
7/11 TechTalk Soundbites
CSCers join our TechTalk around CSC Ingenuity Worx, our new challenge-driven innovation program.
   10 years ago
#csctechtalk6/26 TechTalk SoundbitesCSCers join our TechTalk around CSC in Open Source
   10 years ago
#csctechtalk7/24 TechTalk SoundbitesCSCers join us as we discuss CSC's Integrated Technology Portfolio progress and next steps.
Chris Fangmann
One more day I'd like to have a rapid ideation - all ideas published, one hour to defend in public via CrowdChat and 5 minutes for final voting :-)
Soren Helsted
speed ideation - I like that :-)
Chris Fangmann
@sorenhelsted we do this in a small club I am a member of - one meeting, everybody can throw in ideas and we vote directly after a 5-10 minute discussion - usually works out
Vivek Singh
I like ideation process - however the key is execution! There needs to be close business interlink..
Soren Helsted
often the best ideas come quickly - and the best results from combining them afterwards
Chris Fangmann
@sorenhelsted ...and then comes executing on those....the real fun part :-)
Chris Fangmann
@singhvivek73 ah - two minds one thought...
Rich Reba
really cool idea
Chris Fangmann
OK - there seems to be a lot of acceptance of that - I'm in for setting this up if guys here assist
Soren Helsted
should be used instead of "brainstorming" in a closed room
Soren Helsted
lets institutionalise
Chris Fangmann
@sorenhelsted No - let's just do it :-)
Vivek Singh
Whats the road map to take Ingenuity Worx ideas to real world problems, I would be very keen to participate and contribute?
Chris Fangmann
Vivek - see the thread below
Jerry Overton
Information about how to engage can be found in C3: "Ingenuity Worx Pilot"
Chris Fangmann
and of course - if you want to get involved, just get involved -)
and the two challenges already posted are "real world" problems - but I guess that depends on your definition!
Vivek, there are two specific challenges we are asking you to provide solutions for. The Ingenuity Worx portal is open to all CSC employees. All you need to do is engage. Simple as that.
Lisa Braun
On the C3 page you'll see the link to Idea Central where Ingenuity Worx is housed (behind global pass): https://csc.idea-cen...
Vivek Singh
Thank you for your feedback, I did review the two specific challenges posted on the portal and I think its too broad a challenge to evaluate and action in my humble opinion. My suggestion would be to drill down and perhaps that may be the plan..
Chris Fangmann
Jerry, can you elaborate on current participation for the two pilots and also on real life vs. expectations?
Jerry Overton
First, go to the Idea Central platform to see the ideas submitted so far...
Jerry Overton
There are lots of ways to participate: submit an idea, join forces with someone's idea, or just put in your 2 cents.
Jerry Overton
Participation has been very good so far, but I'd like to encourage more collaboration...
Jerry Overton
For many of the ideas, I posted comments on how to improve the ideas by collaborating with others. I hope the innovators take it to heart.
Chris Fangmann
OK - I need to admit I still owe my two cents - but promise to do better next week (or this weekend after #fifa2014 is over)
Brian Wallace
@JerryAOverton Agree, synergistic building off other people's ideas should outperform individual's working on their own
Jerry Overton
Awesome. Looking forward to it. It doesn't have to be elaborate, just what ever you care to contribute.
Lisa Braun
Jerry has given lots of suggestions in the comments on Idea Central for how folks might combine their ideas with others submissions--deeper collaboration. So that's another way to participate: review and comment and build on others' ideas.
Jerry Overton
Finally, I recommend helping current innovators make connections with others that might be able to help their idea. If you know someone who might be interested in enhancing the idea, let 'em know.
one interesting dilema is managing an "idea competition" vs a collaborative ideation platform - we need to figure how to balance the best of both
Brian Wallace
@phowarth001 Well said Paul...we seem focused on competition but there's a lot of support for a hybrid approach
Rick Wilhelm
@JerryAOverton Yes... better yet, if you know someone who *should* be helping to enhance the idea, encourage them to participate.
Who do you believe are the right people across CSC to help us evaluate the ideas?
Soren Helsted
In general people with opinions and people who know the technology and the business domain. And then we should have the odd ones who can give the wild comments.
Carl Kinson
It would be good to have a representation of Clients in this, to encourage participation, but also develop ideas that will impact the client.
Chris Fangmann
everybody - there's no perspective we should miss - everybody can add value if willing to do so
Chris Fangmann
@ckinson and in next step have the clients evaluate ideas we have for their business
Brian Wallace
Who evaluates may need to vary by challenge. The more general the problem "pattern", the broader the pool of stakeholders obviously
Doug Neal
seems to me a key step is to combine and synthesize multiple ideas not just evaluate them individually – so it is important to cast the widely for people to participate in the process, including people outside of CSC
Carl Kinson
@ChrisFangmann agree, the value here to me is driving innovation with our clients, and giving them a mechanism to develop their ideas through a technology partner like CSC/
Rangarajan Sundara
@gblnetwkr maybe we need to figure out the team that will synthesize multiple ideas
Chris Wiesinger
@gblnetwkr agree. We need to open the conversation.
Chris Fangmann
@ckinson ...maybe we should run an ideation event to find out whom to include in future ideations....
and even an ideation event to help shape the challenges we need to tackle and prioritise (including clients as appropriate)
Chris Fangmann
We're talking a lot about customer engagement - shouldn't we also get our Partners into this game?
Soren Helsted
Clients, partners, competitors, open innovation = anybody with a voice
absolutely - some of our partners already run external challenge events - we could co-host something, invite them into an internal challenge etc
Chris Fangmann
@sorenhelsted Thank you - I know we're always on the same page :-)
Peter Rosenberg
Only if the Offering Management or OM (aka The CSC Design Framework) can engulf these - otherwise we may have to challenge OM.
Chris Fangmann
@rosenbrot Peter - then we challenge OM - we need to engage with customers & partners on every single layer
Doug Neal
in our work on co-creation a big theme is the creation of engagement platforms, especially ones that take advantage of digital – duplication at no cost, shareable globally in an instant, and scalable to billions
Carl Kinson
Imagine the day when multiple clients, partners and CSC come together around idea, which not only solves the client problem, improves product development in our partners and increases sales and puts CSC on the Innovative map.
Chris Fangmann
We actually had this (f2f meetings) with one large client already - client presenting business issues to a group of selected partners (all competitive) - not sending out RfPs also helps our clients
Doug Neal
we think the new generation of virtual reality tech will let us create engagement platforms that gives a feel of real making prototyping much faster. Facebook's purchase of Oculus for $2 billion & Google's cardboard are just the start