
Social Authority
Do you have it and how can you measure it?
   9 years ago
#socialauthorityBuilding Social Media HabitsTips & tools for #B2B #SMEs to build habit of participation in #socialmedia
   9 years ago
#socialauthorityKlout ScoreShould you care about your Klout score? What is it? How do you grow it?
Brian Gilb
Q2: What are some basic and general metrics our students can look at to see if their #socialauthority is growing?
Denise Bahs
A2: Are you thinking about ur industry on a bigger scale? #socialmedia opens ur eyes to a whole new world.
Paul Gillin
Followers, of course. Remember LinkedIn followers, too.
Paul Gillin
Likes, shares, comments and retweets indicate engagement. That's what matters most.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A2: I think students quickly realize their reach when they see how many people viewed their posts on LI.
Paul Krappman
A2: Obviously follower count is good initial metric. But, retweets and faves are better. #smbootcamp
A: I like to look at how many people "favorite" or share what I share.
John Furrier
. @GilbBrian authority can be measured in share of voice and engagement not frequency - many make this mistake
A2: for SMEs metrics should be simple & easy to monitor #socialmedia: connections, followers, posts, engagement
Jillian Guzinski
Level of engagement compared to the number of followers you have. 10K followers with only 100 engagements means your quality of followers is low #socialmedia
A2: For #marketing teams, #socialmedia metrics could include traffic to website, quality of leads, conversion rates
@furrier do you think frequency of participation can impact share of voice?
John Furrier
@Profitecture yes but it could also taint it; talking the most isn't always influencial; listening is powerful
Paul Gillin
@Profitecture Research has shown that frequency has a small positive impact, but quality is much more important.
John Furrier
here on crowdchat we measure #of posts and # of votes; if you post 50 times and only get 5 votes - hmm then what does that say
John Furrier
what if you post 5 times and get 50 votes - boom
Yes! You can "buy" followers, but they won't stick, so engagement is key.
Brian Gilb
Q3: What are some useful ways to monitor #socialauthority growth here on #Twitter?
Denise Bahs
A3: new opps opening up such as speaking invitations, blog comments, RT and mentions
A3: Increasing your follower count, but also look at how many people like what you share.
Jacobo Gonzalez
A3 - there are some good free online tools, but I'd keep track for delta on my follower count, as well as well as favs and RTs.
Paul Krappman
A3: A great metric not often discussed is the # of questions you get asked.
Sharon Crost
Create a list of targets and monitor your voice(mention or %) in the target conversation
Mimi Murray Meagher
A3: I am a fan of #twitter analytics. Shows your performance over time.
John Furrier
many of the measures do translate off line - the point above about more social invites to events etc
Paul Krappman
A3: Another good measure is how many "conversations" you get drawn into. Tweet/Re-Tweet is too finite.
A3: Agree with @MeagherMimi - Twitter's analytics give you some good directional info.
John Furrier
measurement is hard bc their are more channels of social engagement and gestures that work horziontally not in one data silo
and like @sharonhds says, mentions are another good way to see if your comments are resonating.
Brian Gilb
Q6: For #B2B #executives, what are the best tactics for growing #socialauthority that you have seen in your experience as coaches?
A6: It's great to hear when someone is tapped to present or speak as a result of their prominence on social.
Denise Bahs
A6: approach with purpose and a target, rather than simply floating aimlessly.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A6: I think consistency is key. Also, people don't realize the power of a #. Especially if you have a small following.
Best way for #B2B #execs to grow social authority is be authentic, genuine, & generous with expertise.
Sharon Crost
Show execs the superstars connected to them and how their posts are getting impressions
A6: Execs can also encourage their teams to follow them :D
Denise Bahs
A6: one of my students recently got on radar of prominent blogger/analyst. boom! #success
.@sharonhds @pgillin calls that the "aha moment". We love those.
Kasey Stevens
A6 Consistent posting and being on message within their business focus.
Denise Bahs
@sharonhds yes! that's a win win for everyone. :)
Paul Gillin
A6 Agree with @denisebahs again. Execs should define a clear persona on social networks.
Paul Gillin
A6 Have a definition of what you plan to talk about. It helps to have a distinctive voice, too: professorial, snarky, fun, etc.
A6: Execs can do a lot to bolster their company image by being real on social ... helping/supporting/responding.
Paul Gillin
@sharonhds So glad you joined us again, @sharonhds!
Brian Gilb
Q5: What are some effective tactics to monitor #socialauthority growth on #Facebook and #Instagram?
Paul Gillin
A5. Similar to Twitter, look for shares, likes, comments, shares.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A5: Likes and comments. Still working on increasing my #instagram following!
Denise Bahs
A5: rather than look at numbers on FB, I'd look at enagement. R ur "friends" sharing ur posts?
Jacobo Gonzalez
A5 - IG is tricky - other can counting likes & comments per photo, and new follows, I'm not sure how to measure.
John Furrier
Facebook has a complicated privacy setting so global monitoring is hard (with algorithms) Twitter is the best imo
A5: Facebook has made it so hard to get organic reach, those "likes" have become precious.
John Furrier
Problem with social platform data monitoring is they are silo'd and brands/people are parasitic to them and each networks doesn't share; I like active data where the brands control the data they activate
Jillian Guzinski
@VictorBSocial Agreed. Followers are very important on Facebook as they are making it harder and harder to NOT run paid ads in order to reach your audience
John Furrier
this problem is why brands are moving away from Facebook pages and focusing on engagment where the value is shifting to their "owned properties"
Paul Gillin
@furrier Yes, Facebook is making organic engagement nearly impossible for brands.