Chris Wiesinger23
Our story comes across as (appropriately) technology-focused, but is perhaps missing a thread on the softer skills and sensibilities required to help us (and our clients) cope with rapid change.
Chris Fangmann
In this session - yes; In general I'd challenge you on this - I'd say we're of course not where we want to be (as always) but we're definitely on the right path combining industry & process expertise with technology excellence
Sue Cronizer
Completely agree with you there. Where's the industry cut, the "business problem" perspective.
Chris Wiesinger
@ChrisFangmann Where can we review our "soft" story? Because the soft stuff is actually the hardest of all.
Chris Fangmann
Getting to the right skills is also part of Tech Transformation - we can always chat about that - just reach out sometime next week if you like
Chris Fangmann
(and this includes the "soft" story)
Rich Reba
Right, this brief was focused on the "right side" of the diagram, the "left side" of the diagram (People + Process) where we actually execute the transformation is also a CSC strength - we'll need to focus on that in a future brief
Soren Helsted
but most of the skills we focus on are still the hard ones.. I agree soft skills and culture is the toughest to transform
Ernesto Diaz
@scronizer ...Part of this effect can be achieve by Applying Challenger Approach...
this is what the LEF calls the double deep employee - with the technical knowledge and the business insights and how to craete the vison/art of the possible
Soren Helsted
@phowarth001 we need double-deep skills but they can still be hard-hard
it's where I think we will need to differentiate as more and more commodity content needs to be applied in innovative ways
Soren Helsted
agree, thats where you get a competitive advantage using commodity
Arthur Liu
Great point. From a daily work perspective, I am seeing more demands from our AGMs and CREs for industry pain points and business driver discussions about their clients, as a result of our new Sales Enablement initiative
Chris Fangmann
@ArthurLiu9 the answer is double-deep again - explain our clients how our new technology approach supports increase of business - not just relief of pain
Sue Cronizer
This is exactly where the marriage of CSC's tech capability and the sales organization needs to be more integrated. There's still such a disconnect between both sides of the house. There needs to be a fusion taking place.
Soren Helsted
@scronizer agree, we need to make sure we bring our technology innovations to the clients and thats through the sales org
Rick Wilhelm
@scronizer Agreed... we also need to include the industry/vertical perspective.
Martin Lee
@scronizer A fusion is definitely needed, there should be more cross pollination between the two areas to get things better aligned.
Martin Lee
@rickwilhelm @scronizer Agreed, industry/vertical needs to be part of the fusion alignment as well