
   9 years ago
#ibminterconnectOutthink MarketsHow do open technologies enable faster development and interoperability with the cloud and Watson?
   9 years ago
#IBMInterConnectIBM Interconnect Open ChatShare some data about IBM Interconnect
IBM InterConnect
Q10 Okay let's talk survival. Conference survival. What are your best tips for navigating a big tech event of this size? Teach us the tricks of the trade!
Katie McWilliam
wear comfortable shoes!
Todd Moore
only one trick.. comfortable shoes... I prefer my Cowboy boots.12 miles in one day last year!
Adam Kocoloski
hah! Travel between venues is non-trivial. Reminds me of graph partitioning ...
John Furrier
watch the #VIPInterconnect influencers + keep an eye on the hashtag on Twitter that is the notification of what's happening; and watch @theCUBE broadcasts :-)
Amy Hermes
.@IBMInterConnect: Gotta' point you to a blog on this very topic from @tcrawford "Confessions of a Conference Goer" -->
John Furrier
@tmmoore_1 great way to break in some new boots :-)
John Furrier
I always want to know where the parties are !!!
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
my main thing is bring extra battery chargers! Mophie is your friend!
Robert Patey
.@IBMInterConnect Plan. You will get overwhelmed by the cacophony of sound, noise and excitement. Set your learning schedule and stick to it. Also this NJ boy needs plenty of eye drops for the arid LV climate.
Ruben Orduz
have a bottle of water handy, take short "me time" breaks when possible, be prepared to deal with large crowds.
Jon Hassell
Have a plan, have good shoes, stay hydrated, and network your ass off. :)
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
@amyhermes @tcrawford that is awesome. thanks for sharing!
Marvin Goodman
Let sales reps take you to client dinners. A couple of hours of sounding smart gets you some really great meals, on someone else's expense budget!
IBM InterConnect
we're going to be handing out social guides to navigate what we like to call hashtag soup at the show, drop by The Park on level 2 in mandalay bay convention center
IBM InterConnect
same guide will also be available for browsing online and download with speakers twitter handles and more tips
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
@jghassell this is the best way to not only get things done (new biz) but also my best tip for gaining followers that matter
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
start hydrating and taking airborne tabs 1 week in advance. dry climate and oxygen infused air can be tough on your sinuses!
Annette Celio
Download the IBM Event Mobile App!
IBM InterConnect
Q2 How do you see open technologies helping companies adopt a #hybridcloud model?
Jon Hassell
Being able to receive and put data where it needs to be, and analyze it where it's most convenient, is a key part of a hybrid cloud. Different parts of the hybrid cloud have different capabilities and restrictions. Must understand.
Annette Celio
We can financing IBM Cloud!
Major Hayden
Open technologies give consumers the freedom of choice, and the freedom to improve those technologies themselves.
Tim Crawford
@jghassell Arguably, many w/ closed systems would argue they can do this too. How does open help?
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
IBM’s hybrid vision is based on open technology for interoperability, ease of integration and diverse tooling options - Choice with Flexibility
Stephanie Atkinson
Open usually means costs will be driven down, that is attractive for B2B or B2B2C, #moneytalks
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
For example, @OpenStack is the foundation of IBM’s hybrid cloud fabric, and our PaaS offering @IBMBluemix is based on @CloudFoundry.
Brian Fanzo
It's about deploying solutions today therefore connecting data + mobile + analytics leveraging the cloud is the key and connecting those dots with OPEN API's increases speed and scale!
John Furrier
open technology in software like open source is obvious but open tech in data is not so obvious if data and software are open then hybrid will be the bridge between public and private clouds
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
If you think about the nature of hybrid cloud—an on-prem and off-prem solution—if those infrastructures aren’t both open, it’s going to be much harder to integrate.
Scott Steinberg
This tech gives organizations the ability to share, access, and process data across a variety of contexts, devices and infrastructures - and rapidly ingest and translate it into insights they can use to more rapidly innovate and operate
Ruben Orduz
I think there's two questions conflated into one. One is of open technology adoption by companies and the other is about hybrid cloud adoption by companies. But they are not correlated.
Todd Moore
Almost impossible to find a proprietary product that is all not full of open source. Hard to out innovate the open bits of plumbing.
Adam Kocoloski
open interfaces are a key enabler of portability across platforms
John Furrier
@tmmoore_1 what about open data?
Jon Hassell
@tcrawford Open lets you use the best tool for the job, period. That might be a closed system component, or it may very well be something else. You also have a path to migrate and change as your needs mature or progress.
