Eulus Garza15
Every corner in the datacenter has been turned into "commodity" components, IBM can't provide this level for POWER, can we expect a change in near future ?
David Spurway
Well, how would you define commodity?
Check out the OpenPOWER servers and Scale Out Power Servers - they excel in the data center and the compute price is much lower than x86
David Spurway
Major players, like Google, see the benefit of performance and openness, having ported the majority of their software stack to POWER to avoid dependence on commodity Intel, which was no longer delivering all they needed.
Ben Spode
I'd contest this point - if a commodity approach is preferred, one way IBM address this is with the Power8 LC Linux servers - fast to price in stock and can be ordered online - and > bang for buck versus x86+Linux - if you want to go that way - you can
David Spurway
Thanks Ben! Quite right! The open cooperation with OpenPOWER is making big waves!
#Innovation and the data centre http://openpowerfoun...