Virtualizing #SAPHANA allows Service Providers the flexibility, scalability and efficiency they need to provide a profitable HEC offering to their clients.
Every Service Provider and Systems Integrator we've engaged in a #HEC discussion immediately asks about virtualizing #SAPHANA - it's critical to the way SPs do business. Standardized, reusable infrastructure sized to fit the client's needs.
In fact, SAP Ken Tsai says, "We're happy to say that in the tests we have seen, by and large if the customer follows the deployment guidance – one single VM in the preconfigured and certified appliance – the performance is very close to the bare metal..."
#EMC IT has visions of continuing to leverage Virtualized #HANA for downstream SAP applications planned for migration to #SAP HANA, both in OLAP and OLTP applications.
Considering the improvements #SAPHANA delivers - reports generated 300x faster - would you really notice if your reporting was 270x faster instead because of virtualization? :-)
You can follow the EMC IT SAP HANA deployment @PutitonHANA for some real-time thoughts, advice, best-practices, and have questions answered! In real-time of course! @ReidTechBoston
Virtualizing #SAPHANA allows for a more efficient HA model. Instead of typical #HANA 1+1 HA, use #VMware HA, and save on costs for standby resources while still enjoying 99.9% availability!
@virtualwonton EMC IT Says, "By implementing a storage-based replication strategy to support zero data loss Disaster Recovery solutions, we foresee further management of costs with a reduced compute footprint in the DR instances".
EMC IT's @ReidTechBOS says, "We have increased capacity of #SAP#HANA 5X without growing headcount, are experiencing 99.9% uptime, can deploy new SAP HANA instances in minutes and are realizing significant OPEX and CAPEX reductions." What's better?
You can follow the #EMC IT #SAP#HANA deployment @PutitonHANA for some real-time thoughts, advice, best-practices, and have questions answered! In real-time of course! @ReidTechBOS
Welcome @ReidTechBos - What does the future hold for #EMC IT and Virtualized #SAP#HANA - especially now with SAP's support, not to mention the EMC Data Protection support for all HANA deployments!
@ReidTechBOS#EMC Data Domain provides the backup for #SAP Landscape - tell us about that. Benefits of Data Protection - critical strategy. @DanTheBackupMan
@CrowdCaptain EMC's SAP Team will be there in force, and #EMC IT will be talking about their Virtualized #SAP ERP & #HANA environments. We are meeting with customers & partners onsite, and should have a stellar social media program.
Lots of customers are looking to leverage their existing virtualization strategy - and now they can by leveraging VMware vSphere 5.5 with #SAP#HANA adoption. #EMC IT has seen Improvements in data retrieval activities have been greater than 400%,