
   2 years ago
#eWeekChatBuilding Your AI DeploymentJOIN US: Discuss best practices for building Your AI Deployment.
   2 years ago
#eWeekChatChallenges in Data Analytics JOIN US: Discuss issues and challenges in data analytics.
James Maguire
Q3. What tech sector will be the biggest overall winner in 2023?
Holland Barry
A3 – AI/ML wins again, specifically anticipating a wave of innovations built on top of advances in NLP and text-to-anything models.
Scott Castle
@JamesMaguire A3: (1/3) Based on what @Sisense is seeing with its customers in terms of new value creation and user engagement overall, I’m looking closely at healthtech, and separately, in logistics. #eWEEKChat


Mike Zagorsek
A3. With continued pressure to manage costs in an uncertain market, companies will accelerate their use of automation to further streamline costs. AI will play a big role in this, in particular in the service industry, where staffing challenges persist.
Robert Blumofe
A3: In 2023 cyber security will continue to be top of mind for the C-Suite, and the winners will be those vendors who can go beyond point solutions and provide broad and effective protection in the form of suites and platforms. #eWEEKChat
carter busse
A3: Automation will be the biggest winner. Modern cloud architecture & integration allows us to do more with less. Which is good, since our research shows that 39% of IT leaders say they're expected to get more done with fewer resources.
Scott Castle
A3: (2/3) In both cases, we’re seeing vendors in those spaces evolving rapidly, adding a lot of new data-enabled technologies to differentiate, and expanding their user footprints as they reach outside their typical user departments and into related orgs #eweekchat
Brandon Gleklen
A3: Generative AI is the easy answer, but it's the right one. Most interesting thing to see will be where the value primarily accrues: in incumbents who incorporate into generative AI into their offerings, or new startups that build from first principles.
Peter Mattis
We're going to start to see AI and ML eat the tech world, though I suspect that we're only going to see this as a trend, not complete domination until a few years further out.
Robert Blumofe
A3: If 2023 is the year we see super potent phishing powered by Generative AI, then maybe 2023 is also the year we start adopting authenticated email (and other forms of messaging), at least in the corporate context. #eWEEKChat
Scott Castle
A3: (3/3) like operations and finance. #eWEEKChat
Trent Fierro
A3. security (again!) – Continues to be a primary concern for organizations. Remote work, access control, more #cloud services & growing use of #IoT creates challenges not easily solved by a single solution
Luis Villa
(A3) boring relative to new hotness like AI, but it’s going to be the same as it has been for several years running: security, particularly in cloud. Every cloud player is going to have to announce initiatives in open source package-level security work.
James Maguire
@trentf_ca Security is ALWAYS a hot sector.
Justine Crosby
A3: AI/ML, computer vision, and digital twin will all push the boundaries for automation. #eWEEKChat
Trent Fierro
@hollandcbarry Security with built-in #AI is something I'm constantly asked for now
Ben Baker
A3. Anything GREEN. It's cool to be cool. Expect to hear a lot more about immersion cooling, power efficiency, and the power of AI/ML to better manage servers and surrounding infrastructure. #SustainableNetworking
Tim Callan
A3: Security continues to be massively important. New threats are evolving all the time, but the old threats never go away. Our footprint, complexity, and breadth of environments only goes up. All this means additional risk and need to address it.
A3. NFT's will be used for more practical purposes now that the value of digital monkey's are decreasing. They will be used to bolster the security industry to identify individuals
Mike Zagorsek
@RobertBlumofe -- Generative AI for nefarious uses is a sobering prospect.
Peter Mattis
A3: Renewable energy tech is a bit off the radar for many of us, but it continues a relentless climb which is astonishing even the experts. Remember that energy is what powers all our other endeavors, and making it clean ensures we have a nice world to live in.
Justin Emerson
A3: Security will continue to get more budget. With the geopolitical environment turning more antagonistic, more focus will be on securing critical infrastructure: both government owned and privately owned.
Holland Barry
@Trentf_CA Hearing this a lot too
Steven Mih
A3: The Open Data Lakehouse market will see much more adoption, especially by leveraging open source. As the market further chooses open options for table formats, compute engines and interfaces, the Lakehouse version of the LAMP stack will emerge.
Ryan Worobel
A3: again, the winner is tools that support a thinner workforce such as AIOps and #monitoring. Companies can't worry about uptime while trying to be more strategic with less people to do it.


