
Applications Management
How do you reduce costs without sacrificing agility, reliability or security in applications?
   11 years ago
#CSCTownHallDisaster RecoveryHow Will Regulatory Changes Impact Disaster Recovery?
DXC Technology
How does Apps modernization fit into a customer's decision on a sourcing strategy?
Dan Hushon
apps modernization is about freeing the information and supporting new ways of interacting. Customers are looking to use information for better decisions, information is still a key enterprise asset... they need to unlock the value potential
John Furrier
I think that this is huge - modernization is happening across the board not just apps.. up and down the stack from physical plant to virtual apps
Dan Hushon
providers must be able to demonstrate an understanding of old world, new world, and the transformational process across that discontinuity. they must help to define the business value of the modernization.
Crowd Captain John Martoglio mentioned agility earlier wrt to devops etc an that is the key.. CSC buying Servicemesh is a home run.. orchestration is a big differentiator in the delivery of modern services if you believe the IT environment is a Operation Sys
Torrey McMahon
Where is eTES for my iphone? (No, seriously ...)
Dan Hushon first things first, where's the common SAML/XACML/REST interfaces from most legacy application vendors.
sat ananth
Iterative Portfolio Strategization & Status Retention Strategies are key IMO
John Furrier
can you elaborate on what is status retention strategies ??
sat ananth Cross device app status & process position capabilities
Dan Hushon ah.. so state management techniques to support device agnostic and proper web scale?
Dan Hushon
OH: "are you courageous enough to be a VC"... it is all about portfolio, but managing a portfolio takes courage and constant care and feeding
Crowd Captain there are hunters and farmers - always has been the case same for VC..
John Furrier best VCs build a "plantation" to farm the land while the top partners are hunters for "unicorns and black swans"
Dan Hushon yes, and a good VC is ruthless in their pruning and grafting, but with enough vision to create the synergies
sat ananth FOCUS, FOCUS & FOCUS , the day is not far when the CIO is the CEO
Chris Fangmann
I'd hate to put efforts into a strategy to retain status
sat ananth Could you explain that a bit?
Chris Fangmann @sat13734 this was not tech related...
DXC Technology
What do you see for the future of applications?
Chris Fangmann
Trend to Evergreen?
John Furrier do you mean from a code standpoint for functionality or both?
Crowd Captain
I am seeing the movement from static configurations, applications, and solutions (silos etc) to a fully connected &dynamic infrastructure/applications and user does this mega trend impact #CIO
John Furrier
Diana Billingham talks about capturing savings from legacy states but innovating on new ground in apps.. imo this is the consumerization of not just IT but "Business"
Dan Hushon
apps = Continuous Improvement & Delivery on top of a cloud that has same properties
lewis richards
Consumerization of the Enterprise will increasingly shape the future of Applications, demand will shift
lewis richards
Context aware portfolio, api driven, mobile first
Nick Panayi
CrowdChat seems like a great tool for discussion during our live Townhall today. We are testing it for the first time so sign in and give it a try.
Crowd Captain
thanks for using Crowdchat. Couple of reminders all posts (tweets) in this app stay here within the transcript and get sent to public timeline on the hashtag. For tweets not posted here you can drag n drop from the right side bar
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
It is! It's fast and fun and I think it will continue to draw more people to collaborate.
John Furrier hi @heatherscsc happy new year great to chat today
Dan Hushon
okay, I'm here!
Crowd Captain
I've opened the video in another window but commenting in the CrowdChat as best practice
Pete Wood
This is a great system for collaboration and communication! :-)
Chris Fangmann
hmm....try to reply to "level 3" (i.e. reply to reply to reply) - not working
CrowdChat hey thanks for feedback, intentionally removed 3rd branch to avoid long threads like reddit. But if many users want it we would bring it back. Also this is similar to Facebook fan pages
Chris Fangmann @CrowdSpotsOrg Got you. Prob a personal thing....
John Furrier
Question for Panel: Is DevOps a reality in the enterprise cloud or is DevOps just outlier for the AWS, Facebooks, Google, etc.. Is DevOps just CloudOps in the enterprise
Dan Hushon
totally real #DevOps culture is beginning to permeate Enterprise, but it's a culture/people problem first imo.
John Furrier we love devops and are excited by openstack
Crowd Captain
John Martoglio is answering - he mentions "agile" as key aspect - nice
Crowd Captain
John Martoglio systems of innovation, differentiation face customers & employees which makes business relevant so faster enterprises get changes to market is critical to value - that's where devops comes in to play - very important for enterprise
Crowd Captain
gr8 conversation here @CSC @furrier Narayanan Viswanathan says devops is critical to the enterprise in delivering new services
John Furrier
My take away: 1) IT is seeing massive call to arms for moderization at a scale never seen b4 bigger than Y2k, ecommerce; 2) Devops is changing the game bc speed to value, agility, realtime, consumerization is here; 3) next 2yrs will chg faster than 10yrs
Chris Fangmann
Excellent summary!
sat ananth
So a quick calculation on the investment versus growth of global economy needed to push that through and make it worthwhile? Or do we have a technologists blinkers on?
John Furrier
One thing that I'm following deeply is the impact of the "connected consumer" or "connected user" - so new data from machines, apps, humans are converging to give us new insights which can be integrated into dev systems #intoxicating at many levels
lewis richards
manifesting itself in new wearable technology you only have to look at the all the augmented products on show right now @CES only going to explode further
John Furrier totally right on. that is why big data is huge because two major forces are at play here up and down the stack: 1) dynamic vs static and 2) unification vs silo'd... similar to my chat with @sat13734 in the other thread re: unbundling resource)
Chris Fangmann
And now add cross-industry data evaluation from all these sources to create new businesses
John Furrier data data data -top three trends in 2014 :-)
sat ananth @Furrier OH it is about the science and not the data!
lewis richards
we live in a world where Elon Musk is Tony Stark and has his own space craft and Tv Shows like Person of Interest and Intelligence have product roadmaps in them for M2M and big data usage
John Furrier
The days of big IT development is over - the future is stitching these little apps together.. getting services working together (integration) for end to end processes is the new normal - cough cough sounds like an operating system where is orchestration
John Furrier
the above quote came from Raj Ramaswamy
Global Applications Engagement Manager at CSC
lewis richards
Apps refactor and change to become encapsulated, abstracted, addressable and connected.
Dan Hushon
overheard: are future apps washing machines or cats?
Dan Hushon
washing machines break and are repaired, biologic systems are built to self maintain
Torrey McMahon
There are also cat washing machines.
John Furrier
anything with cats is a winner on the internet
sat ananth
Prefer Dogs - They follow you around, can sense your mood and provide appropriate therapy!
DXC Technology
The concept of a Global Delivery Network is about the right talent, in the right place at the right time and at the right price. It's about integrating this global talent. - Narayan Viswanathan, VP and GM of Custom Applications and Expert Services, CSC
John Furrier
this is great point.. this speaks to the reality of our current marketplace- It's about real time putting the right resource in the right place at right time.. this applies to all aspect of the value chain from apps to even social media
sat ananth How do I take the resource constraint out? right solution at the right place at the right time? Resource is more aligned to staff?
John Furrier @sat13734 great question: it's a model shift.. resources have to be addressable and assembled by software not statically defined imho; this is shift in dev practice- hence my thesis that it's a systems game now not just sw engineering #operatingsystem