DevOps Enterprise Summit47

First question: If you’ve attended online conferences post-COVID, what has been the best/worst moments of them?

Jeff Gallimore
The best moments have certainly been when I've had the chance to interact and have discussions and talk live with the other attendees.

I love that the audience doesn't have to "queue up" to ask questions. Asynchronous question / answer via chat applications makes the experience much more inclusive and dynamic.

Jeffrey Fredrick
I attended a conference that made good use of breakout rooms to have small group discussion.

James Head
I'm ready for something beyond just "remote working" now !

Gene Kim
One of the big questions that I wanted to have a good answer for was: should we have live talks or pre-recorded talks — after two months of research, the answer we arrived at really surprised me.

John Furrier
The events look like it's software from 1997 or it's new and it crashes; too much distraction from the main content and people

Ann Marie Fred
For me, the worst part is that my kids at home distract me from the conference.

Sasha Rosenbaum @ 🏡 ∞
Worst: watching the first 5 seconds of my pre-recorded video repeat 10 times :-0

Guille Martínez
For me the best is the possibility to attend multiple sessions from the sofa

Sam Guckenheimer
My favorite session was Scott Hanselman and Friends at Build, because he managed to include so many colleagues in so many settings. It was authentic. My least favorite have been several talking head webinars.

Jeff Gallimore
@SamGuckenheimer It doesn't surprise me that Scott Hanselman pulled off a great session. He's a terrific human.

Gene Kim
Worst: watching people try to get their audio working for 5m — I've learned that the technical risks of live presentations are many. 😂

John Furrier
@RealGeneKim I feel like it's cool and important to have a "live window" and lots of pre-recorded sessions for async consumption we did tracks for Dockercon.com

siliconANGLE - Extracting the signal from the noise.
siliconANGLE - Extracting the signal from the noise.

Craig Cook
Worst: having the chat window live next to the video screen, very distracting. No way to pause or hide the stream.

John Furrier
@CraigCookIT That's what twitch does and youtube

Jeffrey Fredrick
It is also great that now more conferences have videos sharing the conference by default!
David Cherryhomes
Best: being able to view/attend a lot more conferences than previously possible (due to travel & time needed). Worst: network congestion making video/audio very inconsistent / terrible to experience

Thomas Limoncelli 6k
I attended DevOpsDays-NYC which was probably the last live DOD before the lockdowns. Everyone was awesome about first-bumping (not shaking hands), etc. It felt a bit goofy, now we realize it probably saved many lives.

Ken Mugrage
The best is the fact that it's much easier to tune in only for a session or two I care a lot about. Unfortunately that's also the worst. I find myself not learning totally new things in the same way.