
Social Media Boot Camp Week 6
#B2B #SMBootCamp refresher: Activating SMEs in Social Media for Marketing Success
   9 years ago
#socialauthoritySocial Media Boot Camp Week 5#B2B #SMBootCamp refresher: Best practices for SME social media engagement
   9 years ago
#socialauthorityBuilding Social Media HabitsTips & tools for #B2B #SMEs to build habit of participation in #socialmedia
What are appropriate topics for SMEs to cover in #socialmedia?
Brian Gilb
A5: Topics that are industry specific and that engage their customers as well
Sandy Adam #WearaMask
A5: trending news, high-level industry article insights great topics depending on expertise
Sharon Crost
Important to explain to the #SMEs that it's not always about what they want to talk about, as much as it is what is currently buzzing with their audience
A5: Focus on your area of expertise and aim to be helpful. R u a mobility expert? Security geek? Share what u know.
Robin Scharpf
reserach and their opinions of findings
Paul Gillin
@sharonhds Amen. Many ppl aren't instinctively tuned in to the interests of the audience/customer.
Paul Krappman
A5: Trends, insights & good questions that are coming from your customer base are all good fodder.
Paul Gillin
I think if @JimCahill were able to be here, he'd say let #SMEs get down and dirty on tech topics.
Robin Scharpf
.@PaulKrappman Great point! #SMEs should pose questions too as part of #socialmedia engagement
Sandy Adam #WearaMask
A5: I watch news & trends and feed my SMEs topics .. can't expect them to do it all the time
Denise Bahs
A5: How do millenials impact their industry?
Mimi Murray Meagher
Leverage #SME's to hit on those topics that apply to their customers most. SME's are good for new #B2B opportunities, but don't forget to nurture your exisitng customers.
Paul Krappman
Connect your SMEs to your #custsvc people and make sure they are answering questions #b2bsocial
A5: Tie into current news and events. Talk about industry reports, stats. Report live from events. :)
.@VictorBSocial what tool are you using to spot trending events and news?
Paul Gillin
Make it easy for #SMEs to participate. As @SandyAdam said, offer ideas. Even ghostwrite, if necessary.
Brian Gilb
agree with @VictorBSocial about current trends in news. Great speaking points for #SME's
Sharon Crost
@denisebahs I feel millennials are more "real", authentic. Digital natives don't seem to have the same editorial fears
Search Google for the terms and then choose "news" to get the latest.
A5: Marketing Managers like @fayecaldwell do a great job of keeping their #IBMPartners armed with content.
What steps should marketers take to help boost participation of #SMEs through #socialmedia?
Brian Gilb
A3: Come up with a strategy on how to engage the market you're looking for, thus what kind of conversations need to take place
Sharon Crost
I'll toss out the first step is to show #SMEs the business value
Denise Bahs
A3: Tactically, get the SMEs on @HootSuite so they can tweet on the run!
Paul Krappman
A3: You can take two paths - require it or incentivize it - make it important for SMEs to be #social
A3: Agree with @sharonhds - and also show examples of colleagues and peers.
Sharon Crost
Step 2 is sharing the online opportunity cost with the #SMEs (query results that show competitors attacking their territory)
Brian Gilb
Also, some basic training from @profitecture about the platforms will help them engage and participate easier.
Mimi Murray Meagher
Head over there and go talk to them, #SME's don't bite!
Denise Bahs
@sharonhds Agree! They need to b inspired!
Paul Gillin
@sharonhds Oooh. Hadn't thought of that one. Good point.
Robin Scharpf
Step 3 should be train #SMEs to use #socialmedia for business purposes.
Sandy Adam #WearaMask
Step 1 - educate them on the WHY
Paul Krappman
Actually, #social can make an #SME's job easier by giving a direct pipe to the market.
A3: Yes, and like @GilbBrian says, make it relevant/compelling for them to share their perspective.
Sharon Crost
And Step 3 is to show the #SMEs how their specific action got results - like a zillion impressions or engagements etc. Something that makes a mark
Paul Gillin
Make it easy for them. If you have to interview them and publish a Q&A, so be it.
Sandy Adam #WearaMask
Step 2 - provide content to get them started and comfortable - they're still learning #socialmedia
Brian Gilb
A3: also coming up with a particular set of topics to speak about that excites them will get #SME's talking
Mimi Murray Meagher
Gain a #B2B competitive edge by leveraging their knowledge.
Denise Bahs
A3: Inspiration eliminates the "void" between U wanting them to do it and THEM wanting to.
Paul Gillin
@sharonhds Exactly. Response is a drug.
Sandy Adam #WearaMask
A3: Try to use a KPI they can relate to and share results with them... pride encourages further action
Sandy Rikkers
@PaulKrappman or do both and add some competition to it
Sandy Rikkers
@GilbBrian totally agree it's the basics that get them moving!
Sandy Adam #WearaMask
I also use gamification ;) feature my top 5 contributors in internal messaging
Ghostwriting, is that acceptable for getting #SME engagement in #B2B #socialmedia?
Paul Krappman
A6: Absolutely! Prime the pump for your SMEs to engage.
Brian Gilb
A6: In my opinion, no. People are very good at seeing what content is authentic and which seems stretched. Better for SME's to write their own
Denise Bahs
A6: with ghostwriting, sometimes there is no choice, however, I prefer transparency.
Sharon Crost
Bullet points= yes. Ideas= yes. Analytics on trends = yes. Ghostwriting = no.
Paul Gillin
A6. You want to preserve the #SME's voice, but there's nothing wrong with polishing up their words. Make them look good!
Paul Gillin
Why no ghostwriting, @sharonhds ?
Paul Gillin
Interesting the differences of opinion on this question!
A6: As a dog, I have no choice, :) but my preference is to have someone edit my scribbles than put words into my mouth.
Sharon Crost
@pgillin As you mentioned, preserve the SME voice, style, nature, authenticity
Sandy Adam #WearaMask
I will edit for others, but won't ghostwrite, they need to learn the skill
Denise Bahs
A5: perhaps a great way to lure them into going it on their own.
Brian Gilb
I agree with @sharonhds and @pgillin on this: Preserve the SME voice and authenticity
Paul Krappman
@sharonhds Sometimes actually showing them the value through a few ghostwritten posts can help.