Q10 Okay let's talk survival. Conference survival. What are your best tips for navigating a big tech event of this size? Teach us the tricks of the trade!
Katie McWilliam
wear comfortable shoes!
Todd Moore
only one trick.. comfortable shoes... I prefer my Cowboy boots.12 miles in one day last year!
Adam Kocoloski
hah! Travel between venues is non-trivial. Reminds me of graph partitioning ...
John Furrier
watch the #VIPInterconnect influencers + keep an eye on the hashtag on Twitter that is the notification of what's happening; and watch @theCUBE broadcasts :-)
Amy Hermes
.@IBMInterConnect: Gotta' point you to a blog on this very topic from @tcrawford "Confessions of a Conference Goer" --> avoa.co/1MJxsjs
John Furrier
@tmmoore_1 great way to break in some new boots :-)
John Furrier
I always want to know where the parties are !!!
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
@kocolosk LOL yes
Sriram Subramanian
stay hydrated!
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
my main thing is bring extra battery chargers! Mophie is your friend!
Robert Patey
.@IBMInterConnect Plan. You will get overwhelmed by the cacophony of sound, noise and excitement. Set your learning schedule and stick to it. Also this NJ boy needs plenty of eye drops for the arid LV climate.
Ruben Orduz
have a bottle of water handy, take short "me time" breaks when possible, be prepared to deal with large crowds.
Jon Hassell
Have a plan, have good shoes, stay hydrated, and network your ass off. :)
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
@amyhermes @tcrawford that is awesome. thanks for sharing!
Marvin Goodman
Let sales reps take you to client dinners. A couple of hours of sounding smart gets you some really great meals, on someone else's expense budget!
IBM InterConnect
we're going to be handing out social guides to navigate what we like to call hashtag soup at the show, drop by The Park on level 2 in mandalay bay convention center
IBM InterConnect
same guide will also be available for browsing online and download with speakers twitter handles and more tips
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
@jghassell this is the best way to not only get things done (new biz) but also my best tip for gaining followers that matter
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
start hydrating and taking airborne tabs 1 week in advance. dry climate and oxygen infused air can be tough on your sinuses!
Annette Celio
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