
Disaster Recovery
How Will Regulatory Changes Impact Disaster Recovery?
   11 years ago
#CSCTownHallApplications ManagementHow do you reduce costs without sacrificing agility, reliability or security in applications?
   11 years ago
#CSCTownHallCybersecurity for RetailIn recent weeks, several major retail chains have announced security breaches.
DXC Technology
Why are governments so interested in regulating business continuity and disaster recovery?
John Furrier
It is clear that gov't wants to ensure privacy protection or data protection. For optics (or PR reasons) and for trying to figure out what the hell to do bc this is so early
John Furrier
70 days ago @digitalities asked B. Lee this
B. Lee #ict2013eu what governments can do to stimulate demand: data protection regulation, consumer education, easier corporate merge
2 months ago
John Furrier
Love that line from Al he says " the number one goal of the insurance company is NOT to pay you" so right on Al Berman who headed the global practice at Marsh Mclennan
DXC Technology
Will market forces in disaster recovery drive regulation, or will regulation for disaster recovery drive the market?
John Furrier
@georgevhulme says
My interviews ell me DR is driven for a short time following significant event, but mostly by regs and partner/customer demand #csctownhall
22 minutes ago
John Furrier
One market force that puts a wrinkle into the regulation equation is the speed of technology changes with respect to virtualization. I don't want gov't regulation a "moving train" -- Can panelist comment on this?
John Furrier
Market forces do drive response over regulation says Tim Mathews. Events of the day drive it and event get more complicated and directly impact value chains..this will force business practice impacts says Tim.
John Furrier
Business will do what's good for business and the government rarely can keep up with business says Al Berman.. he is so right on!!
DXC Technology
The live stream is available on at
John Furrier
Dan Hushon @danhushon did a good interview at Oracle #oow
DXC Technology
"Regulations protect you against negligence, you're looking at the negligence threshold." says Al Berman president of @DRI_Intl
DXC Technology
@GC_Camarena Raising understanding of DR at an organization to the level of complexity of the systems involved is where the focus should be
DXC Technology
Can any of the speakers give an example of a regulation, either by industry or gov't, that has contributed to resiliency? #CSCTownHall
9 minutes ago
DXC Technology
What role do market forces, client demand and insurance premiums play in shaping business continuity?
DXC Technology
We are joined by @ALBermanTweet @ETSresearch and @DRI_Intl
John Furrier
I like this guy @albermantweet he's on it