
November 20th CSCTechtalk
Join us for a lively chat about the programs and workstreams in the CSC Tech Transformation.
   10 years ago
#csctechtalk11/13 TechTalk SoundbitesCSC's Next Generation Infrstructure - solutions strategy, roadmap and developments
   10 years ago
#csctechtalk11/20 TechTalk SoundbitesEzBake - Simplifying Apps Transition and Big Data
Dan Hushon
What ONE thing could we do differently to get growing?
Nicole Gillen
Reward agile thinking - across every functional area of the company. Make it a cultural norm
get our sales teams & technologists more aligned!
Andrew Doble
Ensure that what we do is available to everyone every where.
Rick Wilhelm
Continue to improve delivery.
James Szczygiel
Focus on One Thing, too many people are spread over N things and that dilutes the progress well below 1/Nth
Lisa Braun
@NicoleGillen Working in P1a to make agile thinking a cultural norm. Want to be involved in culture change?
Nigel Barron
Lead by example. Collaborate, communicate, connect
Brian Wallace
@rickwilhelm Rick, the impact of improved delivery on sales and growth cannot be overstated.
Rich Carreau
Start, build, fail and move ahead from the experience, but catalog that experience as a learning moment as well, so it can be spread into the organization
Rick Wilhelm
@jszczygi Shiny Object Syndrome... "oh look... a squirrel!"
Mark Nebreda
provide better industy specfic wrappers that explin the value of our Next G offerings in the lanaguge and benefiots threlavnt to that sector
Harpreet Singh Kalsi
Need to have more focus on developing next gen offerings around our current products and more niche areas
Raghu Chandra
Sales Technologists alignment.. How many in the 400 TT particpants were involved in solutioning for a RFP/Tender in the last quarter?
Kevin Groff
Shore up delivery. Can't sell new stuff to a customer that has delivery issues. Customer references are our best sales tool.@danhushon
Yogesh Khanna
Get the best talent in the Industry to join CSC.
Mark Nebreda
We need to present the value our solutions can bring in the language of the business sector and KPIs they relate to in Mining its cost per tonne and voleum of ore we extrat and ship
Dan Hushon
@marknebreda fully agree... we can turn up social media ala. blogs to bring the insight @ scale? who is Blogging?
Phil Grove
We should try to bring Milennial talent and culture into CSC in most places - tech and non tech.
Bob Donnelly
Align proposal teams with SMEs. In new org, these connections are not always made.
Brian Wallace
@marknebreda Mark, in general then we need to elevate our client conversations to the language and context of their business.
Harpreet Singh Kalsi
hire fresh talent from top institutes...
Tom McGaw
A single source of common problems in projects and how to overcome them for greater knowledge sharing.
Faisal Siddiqi
Continue improving our reputation through tech and social media, attract and keep the best folks
lewis richards
One of the key lessons we heard from all the Silicon Valley companies we visited on LEF tour was about Talent, however message was 'We Hired our Talent from YOU' it was about empowerment and environment
Phil Grove
Our indutry context of talent also needs to raise.
Abhishek Khandelwal, PMP
Most importantly we need to retain the talent
Lisa Braun
@marknebreda Ah, this very point about speaking the customer's language was made by @dougtracy99 in CSC's new Global CIO Survey. Well worth a read and a share w/clients. Download here:
Home - CSC Global CIO Survey: 2014–2015
The 2014-2015 CSC Global CIO Survey captures data, trends and insights from 100s of IT leaders across the globe.
Jeff Ely
We need to a better job of training the Support teams on the Offerings that we are deploying.
Drive a message of "empowerment" down to the lowest level - too many people feel boxed-in, require "permission", are discouraged to act by their supervisors. Message from the top - unleash your talent, it's ok to get involved!
Carl R
@NigelBarron Do you think we do enough of the three Cs?
Brian Wallace
@phowarth001 Essentially get out of our own quote Lewis
Nigel Barron
I think 'we' do but CSC as a whole needs to improve, a lot
Kevin Groff
I think Jeff Bender's [relatively] new org is a step in that direction. @RP
Dan Hushon
So one thing that many lack is courage... i think that this fits into willingness to fail via @RCinterests but, what I see is that sometimes we don't speak honestly with customers in order to help them see what we do to improve their own companies!
Rich Reba
mobilize all 45,000+ in our technology community so we are all contributing to and leveraging our ecosystem effectively - using open source community as our model
Nigel Barron
We've been much more active on social media both internally and externally to amplify the tech transformation program. Getting more of the tech community to join us is very important
Rick Wilhelm
Yes... emphasizes the outside-in... and exposes everyone to what's going on in the Real World
Nicole Gillen
Agreed, but I think many in the CSC technical (and frankly sales) community aren't necessarily social media savvy. Some training just on this could prove fruitful.
Dan Hushon
@nicolegillen I do agree, but people need to want to participate... training as a push !work
Abhishek Khandelwal, PMP
We still need to spread word about this program at grass root level
Rick Wilhelm
@nicolegillen Yes... but a simple approach is: watch first, start gently, ask for candid feedback from those you trust.
Sorin Costea
@danhushon @nicolegillen difficult to motivate them to participate in something they don't know about (kind of chicken and egg here)
Mark Nebreda
We need to create a vibe and get greater engagement of Young Professioonl group
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
@NigelBarron, maybe we offer a training course? @LisaAnneBraun and I are happy to help, not experts, but good helpers!
Helen Jones
Abhishek, how do you think we can do that most successfully?
Mark Nebreda
We need social media smarts and drive to act as Lightening Rods and Ambassadors to help drive particpation and enaggement
Nigel Barron
Something we could do at the next tech conference?
Also worth taking a look at the "using social media" short video that Lewis Rchards put togther
Rich Reba
Abhishek - i couldn't agree more - what do you think we should be doing to help this along?
Nicole Gillen
@sorincos - I've created a training recently which is a social media 101 type class. It was directed at sales, but could easily be modified for the tech community...
Nigel Barron
@marknebreda It's not something that has been recognised and rewarded at CSC
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
great idea, but @csctechcom is sort of like the best training in social media itself. I like the idea, but maybe we can do something sooner too. I'm joining Program 1 and can help!
Jeff Ely
need to get your training integrated int the Tech College
Daniel Angelucci
I think any social media initiative should be use-case driven. Fortunately, there are some great use-cases in a company this size. Just need to show people how it can help.
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
great idea, Jeff. @nicole Gillen, Can you send me a link?
Faisal Siddiqi
Some of the hesitation to participate may be cultural - do potential candidates know that "it's ok"?
Rich Reba
here's an idea i was planning to present to our extended TDC today: if every one of our 35 TDC members makes sure 10 are engaged in tech transformation that's 350. If each of them gets 10 more, that's 3500. The power of exponentials . . .
Nicole Gillen
@heatherscsc - yes sure thing. I will send you an email with the details. The reviews were all positive!
Dan Hushon
rewarded... working for a company that "get's it" and is leading for me is pretty rewarding = star on resume
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
@Nicole, I can't tag you for some reason, but thanks, I love when work is already done : ) Looking forward to it!
Jeff Ely
@heatherscsc check with @RoseJabri on Tech College
Tom McSweeney
@DanHushon finding ways to reward/recognized contributors is absolutely the key
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
Yes, will do, already connected with her on the TEA stuff we're doing, so I'll get her the info
Dan Hushon
@dangeluc THANKS FOR JOINING... new rCTO for AMEA!
Rick Wilhelm
@Faisal_Siddiqi Show potential candidates this archived #crowdchat. That should be evidence that it's (more than) ok!