Rich Reba33
I'd like your thoughts: we have 350+ actively engaged in our tech transformation - how can we get 3500+ engaged, pragmatically speaking?
Chris Fangmann
We need to do what we're doing right now more often
A. James Boswell
change the messaging from above which has utilisation goals set so that people don't feel they can be involved in a meaningful way.
Chris Fangmann
Talk about results, show engagement, show how people that are engaged get visibility
Jim Petrassi
This has been a great grass root effort so far. Perhaps we set a goal for each of the 350 people to personally engage at least 2 other people, and so on, and so on, and so on (for those of you old enough to remember that TV commercial :).
Ernesto Diaz
From Region perspective, ground conversations around how tech transformation will support sales & delivery, get regional senior managament esponsorship.
@richrebajr get them all on the same collab system
Soren Helsted
Good question Rich - we need to make it relevant for everybody - we are 73 online at this crowd chat, why not 350+?
Abhishek Khandelwal, PMP
@chrisfangmann I agree with your point, we need to make sure our fellow CSCians has visibility about what actually is going on.
Soren Helsted
but having these sessions more often will help i think
Mark Nebreda
A targeted engagement plan and comms to connect our Gen Ys/Milenmnials and increase thier particpation
why stop at 3500?
Soren Helsted
we have regional TT meetings in my region to spread the information and talk results
Jeroen's Roonbot
your question is actually "how to create a movement" Might be a hint for an answer.
Dan Hushon
@Xcapee I respectfully disagree, people need to be vested personally in change. If it's important, people make the time. If you're a 9-5er then great, but don't ever expect to be a 1 or 2 employee imo. #ConstantLearning #ConstantChallenge
Kirti Kumar Jain
Use C3 public community in parallel with GDrive. So that anybody can access the deliverables.
A. James Boswell
@Dan_Hushon If I work 40 hours billable then record 40 hours extra (as per ethics policy) finance report my utilisation as 50% -> KRA fail. Need to fix that!
Mark Nebreda
TDC leadership hosting Town Hals when in Region to engage and promote Tech Trans
Ernesto Diaz
Agree with @roonbot2 Need to measure by level of engagement by creating a movement and evangelists.
Nigel Barron
Lead by example, transparency breeds trust, walking the talk...
Jeroen's Roonbot
Careful with target settings, we wan't to be an intrinsicly motivated swarm, not Amway or alike.
Many employees are aware of TechTx program, work streams and various initiatives undertaken as part of it. They might not have engaged directly, but collaborated actively. This way 350+ stat may go up
A. James Boswell
Also worth observing that if we have 350 out of 3500 we probably already have most of the distribution of 1 and 2 employees covered. Rich was looking for actively engaging all / most technologist. They're not all 1s and 2s :-)
Fitz Stewart
an ETES code?