
January Tech Talk
CSCers: Join our Tech Transformation leaders for a lively discussion about all things #csctechtalk
   11 years ago
#csctechtalkNovember Tech TalkCSC Employees:Join Dan Hushon & Rich Reba for Q&A discussion around our Technology Transformation.
   11 years ago
#csctechtalkApril Tech TalkCSCers: Join our Tech Transformation leaders for a lively discussion about all things #csctechtalk
Dan Hushon
What is the coolest change that you've experienced since we started this transformation... #proofoflife
Soren Helsted
the willingness to work together across organisational boundaries to achieve together to get to a better CSC
Jim Petrassi I believe the desire was always there for technologists to work together.. it is in their DNA. This program provides a forum and encouragement that is new and welcomed
Soren Helsted Agree Jim, the amazing part is that the non-technical community we work with in the transformation is also doing it
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
Simply...we aren't afraid to try something different to improve the way that we do things...for our clients and for ourselves.
Brian Wallace
Seeing how fundamental the changes behind our "talk" really are....virtually every company talks about making strategic changes...I'm blown away by the depth, magnitude, and focus of all that's changing in CSC...and it's all integrated!
Dan Hushon me too, i see evidence of change every day... still fence sitting, but others all in! #jazzed
Our openness to Opensource.
hayley smith
realizing that HR actually rocks - driven people with talent - who'd of thunk it!!!!
Christine MacKenzie
Sessions like these are interesting.
Graham Starkey
(a) there is talk in the press about good stuff CSC is doing (b) there is a strategic future for better tech internally once more
Sue Cronizer
.. the exposure of the technology brilliance that has always around CSC being harnessed for good
Lisa Braun
Working more outside in.
Rich Reba
for me, it's seeing first hand how the "outside-in" model the world is trending to creates parallelism and speed beyond anything I've seen at CSC
Chris Fangmann
The huge number of colleagues investing weekends & nights to make real difference
Dan Hushon and listent to @Metalica while we #tweetchat
Savithri Devaraj
CSC using Google Hangouts is good
Graham Starkey
I worked for Computer Sciences of Australia (first stint) back in the late 70s, there was a buzz in the place from top to bottom, for me the buzz is coming back
Jerry Overton
the openness: volunteering, tweetchats, google docs, open innovation... long live Hushon!
Jim Petrassi
Lately I have had the chance to present to clients CSC's new vision and thinking. They all say the same thing, "wow, that's not the CSC I used to know". That is a fantastic response... definitely would not had happened previously!
Torrey McMahon
Being relatively new it's obvious to see there is an ongoing change in culture. Also, execs not wearing ties everyday.
Dan Hushon but no ponytails
Matt Vita
C3 revamp is pretty cool. The feature to get the old email "notifications" away from Notes increases efficiency considerably since those old notifications disn't have any history in them.
Doug Neal
the real possibility that CSC can leverage LEF and that LEF can learn from CSC leading edge tech
Fitz Stewart
transparency of senior leaders
Brian Bacsu
discovering how much knowledge and how many brilliant people CSC contains
Doug Neal
@jpetrassi I hope Natural User Interfaces will part of your distinctive portfolio. We have been WIMPs ( Windows, Icons, Menus, Pulldowns ) way too long. We think NUI is important if we want to effectively engage right-brained business people
Rich Reba
this is a really important point - out of our program 2 work we are seeing "consumer-like" interfaces as a key area of focus - feeds into program 4 leading edge technology talent
lewis richards
As we decouple information from systems and the API drives interoperability in everything we do a NUI will be logical as wearables mature for sure
Jim Petrassi
Great point. We need to create consumer-like interfaces for our clients, and that includes taking advantage of the latest in natural user interfaces. That needs to become a core competency and key to the talent we develop
Brian Heisler How about Edusim & Devops? Constructionist Learning, tangible objects, experiential learning environments brought to our client, to help them bridge that devops gap...
Jerry Overton
natural user interface, predictive apps, motion interfaces... all part of disruptions being detected and investigated within the tech x-formation
Dan Hushon
Love the Kinect2.. some very cool use-cases for immersion, but also planning are possible
Fitz Stewart
- have you seen the LEAP Motion controller? - gesture control and huge possibilities
Graham Starkey I have one, the sample apps are a bit "gee whiz", it's very raw at the moment, the excitement is in the potential, yet to be realised IMHO
Lisa Braun
Putting the UX first is one of the principles in the new tech community manifesto.
Brian Heisler Good. UX is more than our tech interface, IMO it is from the time we touch the client, CSC consultants are UX. (Should be)
Dan Hushon remember to add graphics designers to your project teams! #UX matters ... consumers have choices and vote with their fingers
lewis richards
the combo of Valve tech and Oculus will give us true immersion in 2015, we already have great Virtual World experience with clients, both in training and in simulation, I can't wait to bring that experience to this new tech
lewis richards
we were working with Clients on using MMORPG tech to develop leadership training 3 years ago
Bill Ohnemus to figure out how to apply it to mundane businesses like banking and insurance. How do we get our customers out of their boxes and beyond WIMP stage?
