Axel Streichardt146
What are concrete benefits of running virtualized HANA ? Over 60% cost avoidance by using existing hardware
Henrik Wagner
EMC IT talked about entire BPC on HANA project only took 2 1/2 months from start to Prod!!
Axel Streichardt
Out of the box 99.9% availability with VMware HA
Christoph Streubert
I am a big fan of snapshots for Hana because it allows you roll back after an unsuccessful patch install. Huge headache until now
Axel Streichardt
live migration (vMotion) of 512GB virtual Hana instance in under 10min
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
EMC IT had data retrieval activities improvements greater than 400% running BPC on Virtualized #HANA
Christoph Streubert
Also Hana service providers need virtualized hana
Jeremy Wonson
Virtualizing #SAPHANA allows Service Providers the flexibility, scalability and efficiency they need to provide a profitable HEC offering to their clients.
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
For more details on the benefits #EMC IT has gained running Virtualized SAP HANA, please read:
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
Some folks thought there would be issues with Performance when Virtualizing SAP HANA - are there? I hear no.
Jeremy Wonson
If @matthewtheurer is near his twitter, maybe he can tell us why virtualizing #SAPHANA is important to @Virtustream ?
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
In fact, SAP Ken Tsai says, "We're happy to say that in the tests we have seen, by and large if the customer follows the deployment guidance – one single VM in the preconfigured and certified appliance – the performance is very close to the bare metal..."
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
@sylvie75015 He follows that up by saying,"The performance tradeoff is not significant."
John Furrier
@CStreubert snapshots will change big time with #DSSD and virtualization
Jeremy Wonson
Considering the improvements #SAPHANA delivers - reports generated 300x faster - would you really notice if your reporting was 270x faster instead because of virtualization? :-)
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
Here's a consolidation of some of the content with several links to blogs about Virtualized #HANA
Going Big: EMC Acquires DSSD//SAP & VMware Support Virtualized HANA
Exciting news this week at EMC World (#EMCWorld) for the SAP Ecosystem! First, EMC acquires DSSD, Extending Flash Storage Leadership, which should prove promising for EMC and SAP's long-standing ...
Exciting news this week at EMC World (#EMCWorld) for the SAP Ecosystem! First, EMC acquires DSSD, Extending Flash Storage Leadership, which should prove promising for EMC and SAP's long-standing ...
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
You can follow the EMC IT SAP HANA deployment @PutitonHANA for some real-time thoughts, advice, best-practices, and have questions answered! In real-time of course! @ReidTechBoston
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
@virtualwonton EMC IT Says, "By implementing a storage-based replication strategy to support zero data loss Disaster Recovery solutions, we foresee further management of costs with a reduced compute footprint in the DR instances".
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
EMC IT's @ReidTechBOS says, "We have increased capacity of #SAP #HANA 5X without growing headcount, are experiencing 99.9% uptime, can deploy new SAP HANA instances in minutes and are realizing significant OPEX and CAPEX reductions." What's better?
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
You can follow the #EMC IT #SAP #HANA deployment @PutitonHANA for some real-time thoughts, advice, best-practices, and have questions answered! In real-time of course! @ReidTechBOS
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
Welcome @ReidTechBos - What does the future hold for #EMC IT and Virtualized #SAP #HANA - especially now with SAP's support, not to mention the EMC Data Protection support for all HANA deployments!
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
And what benefits to you expect from expanding Suite on #HANA for CRM?
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
@ReidTechBOS What benefits do you expect from expansion? Customers are asking about ROI - sounds like you are getting them.
Bill Reid
Would be all about performance for Enabling our Sales Organization. Has to perform at the speed of business!
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
@ReidTechBOS #EMC Data Domain provides the backup for #SAP Landscape - tell us about that. Benefits of Data Protection - critical strategy. @DanTheBackupMan
Bill Reid
Log Volumes, Data Volumes, Config Files have to be in synch and protects, #DataDomain core component to protect all 3 for restore point.
Bill Reid
Also can be scheduled or done via Ad Hoc to provide Check Point / Restore Prior to patching.
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
Bob Goldsand & Bill Reid - EMC World 2014 - theCUBE
Bob Goldsand, VMware, and Bill Reid, EMC IT, with Steve Kenniston, at EMC World 2014 @thecube #emcworld
Bob Goldsand, VMware, and Bill Reid, EMC IT, with Steve Kenniston, at EMC World 2014 @thecube #emcworld
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
@henrikwagner73 and @it360eu talking #EMCElect & #SAPMentors collaboration & joint engagement on #theCube
Sylvie Otten (Sollod
Phil Loewen & Henrik Wagner - EMC World 2014 - theCUBE
Phil Loewen, Fritz & Macziol Group, and Henrik Wagner, EMC, SAP,with Jeff Frick at EMC World 2014 @thecube #emcworld
Phil Loewen, Fritz & Macziol Group, and Henrik Wagner, EMC, SAP,with Jeff Frick at EMC World 2014 @thecube #emcworld