
7/24 TechTalk Soundbites
CSCers join us as we discuss CSC's Integrated Technology Portfolio progress and next steps.
   10 years ago
#csctechtalk7/11 TechTalk SoundbitesCSCers join our TechTalk around CSC Ingenuity Worx, our new challenge-driven innovation program.
   10 years ago
#csctechtalk8/14 TechTalk SoundbitesCSCers join us as we discuss the secret sauce that is the Leading Edge Forum.
Chris Wiesinger
Our story comes across as (appropriately) technology-focused, but is perhaps missing a thread on the softer skills and sensibilities required to help us (and our clients) cope with rapid change.
Chris Fangmann
In this session - yes; In general I'd challenge you on this - I'd say we're of course not where we want to be (as always) but we're definitely on the right path combining industry & process expertise with technology excellence
Sue Cronizer
Completely agree with you there. Where's the industry cut, the "business problem" perspective.
Chris Wiesinger
@ChrisFangmann Where can we review our "soft" story? Because the soft stuff is actually the hardest of all.
Chris Fangmann
Getting to the right skills is also part of Tech Transformation - we can always chat about that - just reach out sometime next week if you like
Chris Fangmann
(and this includes the "soft" story)
Rich Reba
Right, this brief was focused on the "right side" of the diagram, the "left side" of the diagram (People + Process) where we actually execute the transformation is also a CSC strength - we'll need to focus on that in a future brief
Soren Helsted
but most of the skills we focus on are still the hard ones.. I agree soft skills and culture is the toughest to transform
Ernesto Diaz
@scronizer ...Part of this effect can be achieve by Applying Challenger Approach...
this is what the LEF calls the double deep employee - with the technical knowledge and the business insights and how to craete the vison/art of the possible
Soren Helsted
@phowarth001 we need double-deep skills but they can still be hard-hard
it's where I think we will need to differentiate as more and more commodity content needs to be applied in innovative ways
Soren Helsted
agree, thats where you get a competitive advantage using commodity
Arthur Liu
Great point. From a daily work perspective, I am seeing more demands from our AGMs and CREs for industry pain points and business driver discussions about their clients, as a result of our new Sales Enablement initiative
Chris Fangmann
@ArthurLiu9 the answer is double-deep again - explain our clients how our new technology approach supports increase of business - not just relief of pain
Sue Cronizer
This is exactly where the marriage of CSC's tech capability and the sales organization needs to be more integrated. There's still such a disconnect between both sides of the house. There needs to be a fusion taking place.
Soren Helsted
@scronizer agree, we need to make sure we bring our technology innovations to the clients and thats through the sales org
Rick Wilhelm
@scronizer Agreed... we also need to include the industry/vertical perspective.
Martin Lee
@scronizer A fusion is definitely needed, there should be more cross pollination between the two areas to get things better aligned.
Martin Lee
@rickwilhelm @scronizer Agreed, industry/vertical needs to be part of the fusion alignment as well
Henry Singer
Oracle is pushing their Engineered Solution - M6-32 SuperCluster with Infiniband and Exadata. How do we square Oracles approach with the low cost infrastructure presented by Rich?
Rich Reba
one of the other elements in "big red diagram" infrastructure is Transactional Converged Infrastructure - there is still a key need for converged infra in transactional systems - but because of web scale disruption we focused our brief there
Henry Singer
@richrebajr Horses for courses I presume
Rick Wilhelm
Not sure we need to reconcile... they have quite different design centers and philosophies.
Graham Chastney
diversity in the infrastructure is still going to be an issue, particularly with vendors wanting to own the whole stack like Oracle. Ultimately I don't think that the engineered system approach will work out for Oracle.
Ernesto Diaz
I think this point can be expanded as what are the business scenarios where a appliance-based solution might apply... Regulated Industries (i.e Utilities) with critical billing cycles could be a niche....
Rich Reba
What can we do to accelerate advances in our integrated technology portfolio for ourselves, our clients, and our partners?
