
After IBM InterConnect
How was your IBM Interconnect experience? What were your favorite moments? What didn't work?
   9 years ago
#ibminterconnectIBM InterConnectHow is your IBM Interconnect 2015 experience? Join the conversation and tell us what you are doing!
   9 years ago
#ibminterconnect2015 Year in ReviewHow has business moved forward with A New Way to Work, A New Way to Build and A New Way to Think?
John Furrier
I had many fav moments #IBMz party; quality of conversations in Go Social lounge; Seeing all the IBM @theCUBE alum & interviewing new people that brought the "signal" form the noise"; Talking to BlueMix team; Seeing the new analytics team rocking esp Inhi
John Furrier
Seeing the Cloud team all getting in alignment Steve Robinson and Nancy Pearson chats about the new ways to do cloud at IBM
John Furrier
more favs moments was meeting the amazing #socialbusiness team who have figured out how to really develop internal and external ways to bring social to a new level
John Furrier
great innovation with @DouglasBalog1 on Power the new open power is really gaining steam
John Furrier
interviewing Sandy Carter and Amber Armstrong on the same day was great then a chat with Bryan Kramer on the last day - social power was rocking
John Furrier
fav moments on the CUBE was Inhi saying she loves shopping wrt buying companies and doing deals
John Furrier
the meme of #DataOcean vs #DataLake emerged as a new conversation point among top execs and geeks; all favor #DataOcean
John Furrier
Seeing the bluemix folks Adam Gunther & Meg Swanson who were beaming with pride but still ready to take on more
John Furrier
the conversation with Mitch Free on Security was fascinating
Ariana Gradow
We sure were swimming in a big #dataocean at #IBMInterconnect :)
Crowd Captain
I had a great time