
What are appropriate topics for SMEs to cover in #socialmedia?

Brian Gilb
A5: Topics that are industry specific and that engage their customers as well

Sandy Adam #WearaMask
A5: trending news, high-level industry article insights great topics depending on expertise

Sharon Crost
Important to explain to the #SMEs that it's not always about what they want to talk about, as much as it is what is currently buzzing with their audience

A5: Focus on your area of expertise and aim to be helpful. R u a mobility expert? Security geek? Share what u know.

Robin Scharpf
reserach and their opinions of findings

Paul Gillin
@sharonhds Amen. Many ppl aren't instinctively tuned in to the interests of the audience/customer.

Paul Krappman
A5: Trends, insights & good questions that are coming from your customer base are all good fodder.

Paul Gillin
I think if @JimCahill were able to be here, he'd say let #SMEs get down and dirty on tech topics.

Sandy Adam #WearaMask
A5: I watch news & trends and feed my SMEs topics .. can't expect them to do it all the time
Denise Bahs
A5: How do millenials impact their industry?

Paul Krappman
Connect your SMEs to your #custsvc people and make sure they are answering questions #b2bsocial

A5: Tie into current news and events. Talk about industry reports, stats. Report live from events. :)

.@VictorBSocial what tool are you using to spot trending events and news?

Paul Gillin
Make it easy for #SMEs to participate. As @SandyAdam said, offer ideas. Even ghostwrite, if necessary.

Brian Gilb
agree with @VictorBSocial about current trends in news. Great speaking points for #SME's

Sharon Crost
@denisebahs I feel millennials are more "real", authentic. Digital natives don't seem to have the same editorial fears

Search Google for the terms and then choose "news" to get the latest.

A5: Marketing Managers like @fayecaldwell do a great job of keeping their #IBMPartners armed with content.