
EMC World Coverage
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   10 years ago
#EMCWorldEMCWorld 2014 Social ChatEMCWorld 2014 thought leaders discuss what's happening at EMCWorld
   9 years ago
#EMCWorld EMC’s Ask Me AnythingCan’t join us in Vegas? Jeremy Burton fields your questions on the latest from EMC World!
Bert Latamore
EMC CTD President Guy Churchward @guychurchward live now on #theCUBE from #EMCworld with Wikibon’s Dave Vellante @dvellante & John Furrier @furrier. Watch & join the conversation at https://www.crowdcha...
Jeff Frick
Even though 2nd most popular camera is an iPhone, there are situations where you need something more than a phone -
@GuyChurchward LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Jeff Frick
"Less than 1% of my engineers are hardware engineers"
@GuyChurchward LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Bert Latamore
About 98% of EMC's CTD engineers are software, not hardware engineers says CTD President @GuyChurchward on #theCUBE from #EMCworld
Bert Latamore
EMC has a software version of everything. For instance the software version of DataDomain is finding a market as a remote backup system and temporary system until the customer can install the hardware -- @GuyChurchward on #theCUBE f/ #EMCworld
Jeff Frick
"How far to I have to go before I have to pick a direction at the fork in the road?"
@GuyChurchward LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Jeff Frick
"I have an absolute world class management team"
@GuyChurchward LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Bert Latamore
The problem is not the clients -- they know where they want to go -- or the tech. It's the team that gets too comfortable with what they have been doing. U need to shake things up -- #GuyChurchward on #theCUBE f/ #EMCworld
Jeff Frick
"(in proper photography)... spend all the money on the lenses, not the body"
@GuyChurchward LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Jeff Frick
"What you get from Xtrem will transform your data center"
@GuyChurchward LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Jeff Frick
"Meta Data, Meta Data, Meta Date, you have to know what's going on"
@GuyChurchward LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Jeff Frick
"Customers want to buy outcomes"
@GuyChurchward LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
John Furrier
. @BertLatamore Guy Churchward was a great interview
John Furrier
Guy Churchward just teased out a cool search feature in his group.
Jeff Frick
John W Thompson, CEO of Virtual Instruments @virtual_inst &
Chairman of the Board, @Microsoft.
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Jeff Frick
"The inevitable movement to the cloud will drive opportunity for us"
John W Thompson
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Jeff Frick
"Entire infrastructure has become more and more opaque "
John W Thompson
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
John Furrier
Stu asked a great question on Veritas
John Furrier
. @stu asked John Thompson the security question. Right on Stu
Jeff Frick
"One upon a time, security was about protecting the device. Now it's more about protecting the workload"
John W Thompson
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Jeff Frick
"My belief is that companies like @Illumio will get closer to the workload, and the data that is most critical"
John W Thompson
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Jeff Frick
A portable policy management system that can move with the workloads. In a cloud world, no workload lives in only one place -
John W Thompson
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Jeff Frick
"It's never simply about the numbers. Numbers are important, but in reality, its about having a team that rallies around a leader, with a vision, about how they'll change the world"
John W Thompson
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Jeff Frick
"Core competencies matter, leveraging core strengths matter"
John W Thompson
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Jeff Frick
"It was an incredibly exhilarating experience
(going through the Microsoft CEO search process)"
John W Thompson
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Jeff Frick
"(@Microsoft) needed a true technology visionary.
I'm really proud of what @SatyaNadella has done"
John W Thompson
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Jeff Frick
"We believe that every large enterprise will have some, if not all of their work, in the cloud"
John W Thompson
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Jeff Frick
"For anyone who has a great idea, there is a lot of capital out there to support those ideas. Socialize your thought, then go get money to support & back that thought"
John W Thompson
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Live.SiliconANGLE.tv #TechAthlete
Bert Latamore
VMware CMO Robin Matlock live now on #theCUBE from #EMCworld. Watch & join the conversation at https://www.crowdcha...
