
Social Media Boot Camp Week 5
#B2B #SMBootCamp refresher: Best practices for SME social media engagement
   10 years ago
#socialauthoritySocial Media Boot Camp Week 4#B2B #SMBootCamp refresher: How to engage in #socialmedia
   9 years ago
#socialauthoritySocial Media Boot Camp Week 6#B2B #SMBootCamp refresher: Activating SMEs in Social Media for Marketing Success
Q5: How much time per week should #SME 's plan to spend engaging in #socialmedia?
Paul Gillin
A5. That's a common question. The more time you spend the better, but I'd say an hour a week to maintain a basic social presence.
Denise Bahs
A5: If #SMEs can spend 15 min a day, that's #awesomesauce !
Brian Gilb
Depends on the goals for your business #Socialmedia. However, at minimum, I would say at least 10 minutes a day. If you're trying to use social media as a main means of finding clients, at least an hour a day
A5: IMHO you need to spend 15-30 minutes most days ... :D
A5 depends on their role. Marketing folks need to invest more time. Time = results
Jacobo Gonzalez
A5- I don't think there's a fixed rule for this. You have to know when is too little, or too much. Common sense will tell you when you're really engaging, and when you're just about 2 secs away from watching cats on youtube.
Paul Krappman
A5: I think that if you can target a mere 45min a week, you'll have a big impact. Be consistent!
How much time do you spend with your students to get them started engaging in #socialmedia?
Mimi Murray Meagher
A5: #SME's may be concerned about time spent, make #socialmedia a fraction of your day every day! #awesomesauce
Speaking of cat videos ... this one is pretty cute!
Sandy Rikkers
A5 @Profitecture whatever they can maintain over doing nothing! Once started, social engagement can't be relegated to bottom priority...also depends on goals and number of areas engaging
Paul Krappman
@VictorBSocial Do we have to speak of cat videos?
Mimi Murray Meagher
time spent with students varies for #twitter, I have them start with something they are passionate about, sports, hobbies, etc..
Sandy Rikkers
@PaulKrappman agree! Consistency is key!
A5: On a related note, studies suggest most brands are not tweeting enough.
Q3: @SMExaminer posted 7 ways to improve engagement. Do you agree w/these & why?
Paul Gillin
A3. They're all useful. I particularly like the advice to post about current events. You can get an extra short-term lift from doing that.
Denise Bahs
A3: All great ideas - just make sure they align with your goals.
A3: Q&As have always been useful. Interview a client, and expert, an author ... get good content.
A3 yes, great article. Contests can be tricky though.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A3: Yes, it is important to continually nurture engagement and these are good ideas for that!
Jacobo Gonzalez
@cathcamheldt my mind, contests tend to turn almost always in popularity contests.
@cathcamheldt Better to run a sweepstakes ... :) easier to facilitate.
Sandy Rikkers
A3 @Profitecture yes, great and fun ways to get engagement...variety
A3 I would add to this article that visual is important. We're visual.people.
Denise Bahs
@SandyRikkers Hi Sandy! Great to see you!
Denise Bahs
@VictorBSocial Gleam is a great contest tool!
Paul Krappman
A3: These are great - I especially like the rec. to tag people in curated content. Share, give credit.
A3 I liked this article from @Johnrampton engagement Great links #engagement
Q7: What are some tactics for getting your #B2B #SME s to participate in #socialmedia?
Brian Gilb
A7: Candy... Lots and lots of candy
Brian Gilb
A7: But in all seriousness, getting them to plug into particular industry hashtags that they find interesting and monitor on an often basis.
Sandy Rikkers
A7 @Profitecture make it part of the job role, and it is a fun part!
Mimi Murray Meagher
A7: Bit of hand holding and teaching students the importance of listening! Get involved on #twitter!
A7 First the technical aspect. Then once they see/understand the value it's an easy sell.
Paul Gillin
Get them into the rotation on your blog with other experts who are having success. Let them ride on other people's traffic.
Paul Gillin
Note the time/money they invest in travel to speak at conferences and point out how much more they can accomplish by publishing online.
A7: Approach it from a place of interest or pride for them. Show them what others are doing.
Denise Bahs
A7: I showed up in the doorway of #SME s and asked 4 advice.
Paul Gillin
A7. I don't generally recommend financial compensation for #socialmedia participation, but I've heard of cases where it's worked.
Sandy Rikkers
@MeagherMimi so true, listening is sometimes the hardest part to wrap head around. "I'm going online to listen!" Yup.
A7 many/most students are mobile users, as am I. Mobile platforms are great to use!
Denise Bahs
A7: Use @storify to show them the #socialmedia impact
@pgillin I agree, but defining & sharing expectations can go a long way w/o $ compensation
@pgillin hearing about it more and more recently
Q6: Coaches, would you like to give a shout out to any students that have excelled at #socialmedia engagement?
A6: So many to list -- @Carola164 is doing a great job!
A6 @caldwellfaye. She is interesting, personable and an #SME