#IBMOTS: Future of Open Tech
A preview of the Open Technology Summit at IBM InterConnect.
   9 years ago
#IBMOTSOpen Technology Summit PreviewA discussion on trends and topics in open technology.
   8 years ago
#IBMOTS#IBMOTS: Love & the Open CloudAn ode to open tech and a preview of the Open Technology Summit at IBM InterConnect.
IBM Cloud
What are some of the keys to an effective and successful open technology foundation?
John Furrier
robust communities and transparent governance is key; doing things in the open allows for more democratic solutions; meritocrisy
Brian Gracely
dominant leadership and contribution early in the project's lifecycle
Susan Malaika
does foundation mean platform or organization?
IBM Cloud
@sumalaika We're referring here to organizations (i.e. Linux Foundation, #OpenStack Foundation, Cloud Foundry Foundation, etc.)
Tony Tam
You need lots of contributors, and not just from the founding company
John Mertic
@furrier Agreed on all of that. I would also add engaged and committer members, as well as clear focus, goals, and mission.
John Furrier
vetting the trolls is alway a major to do item
Susan Malaika
Common Goals and enthusiastic participants
IBM Cloud
@fehguy But you also want the *right* contributors in addition to volume, correct?
John Mertic
@fehguy Building on that, you need those contributors to have a keen eye for inclusion of new ideas and diverse members.
Bert Belder
get as many users as you can to become contributors.
Tony Tam
separation between the governing aspect and technical work is not optional
Tony Tam
definitely. A consensus-driven project looks like mud if there aren't strong opinions and the right leaders
Susan Malaika
good infrastructure
John Mertic
Not to advertise, but the crowd should take a look at the Linux Foundation Collaborative Projects ecosystem for some great examples of well run foundations and projects http://collabproject...
Susan Malaika
have a conference or meetups to engage external communities
Bert Belder
@fehguy the people that deal with the administrative side of a foundation are usually not the most technical. People in the community tend to trust hardcore techies better.
Tony Tam
In investigating foundations for @OpenApiSpec there are definitely differences in which ones work best. For us, it was Linux Foundation
John Mertic
@piscisaureus True, but this raises the need for open source minded professionals to get more engaged ( legal, operations, evangelism )
Bert Belder
true thing. In the Node Foundation we have professionals for those things, but there's a watershed that keeps technical decision making in the hands of the developers.
Steven Dickens
@jmertic shameless plug.... but had to be done... good work that man.
Steven Dickens
get involved, get on a mailing list, write code, go to Github and downloads something.... basically get involved....
PJ Hagerty
Open communication, active community interaction and representation, and constant contact with the "ground level" activities of anything open source.
Steven Dickens
how we drive community engagement from those who have a day job is key, some great minds also have to earn a paycheck and feed kids
IBM Cloud
Where do you see the biggest opportunities for open technology to grow and expand?
Susan Malaika
Already there are many (>30) open source big data projects at apache listed here https://projects.apa... - there will be many more
Jesse Proudman
When we stop talking about technology for technologies sake, and we start talking about technology because it's solving real world business pain.
Tony Tam
lots of room to standardize on many of the technologies we're all relying on.
Susan Malaika
More of the big data landscape will become open source see -
Ed Saipetch
@blueboxjesse here's the mic. I picked it up. you dropped it.
John Mertic
@blueboxjesse Still too much disconnect between devs and end users.
Tony Tam
data analytics is an obvious one to improve as @sumalaika said
Tony Tam
paying for data + compute + people for ML is ridiculous for a small co (I know firsthand)
IBM Cloud
@BlueBoxJesse What are some ways to bridge that divide?
Tony Tam
standardizing to some degree on formats, exchanges, etc is very critical.
Ed Saipetch
@benkepes brought up the notion of cross-group KPI's. responsibility usually breeds understanding
Tony Tam
good, well documented apis (i'm biased of course)
Jesse Proudman
It requires a change in perspective from the foundations involved, from the developers, from those prioritizing technology, and from those vendors bringing these offerings to market.
John Mertic
@blueboxjesse And I would add a clear connect to revenue for the business(es) involved.
Susan Malaika
@fehguy and standadizing on shared open data - currently many semantic silos for data
Tony Tam
@sumalaika that's the only way to compete with the big guys' data arsenal
Steven Dickens
IoT will drive such massive scale requirements on back end infrastructures so eating that pan out will be interesting
Steven Dickens
Blockchain is a very exciting area and the Hyperledger Project should be fun to watch develop...
IBM Cloud
Open technology has been permeating IT over the last few years. Why do you think that is?
Tony Tam
Software has been advancing so quickly, it's literally impossible to build everything in-house
Tony Tam
Going open taps into an enormous amount of talent across the world too
Susan Malaika
It is much quicker to make progress through collaboration
Tony Tam
I do believe strongly that open tech is removing the need to build plumbing in software. Now you get to focus on business logic and real value
John Mertic
It creates a "distributed genius" that spans geographies, cultures, and experiences http://www.linuxfoun...
Susan Malaika
there are many more tools that make it is easy to develop open source software like github
Tony Tam
ooh you should trademark "distributed genius", @jmertic
Jesse Proudman
The breadth and depth of Open Source technology being produced and maintained has exploded over the last decade. We're now seeing an abundance and sophistication of Open Source software unlike anything we've ever witnessed.
Tony Tam
way better than "distributed failure"
John Furrier
Open source is mature & a new generation of developers with cloud/mobile/data are taking names and kicking ass with it
John Furrier
Opensource is also the way connected developers have and always want to work; that network effect is propelling opensource to mainstream; also big time efficiencies
Bert Belder
Open technology empowers developers, and by extension, it's users. They can see how the sausage is made and make changes when they need it.
Susan Malaika
@jmertic Be yourself; everyone else is already taken - Oscar Wilde
Tony Tam
@furrier going solo no longer viable
Bert Belder
... not to mention that the community around an open technology often has a broader view and is more reliable than a single vendor.
Steven Dickens
speed of innovation, and disruption of the established vendor crowd...