John Furrier42

Q5. What does your current lifecycle look like between snapshots, archives, and longer term backups? Do you delete the data when it gets old?

John Furrier
Who deletes data is another question? serious question?

Sagi Brody
This is based on the governing regulatory requirements of the user and vertical. Some like #HIPAA dont have an exact de-facto standard and are up to interpretation.

Sagi Brody
People who get billed per GB :)

jeff dinisco
long term snaps are still pricey and don't protect against a variety of scenarios leaving traditional backup as a necessary evil in most enterprises

Sagi Brody
I believe surveillance and body cam recordings is only going to push out the storage retention tail required..

Bryan Champagne
Compliance and policy determine deletion. We see people struggle with actually adhering to deletion policies unless they have it automated

Dave Vellante
I've never seen a successful, sustainable example of deleting data/reclaiming wasted space

Chris Dagdigian
super brittle at the moment. No consistent patterns. Some scientific storage is too big for cost effective full-lifecycle mgmt so many have just 1 primary and 1 last-resort-backup-and-archive copy of their data.

jeff dinisco
@furrier totally agree, I meet very few customers willing to push the delete button, expiration maybe, active delete, don't see it

Nick Kirsch
Ironically, lots of machine-generated data /could/ be deleted and re-generated, but the software gets in the way.

Sagi Brody
What about real-time stream data analytics? We are also seeing this reduce the requirement to store data because of its real time nature..

Dave Vellante
@webairsagi love the steaming example - it's almost a new workload - batch, interactive, streaming

Christian Smith
Common retention policies - 1 week on primary (snapshots), 3+ months on secondary. Never delete.

Nick Kirsch
@webairsagi It seems that many of these streaming workloads will also be related to machine-learning and anything with ML will be data retention heavy...

Dave Vellante
@webairsagi Streaming App Value Chain---Ingest->Explore->Process (Predict)->Serve-> ?Persist?

Dave Vellante
@nkirsch I think about a smart meter stream with data that doesn't change - don't persist - vs weather data which I might persist

Nick Kirsch
Isn't there some value in that smart meter stream? Anything with potential predictive benefit, coupled with low cost of storage, seems likely to be persisted.

John Furrier
Brent M. Piatti @BrentPiatti said
Truth! Problem is most organizations see data storage as a cost center rather than a potential gold mine.
Truth! Problem is most organizations see data storage as a cost center rather than a potential gold mine.