen Trends Track is the best to learn about all IoT, DevOps, NFV stories https://my.vmworld.c...
Johan van Amersfoort
@virtualisedgeek sounds like a perfect topic for a VMTN session
Marco van Baggum
@virtualisedgeek finally a good use-case for those GPUs
Garry Owen
VDI is just part of the #EUC mix these days. Horizon is a perfect solution for many use cases and the technology has improved out of all recognition from the days of the notorious Gartner statement