IT Infrastructure CrowdChat
Discussion around IT infrastructure solutions in the Cognitive Era
   7 years ago
#ILEADITModern InfrastructureDiscussion around Enterprise Technology
IBM Systems
That’s all folks! Reg for #IBMinterconnect and cont the IT infra discussions. Be an IT hero:
IBM InterConnect 2017
Tap into the most advanced cloud technology in the market today at IBM InterConnect 2017, March 19–23 in Las Vegas.
Major Hayden
Thanks for putting this together. It was fun! :)
Steven Dickens
great chat, thanks @RyanBares for looping me in...
IBM Systems
Q7: Give an example of the power of open technologies
Steven Dickens
Blockchain for me, a real disruptor... @IBMSystems
Major Hayden
I may be a bit biased, but my favorite example at the moment is @openstack. Anyone can have a cloud of any size and change the way their cloud is built.
Mark D'Cunha
A7: Linux is a clear example of how open technologies get broader adoption at lower cost @IBMSystems
Andrew Hay
I'll go back to my old friend the REST API...the bringer of integration and lacker of documentation :)
Steven Dickens
Blockchain will disrupt many industries, diamond distribution with #Everledger for instance @IBMSystems
Andrew Hay
in all seriousness cloud, containers, virtualization, linux...all disrupters
Steven Dickens
@majorhayden agree #OpenStack is making waves, just worry its losing momentum
Major Hayden
It's also an amazing feeling to find a bug and be able to fix it yourself. There's no need to open support tickets, wait for product releases, etc.
Steven Dickens
@andrewsmhay containers is a must for Cloud....
luca sangiorgi
Linux first of all
Major Hayden
@IBMPowerSystems Oh, I'd certainly be remiss if I forgot about OpenPOWER and OpenCAPI. ;)
Steven Dickens
IBM donating mainframe code to #github shows how even big blue can adapt @IBMSystems
IBM Power Systems
@majorhayden Thanks for the shoutout, Major! 👍
Steven Dickens
The @openmfproject is working on #blockchain and #openstack projects as a community @IBMSystems
A C Freeman
@StevenDickens3 it will be quite interesting to see the way #blockchain disrupts
IBM Systems
Q4: What does collaborative innovation mean to IT leaders?
Andrew Hay
working with your vendors, partners, peers in the org to come to the optimum 'fit'
Steven Dickens
IT execs absolutely must leverage collaborative development @IBMSystems
Mark D'Cunha
A4: Break down silos to get engineers, designers and SMEs to create new lines of business @IBMSystems
Major Hayden
It's not just the IT department on an island any longer. If marketing or finance wants real time data, they must become part of the innovation.
Steven Dickens
Clients have to partake in initiatives such a Linux Foundation Collaborative Projects @IBMSystems
luca sangiorgi
in one word: OpenPOWER foundation
Steven Dickens
In 3 words Open Mainframe Project @IBMSystems
Major Hayden
@StevenDickens3 This is a big one. Simply using open source applications can help, but if you're not getting involved in those communities in some way, you're getting half the benefit you could be getting.
John Furrier
collborative is code word for "digital transformation"
Steven Dickens
@furrier hi John, good to talk. Completely agree
luca sangiorgi
collaboration is the only way to create innovation, one company alone can't no more bring so much innovation like a community
Steven Dickens
Channels like Slack and Discourse are vital developer tools @IBMSystems
Steven Dickens
@sangioluca surely that OpenPOWER Foundation is 2 words, #justsaying
IBM Systems
Q3: Name an obstacle your data faces in the cognitive era
Ryan Bares
Data security is an obstacle @IBMSystems
Major Hayden
We need new ways to access data. The volume of data is one thing, but keeping it structured in a useful format is something else entirely. Cognitive tech is worthless if the data is difficult to access.
Andrew Hay
where the data is located, its sensitivity, who has access to it, its age, how much it changes...the list goes on :)
Mark D'Cunha
A3: Data has to be moved to where it is most useful: if that's the cloud and the data is large, there will be blood! @IBMSystems
Major Hayden
@RyanBares Always. The CIA triad always finds a way to get wedged into any decisions. ;)
Steven Dickens
@RyanBares always, Security must be top of mind
Steven Dickens
Cloud and security are not natural bed fellows, @IBMSystems
Devoreaux Walton
Managing the growth and volume of data, it's always increasing! @IBMSystems
Andrew Hay
becoming "data aware" is the first step towards any plans to make sense of data
Major Hayden
@StevenDickens3 Haha, not naturally, but they can be made to work together well. ;)
Matt Crigger
backup and access
luca sangiorgi
security but also semantic data, to let the machines understand what they are doing and what they can do
Steven Dickens
@andrewsmhay couldn't agree more. As data sensitivity is vital then it drives platform choices as well as consumption models
Mark D'Cunha
Good data that is left to age rather than leveraged, will rot. @IBMSystems
Steven Dickens
For me a big obstacle is that cloud = x86 for most C-Suite execs @IBMSystems
Andrew Hay
@mdcunha data is not like wine, it does not get better with age
IBM Systems
Q6: Why do open technologies matter for collaborative innovation?
Major Hayden
Collaborating on proprietary software isn't easy. Open source software and open technologies level the playing field within a company and between companies.
Andrew Hay
a closed ecosystem prevents collaborative innovation from ever starting. A walled garden approach does not foster collaboration - especially between technologies...
Mark D'Cunha
A6: Building on the shoulders of giants is a huge competitive advantage @IBMSystems
Steven Dickens
Has to be open and meritocracy driven innovation for it to drive the right behaviours @IBMSystems
Steven Dickens
@mdcunha couldn't agree more, its a community = volume of developers
Major Hayden
Open technologies help companies understand more use cases. Products have wider applications and more buyers.
luca sangiorgi
becuase so you are interoperable and avoid vendor lock-in
Steven Dickens
For me its speed + quality only open source drives that at the required pace @IBMSystems