A#: or energy via the #nuclearfusion break through that was recently announced (fingers crossed)
Ben Baker
A3. A lot of Security talk here. Can't disagree. And the line between networking and security will continue to blur. There’s no other way forward. If you’re gonna connect something to the network you have to secure it.
Trent Fierro
@carterbusse We're betting on AI & automation. It should get interesting in the coming years
Ben Baker
@datanerdjake Ha, would take care of our energy concerns, but I'm not holding my breath.
Peter Mattis
@timcallan It is interesting to consider how something like ChatGPT can both improve security (pointing out vulnerabilities in code) and open up new vectors (bespoke phishing attacks).
Ryan Worobel
@datanerdjake separating NFTs and Block chain from currency should give those technologies a new life
@Benaroni a boy can dream
Ben Baker
@rjworobel Yep, labor shortages and skills shortages are only getting worse.
@rjworobel agreed, applying them to applications with tangible utility seems like a natural evolution
Ram Chakravarti
@crosby_justine Digital Twins applicable across multiple industries - quite interested in adoption stats in next 2 years
Ben Baker
@hollandcbarry AI is eating the world. . . and this chat.
Chris Ehrlich
A3: Data management to support ML models and AI training and a greater commitment to realizing department-level business analytics.
James Maguire
Q4. Running second to this big winner, what’s another key trend on the upswing in 2023?
carter busse
A4: Running 2nd to automation as a 2023 trend is AI + Automation together to improve operational efficiency. Impacting everything from security ops, IT ops, Cust Ops,....
Holland Barry
A4 – Multi-hybrid cloud adoption, recalibration of cloud workloads with cost optimization being top priority.
Trent Fierro
A4. #Sustainability will impact the tech sector in a big way in 2023 as everyone adapts to economic pressures, new regulations & general #climate change concerns
Robert Blumofe
A4: 2023 could be the year when most people first experience the inability to do something important in the physical world because of something that happened in the cyber. #eWEEKChat
Scott Castle
A4: (1/2) Using data to improve manufacturing processes and find efficiencies. For years this has been a niche use case, but now we’re seeing all sorts of applications from using data from CMMs and PLCs to tune factory lines to #eWEEKChat
Scott Castle
@JamesMaguireA4: (2/2) using collections of IOT sensors to optimize aging of bourbon. It’s leading to a lot of interesting applications of classifiers and clustering techniques, and there’s a lot of interest in getting the ‘so what’ insights out to line workers and factory floors
Luis Villa
(A4) ML’s switch from “we did cool demos” to “we’re actually shipping products”—going to be very exciting, but also very challenging from a legal/regulatory perspective.
Robert Blumofe
A4: We've all seen the headlines, for example, a hospital shut down because of a cyber attack, but most of us have yet to be impacted directly. Unfortunately, that's going to change. #eWEEKChat
Justin Emerson
A4: ESG and Sustainability specifically will enter more buying conversations. Especially power consumption - related to my prior answer, energy prices being so volatile will start making power utilization a consideration in risk factors.


Mike Zagorsek
A4. I put generative AI in this category (vs a winner in 2023). It's still a mostly trend and I'm not sure we'll see lasting monetization of it yet in 2023. Happy to be wrong of course, as I'm excited about it.
James Maguire
@luis_in_brief We'll need Explainability, among other things.
Robert Blumofe
@luis_in_brief Exactly. Not just cool demos anymore.
Brandon Gleklen
A4: Big year for vendor consolidation as a way to cut costs and simplify resources needed to support tools and technology.
Ram Chakravarti
A4: Extensive technology-enabled #automation will also become even more pervasive, leading to “hyperautomation,” or the continuous integration of automation into business operations.
James Maguire
@Mizago But certainly generative AI is inevitable, right?
Peter Mattis
@hollandcbarry Agreed. Multi and hybrid cloud are coming up increasing frequently in my world. Public cloud looks unlikely to win every workload.
Justine Crosby
A. US battery investment will kickstart EV production – a boom for localized battery manufacturing. #eWEEKChat
Trent Fierro
@dscottcastle #IoT is interesting. We're offering connectivity that doesn't require overlay devices, more stuff to manage and more expense...
Tim Callan
@dscottcastle Who can complain about using digital processes to create better bourbon? This is the killer app we've all been looking for. :)
Steven Mih
A4: Public cloud providers will make huge investments into open source software, and make more contributions back to the community. More like going on the “offensive” by contributing to open source more aggressively and even donating their own projects.
@Trentf_CA I wonder if the looming recession actually hurts sustainability initiatives, that is the ones that cannot be tied to profits
Ben Baker
A4. I'll add to the AI. . .Conversational interfaces and virtual assistants for netops teams. Several virtual assistants have come to market, but enterprises and network operators (and vendors) have been slow to adopt. #NetOps
Robert Blumofe
@petermattis A reconning with the hyperscalers is coming.
Mike Zagorsek
@JamesMaguire I believe it is, mainly because it can be used to make tools to increase human efficiency. We're addicted to that sort of thing.


Ryan Worobel
A4: Rationalization of tech landscape. Companies went all in on tech purchases during Covid and now there are complicated landscapes. I see a rationalization as a key to efficiencies.


Ben Baker
@petermattis #hybrid cloud. Dare I say repatriation of workloads in some cases.
Robert Blumofe
@datanerdjake It's a good question. I sure hope not.
Ryan Worobel
A4: 2 of 2 - efficiencies both for tech processes and business processes


Tim Callan
@RobertBlumofe A4: A friend recently told me a story about trying to go lunch in a local restaurant and being turned away because the computers were down. They had food, staff, water, power, and tables. But the computers were down so they couldn't serve food.
Robert Blumofe
@crosby_justine Better yet, something other than lithium.
Trent Fierro
@TimCallan Hope they don't waste time on Buffalo Trace. - jk
Ben Baker
@petermattis The future is hybrid, but not in that applications will dynamically move from on-prem to cloud & back. Applications that are not cloud-native but that are still needed likely stay where they are. New applications will be built with a specific hosting location in mind
Luis Villa
Yeah, I’ve written some about explainability on my open+ML blog; it’s going to be very necessary and a hot micro-trend itself: https://www.openml.fyi/transparency-and-other-rule...
Transparency and other rules / 2022-11-21
Transparency and other rules / 2022-11-21
RAIL adoption; observations on “release early, release often” in ML; and a micro-essay on transparency.
Robert Blumofe
@TimCallan We're all going to have experiences like that.
Peter Mattis
@Benaroni I suspect we might see some repatriation of workloads, though that will remain marginal. There is a really enormous number of enterprise workloads that are still in private data centers.
Trent Fierro
The trick is getting customer to track the value once they start using AI. It's not always cut and dry
Tim Callan
@RobertBlumofe A4: I agree with you. Just getting my hair cut is an extremely digital experience. A person with scissors and a chair, and it all depends on the IT systems to operate.
Chris Ehrlich
A4: Manufacturers will push the Internet of Things (IoT) a leap forward to advance automation and the front-line data demanded for business intelligence and end user AI.