Rich Reba
excited about revised CSC technology conference this year - "TechCom"
Dan Hushon
TechCom this year will be a #geekout, no business people, just technologists... goal = learn, experiment, certify, network and innovate
Glenn Davidson Very interesting as we will be returning to the roots of the TechCon as it was 12-15 years ago!!
Dan Hushon @gdavids57 personally it was the early days of #javaone
hayley smith
TechCom is going to blow your socks off this year, come prepared with a few extra pairs.
Torrey McMahon
When and where?
Chris Fangmann Atlanta, June 2-5
Bob Hayward
how will invites be handled? worried that few will get permission to go from AMEA and ANZ regions due to costs
Paul maybe for the next cycle we should start thinking again about regional TechCom events - linked format but local focus (been around CSC long enough to remember these from the past)
Dan Hushon tops down and bottoms up, but start working your managers (or get involved as I'm sure that "collaborating at TechCon" will differentiate you
Jim Petrassi
The technology tracks being planned are right in sync with the direction of the Differentiated Tech Portfolio... great chance to really focus on the new technologies and approaches
lewis richards
we broadcast sessions live into our own Virtual World platform 2 years ago, we should bring that back to life, the Tech is even better now
hayley smith Personify would also work well on the stage for presenters elsewhere.
Mark Nebreda
How can we look to create live feeds into some of the keynotes etc so broader community in regions unable to attend can chime in, learn and exp the vibe
hayley smith already on the agenda to get done
lewis richards
@hayley_smitty yea I reckon we go Rogue and bring our own rigs and set them up ;) personally I still want to kit the place out with iBeacons to really get interactive
hayley smith
@stroker Personify with Google Hangouts working that angle with Michael Toner, next thing I want to see is Personify in virtual worlds using the gesture control
lewis richards Crying shame Teleplace went under would've worked a treat in there. New VR worlds coming all the time, Personify with Oculus will be massive, virtual people beamed live into an immersive headset
Bill Ohnemus
speaking of transparency...on another thread... how can we get more info on TechCom or participate...haven't heard a thing.
Rich Reba TDC approved the overarching approach for the tracks yesterday - comms are forthcoming
lewis richards
most important question??? are 6am wake up Yoga classes still on agenda if it is only Tech crowd ;) I'll be on my own!
hayley smith
@stroker - Daden bring on the Virtual Worlds - Jerry Overton should look at Data Scape
lewis richards Def funnily enough had latest immersive learning whitepaper from them this morning
Rich Reba
I'm excited about the new Leading Edge Forum advocate role that Program 1c has defined (go #LEF) - 500+ CSCers attended and heard @LEF on Monday!
Soren Helsted
the LEF agenda need to be used more in talks with customers to help them understand we are changing
Rich Carreau I agree we are underleveraging this area with our client conversations
Dan Hushon what is the barrier, funny that our customers are more familiar than many employees
Soren Helsted our sales force are actually the ones who need to get the agenda under their skin so they can sell it - many are confused what to sell of our new stuff
Dave Elsworth
I was one of the 500+ CSCers who attended the @LEF session on Monday and the value of #LEF is clear for both internals & customers.
lewis richards
Bright shiny light of a group that we should all become advocates for
lewis richards
@DanHushon trick is we all haven't learnt from the history of the LEF if you look back @2006 report Connected World it is prescient view of world we live in today. THAT is LEF value to me. Predict the future and intersection points
Lisa Braun
@stroker Thanks for mentioning that report! Today's LEF is CSC's best kept secret no more :)
Mark Nebreda
@yogeshkhanna7 Getting engagement from our millennials to help shape our talent futures is a call out to get connected
Jim Petrassi
Millennials have grown up in this new consumer-driven world. We can learn a lot from their experiences and point of view
Dan Hushon as long as they don't make me snapchat... that's not transparency!
Bob Evans or Yik Yak ;)
Jim Petrassi granted snapchat my be a little too transparent, but it is fun :)
Millennials are our future. We need to recruit them into our company, and learn from them.
Jerry Overton the tech x-formation embrace of open source and open innovation into our culture will go a long way toward that - bravo.
Doug Neal Millennials are the largest generation in human history. By 2015 they will be the largest segment of the workforce, by 2017 they will be the biggest economic segment. If they don't something they walk - just when we have u-shaped age curv
lewis richards
Need to make sure we don't alienate everyone at the same time, its about the blend for me, we would't get rid of the Woz cos he isn't a millennial. Chops are Chops when it comes to tech #passioniseverything
Rich Carreau
This is a natural biorhythm in succession planning and bringing fresh perspectives to our confluence of ideas
Brian Wallace
Industry will remind us that many of the behaviors we stereotype to millennials are in fact pervasive across age's quickly becoming more about mindset than age
Mark Nebreda
Hoping these sessions will create a drum beat for milenials in CSC to join the Program 4