
Building Social Media Habits
Tips & tools for #B2B #SMEs to build habit of participation in #socialmedia
   9 years ago
#socialauthoritySocial Media Boot Camp Week 6#B2B #SMBootCamp refresher: Activating SMEs in Social Media for Marketing Success
   9 years ago
#socialauthoritySocial AuthorityDo you have it and how can you measure it?
Thoughts? 10 HABITS THAT MAKE EVERYONE HATE YOU ON SOCIAL MEDIA by @lvanderkam via @FastCompany: http://www.fastcompa...
10 Habits That Make Everyone Hate You On Social Media
Your Vaguebooking and constant retweeting may be annoying everyone. Here's what you're doing that might make people click "unfollow."
Paul Krappman
You mean like the constant posting of Cat Videos?
Brian Gilb
@PaulKrappman Hey, I like my #Catvideos. And so do my... Wait, what happened to all my followers?
Robin Scharpf
Agree with auto posts becoming annoying on #socialmedia
Denise Bahs
A4: The wallpaper alone will make u cringe..& that's just for starters!
Brian Gilb
Being to sales like and posting too many product offerings is a sure way to get you unfollowed.
Robin Scharpf
ALL CAPS! Another way to earn #socialmedia hate
Paul Krappman
Automatic DMs are very annoying. #b2bsocial #socialfauxpax
Mimi Murray Meagher
I think they forgot the run on sentence hashtag. #ilovemyjobatprofitectureandamhavingagreatday!
@denisebahs wallpaper not going up in your office soon?
Denise Bahs
A4: We teach people who r "always selling" = bad. No one wants to b sold to. Good way to scare followers away.
I agree with everything he says, but I see a place for some amount of automation. I like @commun_it
Robin Scharpf
.@PaulKrappman Agree. I've started ignoring DMs on Twitter. Nothing of value.
Bad grammar is bad form. People will make quick judgements, so check your spelling.
Denise Bahs
@PaulKrappman Agree. I want to engage with a person, not a bot.
Paul Gillin
These are all so true.
Mimi Murray Meagher
Also people who post several things at one time. Use #hootsuite and spread out those messages.
.@prminded 's shared 10 Ways to Make Social Media an Effective Business Habit http://www.socialmed... What do you think of this list?
10 Ways to Make Social Media an Effective Business Habit
We all use social media. Privately, and most of you for business. However, there is a huge difference between these two.If you use social media for business, you would benefit from goals, focus and co
Denise Bahs
Love the list! My fav is "find a buddy" Nod to mine @cathcamheldt with #SnapChat!
I agree it should come organically and naturally. You won't adopt it if you have to force it.
Robin Scharpf
I particularly agree with add the human touch to build a habit of #socialmedia participation
Mimi Murray Meagher
Great list! I think people are afraid to celebrate their accomplishments, use #socialmedia to showcase yourself as a professional.
You need to find that place where it feeds what you need ... information, connections, real time news... #luvsocial
Nice article! Always like to see the "human element" line included
How do you help your students find their organic and natural fit with #socialmedia
Paul Krappman
I like this: Find the feeling - Share what you feel strongly about - it makes you human.
Encourage them to search for their hobbies and interests. Once they see how it adds value, it's something they want to do.
I feel they need to find their true and authentic voice
Denise Bahs
A2: Have them follow their interests - need to have passion.
Mimi Murray Meagher
Students are a wealth of knowledge, I encourage them to share that knowledge with others, give to get! #SMBootcamp
Betsy Miller Daitch
So important to schedule time to interact on social channels for maximum benefit (yours and your network's). I believe scheduling time to grow your business or elevate your craft is a must!
Denise Bahs
A2: Find a buddy is a great way to get feet wet and find inspiration.
What advice do you give your #B2B #SME students to help them form a habit of #socialmedia participation?
Paul Gillin
Whenever you're tempted to share something by email, share it on LinkedIn and Twitter instead.
Brian Gilb
A2: Research when your #TargetMarket is usually on social media. Build in posting times and time to spend on those platforms at those particular times.
Scheduling through #hootsuite is a great way to form a habit
Mimi Murray Meagher
@hootsuite and the #hootlet scheduling browser extention are some of my favorites.
Paul Gillin
Set aside 15 minutes each day for a routine. Check Twitter, check LinkedIn, share one or two content items you've seen.
Create a content calendar or themed posting schedule. Add a day for fun, like photos #tbt or cartoons. #socialmedia
Brian Gilb
A2: Balance between using platforms like hootsuite and actual interaction with people. Just posting (although easier) is only part of the habit you need to build.
Paul Krappman
If you solved a problem for one customer, chances are there others...Share it. #b2bsocial
Invest in a great pair of readers - you will read, share, and share some more.
Robin Scharpf
I often reference this flowchart: How to Create a Habit by Charles Duhigg @cduhigg http://charlesduhigg...
Denise Bahs
A2: Find ur team mbrs! Support each other - they will keep you on track.
@PaulKrappman always says - look at your FAQs and repurpose those as tweets. Smart!
Brian Gilb
A2: to help solidify your #B2B #Socialmedia habit, also includes elements to it that you enjoy.
Paul Gillin
When you're composing an e-mail to answer a question, consider sharing it instead.
Routine is important ...
.@pgillin wrote about getting SMEs to participate in your #contentmarketing program. What lessons did you take from that? http://profitecture....
How to Get Subject Matter Experts Active In Your Content Marketing Program | Profitecture
Getting subject matter experts (SMEs) to support a company’s content marketing programs can be one of the most fulfilling experiences a B2B marketer can experience. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the most difficult to achieve.
I like what @pgillin says "These people share instinctively; your job is to amplify them and build audience." #passion
Mimi Murray Meagher
I like how @pgillin said to tweet about it! If you get #SME engagement share it across the networks and support your team!
Denise Bahs
A4: Luv the "record their fav topic". I used to show up in SME office with a donut and a bunch of Qs!
Robin Scharpf
Don't forget about @slideshare @hootsuite @sharethis @Buffer for getting SME participation in #contentmarketing
Paul Gillin
Blushing here :-)
@denisebahs you'd be surprised what people will do for donuts :)
Denise Bahs
@VictorBSocial It's all about the food! :)
@denisebahs there are so many tools you can use these days to "interview" people ... #hangouts, phone, #periscope, webex...