
   7 years ago
#LocalDataTiering to Public CloudHow to think about and manage tiering from the private data center to public cloud.
   7 years ago
#localdataData ManagementData Management: Protection, Movement, Search & Discovery, Usage
John Furrier
Where are the bottlenecks in scale out?

Where are the bottlenecks in scale out?

John Furrier
Q5: When have you seen scale-out architectures reach their limits?
Chris Harney
Right after your maintenance contract is due
Jeff Hughes
Stood up a 400 node Isilon system. "It can be done"
jeff dinisco
when the back end interconnect has no port capacity
Andrew Miller
without being to product specific, there was a "scale-out" architecture (RAIN) that maxed at 16 nodes. Just a hard stop...
Chris Dwan
I'm a consultant, they don't call me to fix the scale out system when it's working right.
jeff dinisco
@andriven hahaha, always thought that architecture was a bit of joke
Chris Dwan
It's usually when the backplane gets saturated, so the system can't stay in sync anymore.
Jeff Hughes
@jhughes Just to be clear, it didn't "scale", but it stood up
Chris Dwan
@jhughes And you backed away very slowly, both hands in clear view.
Jeff Hughes
Network almost always defines the limits. There's a reason Google brags about their CLOS setup
Chris Dwan
We ran out of API calls per second on GCS - that was fun.
Chris Dwan
That moment when you realize that east-coast-2 is actually a finite resource.
Andrew Miller
@dinisco would usually see this with Infiniband before 10 GigE based architectures. Of course Infiniband could usually drive lower latency more predictably.
Kenneth Hui @rubrikInc HQ
Any architecture that requires a locking mechanism or uses a one of more master nodes will have scaling limits.
Andrew Miller
@kenhuiny Excellent point - scalable locking mechanisms as well as masterless architecture are huge.
Chris Dwan
Something about split-brain.
John Furrier
Q5: What's your litmus test for whether a product is actually "scale out"?
John Furrier
customer want to know
jeff dinisco
node fails, service still online
Patrick Rogers
Are there any software limits to the architecture.
Chris Dwan
I don't think it's a useful question. I would rather deal with technical features than buzzword compliance.
Andrew Miller
are there hard maximums which require major equipment upgrades? In simpler terms, no forklift upgrades.
I am John White
When I can power on a new node and it auto joins a cluster
Jeff Hughes
How they answer what the limit is
John Furrier
Ok Chris: @fdmts What technologies are driving the change to scale out
Patrick Rogers
Is it a consistent namespace across all nodes or components in the architecture.
Chris Dwan
@andriven All systems have limits. When a vendor says "no limits" I hear "we didn't scale test it hard enough."
jeff dinisco
a 4 node cluster provides exactly 4X the performance of a single node
Andrew Miller
in defense of non-scaleout, if you can predict your growth and environment, a non-scaleout architecture might make the most sense financially. I'd argue that almost no companies can accurately predict that in a 3 year window though.
Chris Dwan
I think we handled the drivers to scale out in an earlier question. I mean ... containerization seems like a biggie.
Stuart Miniman
we argued about this for years - just because something can scale, doesn't mean that it really is scale-out. Need to understand the limitations. Of course, not everything must be infinitely scalable to be useful.
Andrew Miller
@fdmts partly agree - sometimes I'll distinguish between theoretical limits (i.e. our filesystem can grow to 32 exabytes) and what they've tested/QA-ed especially.
John Furrier
I like where Chris @fdmts is going with this..what triggers the BS detector when vendors talk "scale out"
jeff dinisco
@fdmts agree about limits, but solid tech and qa rigor should lead to limits that 99% of customers can't reach
Stephen Pao
It's also about minimum size and the linearity from there. I think if you have lots of upfront requirements to achieve scale, you are simply planning for capacity growth, not scaling out.
Patrick Rogers
Non-scale out typically requires you to provision capacity ahead of when you actually need it which becomes very expensive.
jeff dinisco
good question, plenty of BS, anytime there's talk of a masters or slaves, any node more important than another means not true scale out
Chris Dwan
@dinisco More seriously, you never remove a bottleneck, you just move it around. Recall the happy days when the whole industry freaked out about how RAID rebuilds on 1TB disks would take longer than MTBF on another disk in the set.
John Furrier
Q4: Give examples of what ISN'T "scaling out".
jeff dinisco
workloads that are very latency sensitive simply don't need it, the cost of coordination between nodes isn't worth it
Chris Harney
Adding the same hardware to a solution without being able to use it. Think DataDomain. You would buy a solution for the capacity you needed then when you needed more capacity you would have to buy a whole new DataDomain and use it as a new target
Patrick Rogers
Most of EMCs current products.
Andrew Miller
Adding more disk shelves.
Chris Dwan
My network closet.
I am John White
Oracle Databases... Most businesses simply throw TB's of RAM at them to make them run better and avoid licensing charges.
Chris Dwan
Legacy batch HPC approaches.
Stephen Pao
Anything where you say "I loved my first; I hated my ninth" - e.g., NetApp, Data Domain, etc.
Patrick Rogers
Truly, most cloud services are not transparently scaleable. You still need to provision individual servers and services incrementally.
Andrew Miller
@dinisco going back to my EMC days, I do remember candid latency comparisons between Isilon, VNX, and VMAX with some solid technical explanation about the latency involved in any scale-out architecture.
jeff dinisco
the need for a large namespace warrants it, but there are cases where isolated islands of data make sense
Kenneth Hui @rubrikInc HQ
Sounds like the argument about what is truely hyper-converged. :)
Kenneth Hui @rubrikInc HQ
It's not scale out if your workload is has to be sharded and mapped to specific nodes so that each time a node fails or is added, you have to manually remap everything.
Kenneth Hui @rubrikInc HQ
It's not true scale-out if adding nodes does not provide linear or near linear increase in performance.