Rosalind Radcliffe32

What's your reaction to obtaining dev and test environments being so low. It seems to be real problem within many shops.

Rich Hintz
Solved by Vagrant for the Linux env

Chris Lazzaro
It used to be a problem for us, but now we are doing so much in Bluemix is easy to get new env's up.

Eric Minick
I rad that as a maturity thing. Need decent testing and deployment. Then environment counts become the bottleneck.

Paul Steel
I'm shocked, I would have thought that was going to be big

alan shimel
I think those problems are secondary to people

Eric Minick
@lazzarochris Good point. With cloud platforms providing environments more cheaply, the more advanced are likely already there.

Ian M. Clayton
do you regard QA as outside of test env or fringe?

Bas Pluim
Lack of environments definitely a problem...but that's largely caused by teams not working in tandem

Jayne Groll
I would have thought this would have been resolved by now. Investment in testing is critical.
Mustafa Kapadia
I agree, for our client it is the biggest bottleneck

Rich Hintz
@ianclayton QA is old thinking. It should be integrated in Dev.

Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
every time I've introduced ideas to improve dev/test environment delivery the response has been meh. Ramping up resources to do the work is normally a bigger challenge.
Mustafa Kapadia
and where many start their journet

Paul Steel
@LazzaroChris Bluemix is a great tool, what are the primary parts you are using?

Rosalind Radcliffe
Is it that people have transitioned to more automation. It still seems to be a big problem with Systems of Record

Rich Hintz
Well, as a dev, you can't spin up a replica piod environment on a mainframe

Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
I've found Dev/Test for systems of record are relatively static. I'm in healthcare so that may be a factor. The need for data refresh isn't a consideration.

Sanjeev Sharma
Pop Quiz: If you have a 2 week Sprint, but it takes 3 weeks to get a new test env, how long is your Sprint?

alan shimel
@rjhintz i wonder even in Linux what vagrant usage is % wise?

Daniel Berg
if you move to the cloud it becomes #SelfService

Rosalind Radcliffe
you can spin up a new z system with RD&T , z/OS running on Intel Linux this lets all teams work in the same way.

Ian M. Clayton
@rjhintz ouch QA in Dev - fox in hen house ! I've been a victim of that idea :-) unless u have some form of fire wall

Rich Hintz
@ashimmy Compared to what? How else do you spin up a replica environment?

Daniel Berg
the challenge is knowing that you have a problem once you have deployed a change #ProblemsThatTrulyMatter

Robert Reeves
@sd_architect Ha! Do the same exercise for your Database changes! We had a customer that when from 48hrs per change to 2hrs. Gave 'em back a whole Sprint at the end of the year.

Rich Hintz
@ianclayton firewall equates to silo in my experience.

Sanjeev Sharma
@CTOAdvisor Yes, but environment availability and contention is still an issue

Eric Minick
@ianclayton if Dev also carries the pager, then actual quality starts to matter a whole lot more.

Chris Lazzaro
@LifeOnMobile We run the DevOps Method site on Bluemix: https://www.ibm.com/... - easy to setup multiple instances in diff datacenters

Daniel Berg
Docker, Docker, Docker :)

Rich Hintz
@dancberg Not sure I understand. This would be "solved" by unit and functional test

Keith Townsend - Light will overcome darkness
@sd_architect not in my environment. We have dedicated lanscapes from Sandbox>Prod. Include test, dev, N+1 and QA. If we were under financial pressure that would change.

Tony Bradley
-- Seems like Dev / test environment should be easy with cloud, virtualization and microservices. #IBMInterConnect

Ian M. Clayton
@rjhintz silos = friction of course dev tests - but discrete independent test vital - taco of cost me a divorce is previous life

Chris Lazzaro
@EricMinick Yes, a lot of teams first start trying Cloud just because they have trouble getting VM's from their IT team. IaaS often first, with PaaS soon after.

Rosalind Radcliffe
To use the test environments you need good automated testing, and test data management as well.

Rich Hintz
@ianclayton this seems to be at odds with test driven development

Ian M. Clayton
@rjhintz nope - I'm all for test drive dev... u tagged me on QA being old fashioned - someone has to be responsible for end quality

Rich Hintz
@ianclayton the point is that the aggregate team, what we call loosely devops is responsible for quality

Ian M. Clayton
@rjhintz well that explains the quality of some apps I download, then delete cos of battery drain and resource consumption