
Realize your digital future
#DellEMCForum is back with 65+ events! Chat with our keynote speakers & event team & get a preview!
   8 years ago
#DellEMCForumLet the transformation begin!Join the #DellEMCForum community to discuss what #digitaltransformation means to you
   7 years ago
#DellEMCForumRealize your digital future!#DellEMCForum is back! Chat with our speakers & event team to get a sneak preview!
Dell Technologies Forum
What can you learn at #DellEMCForum? Let’s start by discussing the theme – Realize your Digital Future. We have a few of our keynote speakers here. What does this mean to you?

Rodrigo Gazzaneo
Realize your digital future is a great message. #DigitalTransformation is upon us all.
Dell Technologies Forum
@aaronchaisson @GCatDell Realize your Digital Future! This is a universal theme and #digitaltransformation is a global phenomenon, isn't it?
Tammy Bui
What is digital transformation about? #DellEMCForum
Dell Technologies Forum
Technology innovation is advancing at an exponential rate, powering a new era of digital transformation. Yet most IT leaders say their transformation initiatives are still emerging or evolving. There is LOTS to learn!
Gaurav Chand
digital transformation is about combining the power of AI/ machine learning with software development to enhance revenue generation or improve customer experience or transform industries
Linda Christensen
With the world rapidly moving to a digital state, what will our universe be like? How much data will we create? Can we manage it all?!
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
@SocialTammyBui technology changed the rules of the market and customer expectations
Aaron Chaisson
@dellemcforum organizations are changing how they engage with their customers, delivering more value in real time.
Gaurav Chand
interestingly enough 90% of the data created from inception has been in the last few years. u can imagine how that is going to accelerate in the future
Linda Christensen
And what about the workplace? How does this change the way companies and their employees expect to work?
Fabiola Sebastiany
Everything is evolving and changing faster and faster, we need to get prepared and take advantage of opportunities coming with new economy
Dell Technologies Forum
At the events, we don't just talk about #DigitalTransformation, of course. The agenda covers 4 critical imperatives facing IT leaders today. Let's have a look..
Tammy Bui
Wow - sounds like #digitaltransformation is making a huge impact across industries of all kinds. Thanks for sharing @GCatDell and @vGazza #DellEMCForum
Gaurav Chand
we can manage it all, however, it is going to require a completely different mindset. Something that will be discussed in detailed at the forums
Dell Technologies Forum
Digital transformation: You can learn how to drive new business outcomes with agile software, IoT and analytics
Dell Technologies Forum
We also have a track on IT transformation, for you to explore the latest platforms, converged systems and cloud technologies
Aaron Chaisson
workers work any place any time on any device. We must deliver rich user experiences while delivering the security framework to protect business interests.
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
@SocialTammyBui the winners of the 21st century will be those organizations open to self disruption
Dell Technologies Forum
Ah yes, that would also fall under our 3rd agenda topic at #DellEMCForum: #workforcetransformation
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
so #digitaltransformation is the goal, but other business aspects also need to evolve
Dell Technologies Forum
Last but not least #Security transformation, because businesses have to tackle the constantly evolving threat landscape.
Dell Technologies Forum
Question to our event organizers on this chat: Will there be “silent sessions” again as breakout sessions?
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
4 transformations while running the business! Sounds like a big challenge!
Aaron Chaisson
in today's always connected world, perimeter security is no longer enough. Bigger walls, deeper moats and more alligators don't cut it ... behavioral analytics is critical.
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
@GCatDell new mindset indeed. Technology is the easy part. People and process are always harder.
Gaurav Chand
great point about technology being part of the puzzle. Culture which includes both people and processes is a crucial element too. Imagine a world in which every company will have to get into software development. imagine the cultural shift
Linda Christensen
@vGazza Indeed...people are the most important part.
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
@GCatDell you know what they say: culture eats strategy for breakfast.
Dell Technologies Forum
@GCatDell @aaronchaisson A huge cultural shift for society, businesses and employees. News skills are needed and we aim to share that important knowledge at our events.
@AaronChaisson So true about workplace transformation – employee expectations are changing as the workplace transitions from a location-based environment to an activity-based one
Linda Christensen
That cultural shift is key....while we still have need to be front runners, we can't leave our employees behind. Mobile is a great new addition in the digital transformation, but it brings with it a host of new considerations.