Chris Fangmann
As stated in earlier chats: We're getting a real lot better in including our partners, but we're (in my view) still a bit short in onboarding our clients during shape/creation phase of our offerings
Soren Helsted
@ChrisFangmann co-X is important. collaborate, co-innovate, co-create - work together as virtual teams with partners and clients and engage
Soren Helsted
and we talked about soft earlier - I think we are talking about a culture change in certain parts of the organisation. We are working with people and that is difficult.
Ernesto Diaz
I believe being use-case/process driven, specifically by next-gen deals and leads pursuing...
Rick Wilhelm
transparency and sharing accelerates advances - whether internally, with clients, or partners
Chris Fangmann
@ernestoldiaz Yes, Ernesto - if we keep the "re-usable platform" approach in mind and engage our clients, partners and ourselves on business scenario driven solutions we get there
Martin Lee
As @scronizer noted in comment to a thread below, there needs to be a fusion between tech and sales, and as @rickwilhelm then added, with a verticalized viewpoint. I also think that our Client Zero strategy is helping with this as well.
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
Thanks to all who joined us today! Some good, thoughtful discussion and commentary. And special thanks to our speakers, @rrebajr and @jpetrassi. Catch the hangout replay here and keep it going:
July 24th Tech Talk Soundbites: CSC's Integrated Technology Portfolio - Google+
+CSC Integrated Technology Portfolio is the cornerstone of our technology and "Next Gen" go-to-market transformation. Understanding this blueprint will be fundamental to our roles, skills development and strategic direction in the near future as we d...
Soren Helsted
as always a blast!
Chris Fangmann
Thanks for organizing - always a pleasure :-)
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
Thanks goes to @phowarth001 and @richrebajr and @jpetrassi --each becoming super adept at these hangouts and #crowdchats!
Chris Fangmann
@richrebajr You are just making an extremely important point: DevOps is about a mindset and culture, a lot less about technology. How do we ensure implementation across @CSC ? I'd say this is a point where e.g. for internal support Customer 0 is not there
Abhishek Khandelwal, PMP
I am totally with you on this, we should have a plan or a vision which could be shared on how we want to implement DevOps across @CSC
Soren Helsted
I have had talks with both GIS and GBS in my region about training plans for this FY - and have told both to understand what the "others" do and go talk more to them
Rich Reba
connect with @rickwelhelm and Kristie Grinnell - they are leading the charge in work stream 6c (Lean Delivery)
Chris Fangmann
Lead by example, pick team members who'll take your example and have followers in our company. #JDI
Ernesto Diaz
Very good reference: The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win
Rick Wilhelm
@richrebajr Yes... working on both DevOps and Lean Delivery (w/ Kristie)
Chris Fangmann
@rickwilhelm are you available for a quick call next week? Would like to discuss Thread B with you
Rick Wilhelm
This week likely better... ping me.
Doug Neal
We expect that the arrival of “good enough” immersion like Oculus Rift, Kinect v2, and google cardboard will let us build experience labs that let us try things without the cost and delay of physical systems. This will expedite effective co-creation
Chris Fangmann
and (oculus being an example) add in all the great inexpensive, creative startups we all have access to - crowd ideation, crowd creation, crowd funding
Doug Neal
Consider also the 3D libraries that we can build on such as https://3dwarehouse....
Doug Neal
There is big benefit to operating in the digital world: easy copying, easy transmission, and easy scaling
Rick Wilhelm
well... Oculus is MORE than good enough for me. :-)
The thrust to cloud-based apps reminds me of the days of the mainframe - the endpoint has merely changed from a TN3270 to some sort of browser on some sort of device. Of course the endpoint still needs to be present.
Chris Fangmann
At this level you are right - over some decades we moved from terminal/mainframe to client/server and now to mobile/cloud. Challenges are (amongst others) amount & speed of data, always online, fast analytics, cybersecurity....
Rick Wilhelm
Certainly both use a shared platform... one big difference is the 'scale out' capabilities of cloud-based platforms