
Klout Score
Should you care about your Klout score? What is it? How do you grow it?
   9 years ago
#socialauthoritySocial AuthorityDo you have it and how can you measure it?
   9 years ago
#socialauthorityPeriscope SummitHighlights and lessons learned for B2B from our team's virtual observations of NYC Periscope Summit.
Q6: What are good indicators of influence and trust on #socialmedia?
Denise Bahs
A6: r u having conversations and engagement or simply broadcasting?
A6: Increasing engagement ... meaningful connections, people commenting on your posts, sharing your tweets...
Mimi Murray Meagher
A6: Like's, Favorites and RT's
Brian Gilb
Q6: I'd say how many personal messages and conversations are generated from the content you have. That is where the real value is
Brian Gilb
Q6: the most valuable thing on #Socialmedia is the actual conversations you have, not just the likes and shares
Paul Krappman
A6: It depends... Never confuse numbers w/ actual engagement from the right followers.
A6: Interesting, almost all of us said "engagement" because it is better to make connections that focus on numbers.
Robin Scharpf
A5: invites to be guest blogger or speaker are indicators of growing influence.
Brian Gilb
A6: A low following but a high amount of interaction is better than anything else on #socialmedia
Denise Bahs
@PaulKrappman agreed! Quality over quantity.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A6: Buying followers is not the answer to grow your influence and trust!
Q4: Do you think Klout scores matter?
A4: Not as a measure of social authority and genuine expertise.
Brian Gilb
A4: To be honest, I do not think it really matters
Brian Gilb
A4: Any algorithm that measures things without the human factor can be manipulated, so it's not always accurate
Robin Scharpf
I agree with @VictorBSocial. Klout is not good measure of influence, definitely not trust.
A4: No one is really "talking" about them anymore. Apparently, after they were sold last year, they lost their mojo.
Denise Bahs
A4: not really. It's there.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A4: Maybe just as a basis to see if you can increase your #klout Score!
Brian Gilb
A4: Perfect example, Justin Beber vs. Barack Obama.
Brian Gilb
A4: It measures how much activity you have and your impression on the community, but it cannot measure the respect that people build for you
Paul Krappman
A4: Let me ask the question: When was the last time you looked up a klout score for a prospect?
we like to say "know me, like me, trust me" - not sure that comes with increasing your Klout score.
Robin Scharpf
.@PaulKrappman I have never looked up a person's #Klout score until this week's #kloutchallenge
@PaulKrappman pretty much the last thing that comes to mind ... i would google them first.
Denise Bahs
@GilbBrian Kind of reminds me of the meme on FB comparing Kylie Jenner and Malala Yousafzai
Let's kick this off with an easy question... what is Klout?
Denise Bahs
A1: My understanding is that Klout measures ur influence across diff social networks.
Brian Gilb
A1: A #klout score is a number that helps define how effective your twitter handle is, and if you are sharing good information with others.
A1: Klout says they help you measure your influence by the actions taken on what you share. Is that #influence or ?
Robin Scharpf
Klout tells you it measures influence for individuals online
Paul Krappman
A1: In Chicago it's a measure of corruption, but in social it's a measure of your social prowess ;)
Mimi Murray Meagher
A1: Supposedly a measure of you Social Influence=#klout score.
A1: Even the word is heavy handed, no?
Denise Bahs
@arianagradow Hi Ariana! Glad u could join us!
Ariana Gradow
thanks glad I made it
Q3: Did you take the #Kloutchallenge this week and did your score change?
Robin Scharpf
A3: I took the #Kloutchallenge and increased my score by 6 points.
A3: I didn't tweet enough this week to move the needle... apparently.
Denise Bahs
A3: I connected many other networks, so time will tell. I keep you posted. So far no mas.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A3: My #klout score stayed par for the course!
.@RobinScharpf what did you do that increased your Klout score?
Paul Krappman
A3: I added networks and the like, but it seems to take awhile to affect your score.
Robin Scharpf
.@Profitecture added LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram to my Klout account. Also posted blog
Mimi Murray Meagher
A3: Speaking of #Klout score, Justin Bieber has more influence than Barak Obama! Just sayin'!
Brian Gilb
@MeagherMimi And my trust in #klout just floundered. Thank you for bursting my bubble
Denise Bahs
@RobinScharpf Do u think including the link to in ur post made the difference?
Robin Scharpf
.@denisebahs good point! Does talking about Klout increase your Klout score?
Brian Gilb
@denisebahs Are you saying that if you Tweet about Klout, your score will go up?