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
@costa_ricardo it's the digital "desintermediation" that adds value, in the words of @schmarzo
Dean of Big Data
Sorry that I missed the crowdchat. Nothing more important today to business than how to leverage #dataanalytics and #DataScience to power your #DigitalTransformation
Dell Technologies Forum
@schmarzo Will we be able to see you in action at a #DellEMCForum this autumn?
Linda Christensen
@schmarzo Agree! With the incredible amounts of data that technology and human progress are creating, #dataanalytics will be key to understanding the VALUE of all that data. Using it to improve society and advance business will be key, too.
Linda Christensen
@costa_ricardo Agree also, but how does B2B move out of its traditional domain (Boring to Boring) and get with IT and move to the compelling?
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
@lchristens it's natural the evolution of the bz model driven by digital transformation IMHO
Dell Technologies Forum
Welcome to the #DellEMCForum Crowdchat! A warm welcome to our hosts @Lchristens @GCatDell and @John_A_Clifford . We’ll give you a preview of our global event series. Is this your first time on a Crowdchat?

Dell Technologies Forum
A bit of housekeeping: Please always REPLY to the top post. This makes the discussion thread easier to read
Fabiola Sebastiany
yes, first time on a Crowdchat, curious to know more about the events!
Dell Technologies Forum
We also have @aaronchaisson here! @GCatDell @john_a_clifford and Aaron are all keynote speakers at our events. More on that later. :)
Gaurav Chand
Welcome all and thanks for joining us today
Dell Technologies Forum
You can retweet and also vote on other's posts here. On the right, you will see the live stream, i.e. the latest posts on top.
Dell Technologies Forum
@dellemcforum I am excited for #DellEMCForum first crowd chat of the event series!
Linda Christensen
So happy to be speaking to everyone about Dell EMC Forums again!
Dell Technologies Forum
Please note that #DellEMCForum gets appended automatically to all posts.
We have 1 hour for the live chat, but we will keep the chat open for 24 afterwards.
Aaron Chaisson
@dellemcforum We are looking forward to a great Dell EMC Forum season.
Dell Technologies Forum
Glad you can join us. I will start the first discussion topic in a moment.
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
@AaronChaisson tis the season for the forums!
Linda Christensen
Hello, @GCatDell and @aaronchaisson . Aaron, I know your team has been working hard on the session content for our event series.
Linda Christensen
@vGazza nice to see you back here also.
Linda Christensen
over 65 events in cities all around the world. Often delivered in local language. What more could you want from a local Digital Transformation discussion? Experts, of course! And we bring those to Forum every year.
Linda Christensen
But I am really excited about the rich agenda and the enhanced Solutions Expo experience this year.
Linda Christensen
Many of the agendas will feature keynote plus 4-5 tracks including Digital, IT, Workforce, and Security Transformation topics. We often have over 300-500 and as many as 1000+ attending depending on city.
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
@lchristens the @DellEMCLatam team has a couple of big ones on the calendar!
Fabiola Sebastiany
@vGazza Mexico coming soon: August, 24th!
Gaurav Chand
i will be one of the keynote speakers in Mexico. Looking forward to it
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
@FSebastiany I am excited about this one! @DellEMCMX team knows how to run a show!
Linda Christensen
Latin America always has terrific turnout and their social activities are terrific, too. they have the "silent" breakout sessions...are you familiar with them?
Gaurav Chand
I will also be in India for two events, Warsaw and Buenos Aires. FUN!
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
@GCatDell that's fantastic! Thanks for supporting Latin America, always in my heart!
Linda Christensen
India events are always well attended also.
Linda Christensen
Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
@lchristens I saw the "silent" breakouts last year, worked great!
Fabiola Sebastiany
@GCatDell for sure, we are looking forward to hear you in Mexico and Buenos Aires
Dell Technologies Forum
Refresh your screen, there's a topic about WHERE you can find Forums this year. :)
Linda Christensen
yes! 5 stages all in same big area with noise cancelling headsets to hear the specific speakers. Great opportunity to see everything and be where the action is.
Tammy Bui
Looking forward to the hearing the keynote speakers and attending the breakout sessions! Whooo!
Linda Christensen
@GCatDell @aaronchaisson as keynote speakers, why do you like attending these events?
Rodrigo Gazzaneo
@lchristens just click the channel button and you got it!
Gaurav Chand
i love to hear from customers directly so that we can talk to them about the transformations and shape our future solutions roadmaps based on their pain points
Suhela Dighe
This is my 5th year supporting the global social media programme around #DellEMCForum. Helped me become and stay a #DellEMCElect.