
Outthink Markets
How do open technologies enable faster development and interoperability with the cloud and Watson?
   9 years ago
#ibminterconnectDevOps: Outthink DeliveryHow do you deliver innovation and start-up performance at enterprise scale?
   9 years ago
#ibminterconnectOutthink BoundariesExcellent customer experiences & innovation starts with open technology & secure mobile environments
IBM InterConnect
Q3 What is your bird’s eye view of cognitive apps and future implications?
Joshua Carr
Predicting when I've had a bad day and making me a hot coco for when I walk through the door.
Tim Crawford
When we can leverage broader uses of #IoT, #Analytics across silos, #cognitive will hit it's stride.
Zach Jory
@Josh_schwaa And now I know what I'm looking forward to in the future
Valerie Lampkin
Cognitive apps can benefit senior citizens by monitoring and learning daily routines. When those routines are disrupted then can take action or alert family or medical personnel
Jeff Goodhue
Personalized treatment at the doctor that remembers and adapts in real time to you and is based on evidence (data) from others like you.
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
Cognitive apps can be used on streaming data sources like Twitter to better sift the wheat from the chaff.
Tim Crawford
For #cognitive, we really need to start thinking big. Really big. The opportunities are massive.
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
i loved the Ignite talk at dev@ last year about the sphero that let's you play with your dog at home while you're at work
Michael Ludden
here's a hundred years worth of case-law history Watson, let me know what I need to know before I meet with this client about X
Joshua Carr
personalized learning for schoolchildren, Homes that become a member of the family, Insurance that knows how you drive, intimate music playlists for everyone. The list is endless!
Matthew J. Paschal
I see cognitive apps and machine learning helping designers by learning repetitive tasks thus freeing up engineers & programmers for more complex innovation
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
Here at the Nat'l University of @Singapore they are applying this idea to disaster response. #Cognitive apps could really enhance value there!
Lawrence Smith
Cognitive apps will appear everywhere faster than anyone will believe. The short term future for Devs is we have a lot of work to do to connect our systems in. For CEO's: If you are not deploying cognitive your core business is at risk.
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
#IoT could use #Cognitive apps to address #Cybersecurity issues through enhanced security control monitoring
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
@Josh_schwaa education doesn't just need more funding but also innovation
Joshua Carr
John Furrier
my view is it's all about the data and integration of that data using cloud an onprem compute/storage/networking
Kulbir Singh
Serving the un-served, just because we will know better
IBM InterConnect
Q1 What is #IBMWatson (and what is it not)? What does Watson mean for developers?
Michael Ludden
so watson is many things. There are groups devoted entirely to Health, IoT and other things - and that's expanding daily. I work on the Watson Developer Cloud, which is the self service suite of APIs and services developers can play with
Tim Crawford
#IBMWatson represents how the combination of intelligence, cognitive and data bring significant value.
Tim Crawford
Those interested in getting started w/ IBM Watson Developer Cloud can go here:
Joshua Carr
What #IBMWatson isn't: something that makes decisions for you. It's presents to best possibilities and helps you make informed decisions yourself.
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
A1 #IBMWatson can help developers accelerate the value of information.
Tim Crawford
@Josh_schwaa There is a whole separate discussion on how business decisions are made, by whom and with what intelligence.
Joshua Carr
Developers can easily (and for free) access really cool API's like speech-to-text, language translation and dalog. #IBMWatson gives you lots of cool directions to take you app, right out of the box
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
@Michael_Ludden what do you say when people ask if you're building Skynet?
Lawrence Smith
#IBMWatson is a new paradigm for problem solving, allowing developers to focus on defining the view or actions expected from the system rather than how it conjures it. Watson is an ecosystem for analytics and collaborative understanding.
Joshua Carr
@theRab Even in the healthcare examples we see with Watson, the doctors decision is final. Skynet (and Manna etc) takes over, Watson Advises.
Tim Crawford
@theRab Yes, we are building Skynet. And that is a good thing as long as it is managed well and used appropriately.
Michael Ludden
@theRab I have a slide for that ;) It's basically a big X over a Terminator face. But seriously the first thing I do is state that watson isn't an omnipresent sentient being, nor is that the intent so no skynet
Kevin L. Jackson - (ISC)2 CCSP, Swansea, UK
A1 Better decisions are driven by having visibility into all the available options. #IBMWatson helps developers present more options
Tim Crawford
@Kevin_Jackson The challenge: There is more data than users can consume. Watson brings sanity to chaos.
Lawrence Smith
@theRab SkyNet is here. DevOps is what controls it. DevOps is the key to secure development and deployment of managed software in Things. If DevOps can't stop it, nothing can.
Michael Ludden
Shameless plug we are running a developer contest at http://watson.devpos... and the winning team gets crazy VR bundles - for best use of Watson, 2 or more combined APIs :)
IBM InterConnect
Q2 How is cognitive being applied across industries? For example, what is Watson doing in the #IoT space?
Zach Jory
For anyone unfamiliar, here's a good overview of #WatsonIoT: http://www.ibmbigdat...
Tim Crawford
#IoT is actually being used in very simple ways with great value. #Cognitive provides the insights to that value.
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
@zjory give us the tweet version :)
Joshua Carr
I saw an example of wearable glasses that were using Watson to help give 'sight' to a blind user, by describing the world around them (including if someone was smiling!)
Lawrence Smith
Three from CES: Pepper the robot. Under Armour for Health Tracking. Medtronics for Diabetes testing.
Zach Jory
@theRab Ha! Watson IoT is unlocking dark and edge data and making it easier for developers to plug into the #IoT
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
I like Robots. I saw an article last week that there are 60+ active projects to bring autonomous robots into industry / military uses.
Michael Ludden
I just did a talk on Watson + Robots = IoT on Mon, & gave an example to illustrate: we're building a "polite candy machine" that will vend sour candy if you ask negatively. Uses Speech to Text, Sentiment Analysis + Adruino board in Python
Tim Crawford
#IoT is still happening in very discrete silos. While that IS valuable, the true value is when we integrate silos.
Joshua Carr
It's easy to bring 'life' into machines by giving them a personality using Watson.
Michael Ludden
@Michael_Ludden generally it's the application of the Watson Developer Services in the IoT space. Here's a partner example for shipping in the real world:
Lawrence Smith
There are Watson Health solutions. Their employee program buys free fitness trackers (FitBits) for participants. http://www.bestdocto... also has a Watson enabled health adviser.
Tim Crawford
Healthcare is a massive opportunity for #IoT, #Cognitive and #analytics. And we haven't even scratched the surface yet.
Michael Ludden
@theRab @josh_schwaa don't worry I'm sure DARPA is way ahead of the private sector on the topic of killer robot regulation (and development)
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
@Michael_Ludden @Josh_schwaa right, and I've seen DARPA project robots first hand (UNLV demo'd HUBO at #ibminsight!)
Kulbir Singh
I think what IBM is doing as partner with Medtronics & Under Armor is surely shaping the path forward for cognitive