Q3: What has been the best mobile app of 2015 (and why)?

Tim Crawford
According to Apple's list, Periscope is their top app of 2015.

IBM InterConnect
@tcrawford what's on your list?

Brian Fanzo
@tcrawford Yes and that news made me a happy periscoper!

Periscope has eliminated the barriers for people to deliver content. Anyone with a smart phone can participate in the conversation

Brian Fanzo
Periscope the app isn't the magic.... periscope I believe is the vehicle for communication, collaboration & engagement.. the reason I believe it's a game changer because you can't fake it or automate it and you must be real!

Lawrence Smith
Uber. It just works better.

Slack has also been a huge game changer for work communication - no more filling up the inbox!

Tim Crawford
As someone who lives on the road and relies on mobile tech, I'd have to say the Office Apps for iOS.

Meghan M. Biro
@TalentCulture It's community focused

Tim Moran
I'm going in a different direction here. I'll say the mobile browser. So many sites I use have rolled out phenomenal native mobile sites, that I often have no need to use an app! This trend only continues...

{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
one of my favorites remains Instagram but Periscope is new take on familiar use case that has come into it's own I think with the wide availability of quality internet, wifi, broadband

John Furrier
I love snapchat, fb, spotify, and twitter by usage

Jeff Sheehan
Periscope, as it's given everyone the possibility of becoming a media star. @isocialfanz is the master at it!!

Tim Crawford
The Office apps are not new. But in 2015, they improved to a significant degree and quite good!

Brian Fanzo
My top 3 apps... Periscope, Snapchat, Slack --- all three allow for storytelling, engagement, collaboration and community!

Starbucks? Anyone?

Zach Jory
New app I have used most in last few months is definitely square cash app. I think the day is fast approaching when we'll never have to set foot in a bank

@furrier Love snapchat! It's really evolved over the past few years - great way to get news quickly

Matt Morrison
Periscope for sure! Blab is rightr up there too. ROI from those platforms will be more important in 2016

Brian Fanzo
@tcrawford you like office apps better than google apps... i couldn't work without google docs on my iphone... i write 90% of my blogs on my iPhone6plusS

{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
@timothymoran i have to 2nd that - mobile web experiences have really come into their own! i think this is crucial not only for marketing but for retail. look at the up/down trends for black friday this year. shoppers are so saavy now.

Tim Moran
@tcrawford Agree. The Outlook mail app has replaced the stock iOS mail app on my iPhone!

Tim Crawford
My top apps: Office (Word mostly), Tweetbot, Expensify.

{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
@MeghanMBiro ha ha, i resemble that remark

Zach Jory
@iSocialFanz slack is awesome - very powerful collaboration tool for a large organization

Meghan M. Biro
@EileenDSmith Yes! on Starbucks btw

@EileenDSmith Mobile ordering is the way of the future!

Tim Crawford
@iSocialFanz My issue is that I need to work offline and find Google less intuitive than Box and other options for docs.

John Furrier
@TalentCulture I love Amazon Prime Now app

Matt Morrison
@iSocialFanz Yes many run out of original material fast, it's easy to spot the good ones.

Brian Fanzo
@zjory yes the secret sauce with slack IMO is it's a combo of K.I.S.S. with open API integration...

Meghan M. Biro
@iSocialFanz This makes sense - open integration is important

{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
in terms of new or updated apps, i'd say Steller, Medium, Box, Dropbox, Tumblr, Tweetbot, Untappd, Paper, Hipstamatic, Instagram, Gmail, Snapchat is where i spend my time.

Tim Crawford
Second place apps: Box, United, GameChanger

Zach Jory
@iSocialFanz it is stupid easy to use. Even "those colleagues" can figure it out :)

@iSocialFanz @zjory Slack integrations are one of the best parts of the platform.

Matt Morrison
Live Streaming Apps are promising but there needs to be a plan or strategy behind it for it to be useful

Susan Visser
My favourite app is the weather app!

Meghan M. Biro
@tcrawford What's your #1 favorite? If you had to choose...

Tim Crawford
I will say that LinkedIn's mobile app update this past week has significantly improved the usability.

Jeff Sheehan
Evernote is cetainly one at the top of my list.

Tim Crawford
@MeghanMBiro Tough: I'd have to look at what I use most. TweetBot, Word, Box are probably the 1-2-3.

Brian Fanzo
@MattRMorrison key is Trust + Training + Tools in that order & #ThinkLikeAFan my philosophy for providing unique insights... just because it's real-time doesn't mean you don't need a strategy!

{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
it's great to see so many IBMers using Box, Slack and Verse to get work done in 2015 #newwaytowork

Meghan M. Biro
@timothymoran Outlook?

Jeff Sheehan
@iSocialFanz Brian, also, #H2H connectivity for problem resolution. Can't always solve everything w/ out human support. My problems w/ Twitter are GR8 example.

Tim Moran
@MeghanMBiro Yup! I hated all 3rd party mail apps for iOS until the Microsoft Outlook app came along. In my mind, it's a game changer.

{([ Ryan Boyles ])}
@timothymoran yes, the new Apple TV is on my Christmas list. i can't wait to see what TvOS can do!

Lawrence Smith
My Mobile Apps: Sketches, Index Card, Reminders, Dropcam, Keynote/iWork, WordPress, Photos (not by choice), [weather]+, yelp, uber, Flipboard, [news]+, Facebook, Vine, [twitter]+, Inbox, etc.