Stephanie Atkinson
As businesses become #digital #mobilefirst #transformation ; #hybrid cloud technology allows for faster deployment and still maintain control
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
because open technology enables, empowers and accelerates hybrid computing - think about what Apache HTTP did for web application server and e-business.
Linda Demmler
@majorhayden I agree - open technologies offer the freedom and flexibility to build exactly the path needed to move from existing state to transformed state - big bang or in a phased implementation
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
Oh ... and I think we can finance! @kocolosk we love @ibmcloudant
Chris Heuer
the core advantages of open and cloud still apply here - hopefully, will see continued innovation, but the economics of open source still worry me sometimes. when done right, they are more secure and provide more functionality for our need
Sriram Subramanian
this driving of #hybridcloud may not be direct impact of open data tech, but they are one piece of the entire stack
Scott Steinberg
As more operations become virtualized, globalized, decentralized and BYOD, they'll be key to succeeding in the new era of smart, where analytics and data drive increasing succeed and productivity gains
Tim Crawford
How are open solutions better/ worse than closed systems? It has to be more than "choice".
John Furrier
Orchestrating the software and data will be the #devops goal in hybrid; open is best for being agile and flexible
Linda Demmler
@angelluisdiaz IBM can finance ... as well as buy back IT assets that are displaced as part of the transformation
Todd Moore
@furrier Open Data has the same effect of democratization and acceleration
Tim Crawford
@lindademmler I'm sorry...but what does IBM finance have to do this this conversation? Seems a bit out of place.
open technologies allow services to differentiate on QoS and superior management, and provide application builders independence
Linda Demmler
@tcrawford Many clients hesitate on capitalizing on the available technologies because they don't have the capital budgets to fund the new initiatives...financing can help accelerate adoption
IBM InterConnect
Q1 Where are we with open data services today, and where do you see them heading in the open tech space?
John Furrier
I'm trying to figure out what does open data services means. Lots of closed data across platforms
Ruben Orduz
@furrier agreed. we need to define what does open data service means.
Adam Kocoloski
more, not less :) @composeio brings a whole bevy of new open data services to developers
Tim Crawford
The concept of 'data services' and tools are just starting to emerge. Collaboration is key to their development.
Scott Steinberg
Early days lots happening in terms of tools and collabos, just making inroads into communications, health, security contexts
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
IBM just rolled out 25 new services to its Cloud Data Services portfolio, based on open technology, that will allow developers to build/deploy/manage their applications.
Jon Hassell
I think ability to consume data from a variety of platforms &clouds securely = key
Adam Kocoloski
@MassHaste @furrier fair, I read it as "open source data service"
Tim Crawford
Many of the existing, closed tools were based on enterprise data warehouses. So many aspects of that statement have changed.
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
Essentially, open data services are allowing us to, as @BobbieCochrane writes, make data “a first-class citizen.”
Chris Heuer
we are just in the early days, so many still don't even understand it unfortunately. The truth is, it needs a good PR campaign to explain it simply to more people. It needs more concrete examples of how powerful it is for everyone.
Sriram Subramanian
certainly, we're heading to where data is free, but services that act on these data may not be.
Stephanie Atkinson
Agreed Open Data and Open Source can have different definitions depending if you are talking with Developers or Vendors
Tim Crawford
We are still learning how to monetize data. In the meantime, open collaboration helps guide our discussion.
@IBMInterConnect, I am personally exited to see the the announcement of IBM Cloud Data Services officially Open for Data with new portfolio of tools which will rule the next generation of activities.
Dr. Angel Luis Diaz
@stephatkins Yup! Open Data Cloud Services via open source and open APIs is != open data.
Tim Crawford
@angelluisdiaz There is quite a bit of confusion between 'open data' and 'open source'. And how they are/ aren't related.
Linda Demmler
@tcrawford We are learning not only how to monetize the data but how to afford the transformation from current investments to those we need to be making to take advantage of the new class of services
Major Hayden
Data isn't valuable on its own -- we add value by finding correlations and making change.
Chris Heuer
With the proliferation of sensors, and the future of Contextualized Augmented Reality, there is yet another exponential explosion of data on the short term horizon... so much data, but its real value is only available if it is unlocked
Scott Steinberg
Curious to see what happens as we begin to see more inroads into politics, government, and sharing between data scientists - potential applications are endless
Sriram Subramanian
customers care more about the value provided with data than whether its open source or not. The attitude towards how open they are with their data also has changed
Open For Data is so much more than just a set of data services, it is the integration of those services into a platform