IBM InterConnect81
Q1: Why are genuine relationships important when many feel the digital world can make our choices for us (what we buy, when we buy, how we buy based on #IoT and #BigData)?
Tim Crawford
Wait!? Relationships? I thought we were talking tech. ;)
Tamara McCleary
LOL! Funny Tim
Chris Brooker
A1: Simple answer for me. Trust. Personal relationships build that deeper trust than we can have with a machine.
Tim Crawford
A1: Many core business decisions made today involve a personal relationship somewhere in the process.
Amy Hermes
Oh @IBMInterConnect -- where to begin on the value of genuine relationships.... trust & respect is everything!
Ryan Begley
relationships, like most things are a reflection of perception
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
@tcrawford ha ha well they are kinda related, right?
Tim Moran
The tech world makes it so easy to distance yourself from your customer. When something is personalized, it feels genuine. It feels like someone actually cares.
Elizabeth Kvedar
, Relationships encourage you to trust the tech, think about it, how many times have we made a decision based on both the specs and the feedback
Tamara McCleary
All human interaction is based on relationships, whether we consciously see it or not. Companies who can create genuine relationships with customers, even with new tech, will win in the future.
Chris Heuer
A1: @IBMInterConnect In monopoly markets, or many commodity products/services, it's not unfortunately
Tim Crawford
Whether a referral, reference or sounding board, relationships speak volumes.
Scott Hebner
Digital is amplifying the human experience thus the relationships we all have
John Furrier
Human interactions will become more important in the future machine just augment our ability to do things differently.
Amy Hermes
Agree with @timothymoran -- in every B2B transaction, there are people involved in every aspect...
Chris Heuer
A1: REAL Relationships are competitive differentiators (Reciprocal Empathetic Authentic Longlasting)
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
to me, it's all about tech (social, wearable, even data) enhancing the face to face customer experience
Dion Hinchcliffe #AdobeSummit
Human relationships are still the most vital because of the richness, variety, and impact they can have. Digital can go far, but still can't replace people-to-people, and maybe never will.
Ryan Begley
@SLHebner yes, an extension of ourselves and therefore our relationships
Ryan Begley
@peter_ryans steve jobs viewed tech in this way
Amy Hermes
-- plus, when's the last time you actually looked forward to interacting with a machine?
Jeff Frick
@amyhermes > Always good to see Amy on Social! Practices what she preaches
Tamara McCleary
A1b: Even within our organizations, everyone is a customer of one other, thus the power of relationships.
Dion Hinchcliffe #AdobeSummit
@theRab Exactly. Technology can greatly enhance our ability to have more and better human relationships. It can also replace some transactional relationships, but not the meaningful and engaged ones IMO.
Tamara McCleary
@JeffFrick Second that Jeff (on Amy) ;)
Tim Crawford
Relationships are not binary, nor quick. They are complex and take time to develop.
Tamara McCleary
Well said @dhinchcliffe! So true. #Tech used well can create extraordinary relationships.
Tim Crawford
FYI: The Dr. is in. All 6, 8 or so of them.
Scott Hebner
well, i used to have like 10 friends now have thousands ... pretty awesome man .....
John Furrier
there was some great thought leadership today on LinkedIn from Cube alum on the notion of Fast Data
Amy Hermes
The relationships should be at the forefront... how you nurture / deepen them and build trust over time changes... text, DM, twitter, FB, cell, email... etc. etc. etc.
Stuart Miniman
can Watson pass the Turing test? In a world with so many choices, the speeds and feeds aren't enough to allow us to make decisions on what is best for us (our org) - relationships are great context.
John Furrier
Fast Data is about using the data in #IoT to get real time value for user experiences
Tim Moran
@chrisheuer Couldn't agree more, Chris. Any differentiator can be a game changer...
{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
@SLHebner loose connections are the secret sauce of business and relationship IMHO
Brian Katz
A1. You invest your time in people, not products so in the end you are looking for the right people for the job
Jeff Frick
@peter_ryans > Can get a little scary when wearing VR glasses, and thinking about the future. Experience is what happens between the ears, not at the tips of the nerves.