Bert Latamore
OneCloud lets customers manage & secure all their multiple clouds as one.VMware CMO Robin Matlock on #theCUBE from #EMCworld.
Jeff Frick
"From our Customer's perspective, what adds value, what makes their life easier, more productive"
@RMatlock f/ @VMware f/ #EMCworld
#EMC $EMC #WomenInTech
Bert Latamore
Want to enable containers in a secure manner and help customers get the value from their investments -- Robin Mtlock on #theCUBE from #EMCworld.
Jeff Frick
"It boils down to how people want to consume their applications, and they want them in a variety of ways"
@RMatlock f/ @VMware f/ #EMCworld
#EMC $EMC #WomenInTech
Jeff Frick
"It's about customer value. That's what we care about, that's what we deliver."
@RMatlock on #theCUBE f/ @VMware f/ #EMCworld
#EMC $EMC #WomenInTech
Jeff Frick
"We're disrupting on so many fronts, but all of those fronts are working together."
@RMatlock on #theCUBE f/ @VMware f/ #EMCworld
#EMC $EMC #WomenInTech
Bert Latamore
EMC ETD President CJ Desai @cj_desai live now on #theCUBE from #EMCworld with SiliconAngle Media CEO John @Furrier and Wikibon Co-Founder Dave Vellante @dvellante. Watch & join the conversation at https://www.crowdcha...
Bert Latamore
Project Copperhead is an open source version of ViPR Controller, announced today, says CJ Desai on #theCUBE from #EMCworld.
John Furrier
EMC not known to have active community that is changing with #devops sold out developer event here; tons of potential for CJ and his team; huge oppty to double down on that
John Furrier
. @BertLatamore @cj_desai has great opportunity lots of tech in his toolshed at EMC; opening up is key
John Furrier
EMC ships first open source Vipr controller and ScaleIO nice for developers
Bert Latamore
You can download Copperhead for free. If you want EMC to support it for you you need to pay a maintenance fee to EMC. CJ Desai @cj_desai on #theCUBE from #EMCworld.
John Furrier
. @BertLatamore CJ is great leader and impressive he's a geek totally
Bert Latamore
DSSD is a very high performance server-attached share storage (what Wikibon CTo David Floyer calls FaME http://premium.wikib...) EMC will deliver this quarter. #theCUBE from #EMCworld
Bert Latamore
DSSD is the next step in performance, minimizing network lags between the server and storage.
Bert Latamore
EMC ETD President CJ Desai @cj_desai and Hortonworks CEO Rob Bearden live now on #theCUBE from #EMCworld. Watch & join the conversation at https://www.crowdcha...
Bert Latamore
Our goal has always been to do everything through the Apache platform and be 100% Open Source but bring enterprise rigor to the platform," Rob Bearden on #theCUBE from #EMCworld.
Bert Latamore
When we ask customers what are you doing in analytics one thing we hear is IT believes the demand for Big data is coming from the business units which standardize on Hortonworks -- CJ Desai on #theCUBE from #EMCworld.
Bert Latamore
Isolon brings security, scale-out hardware & customers don't have another stand-alone data island -- CJ Desai on #theCUBE from #EMCworld.
Bert Latamore
@Jon_Siegal VP product marketing, & @Peter_Smalls, sr director, product marketing, Core Technologies, EMC live now on #theCUBE from #EMCworld. Watch & join the conversation at https://www.crowdcha...
Jeff Frick
"We're investing to make sure there is always a path to the cloud"
@Jon_Siegal & @Peter_Smalls
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Jeff Frick
"You can't do a 4 hour keynote
(or a 4 hour #theCUBE interview)"
@Jon_Siegal & @Peter_Smalls
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Jeff Frick
"It's about leveraging the trusted data services from VMAX & extending them out"
@Jon_Siegal & @Peter_Smalls
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld
Jeff Frick
"Free the software from the hardware"
@Jon_Siegal & @Peter_Smalls
LIVE on #theCUBE f/ #EMCWorld