Q6: What are good indicators of influence and trust on #socialmedia?
Denise Bahs
A6: r u having conversations and engagement or simply broadcasting?
A6: Increasing engagement ... meaningful connections, people commenting on your posts, sharing your tweets...
Mimi Murray Meagher
A6: Like's, Favorites and RT's
Brian Gilb
Q6: I'd say how many personal messages and conversations are generated from the content you have. That is where the real value is
Brian Gilb
Q6: the most valuable thing on #Socialmedia is the actual conversations you have, not just the likes and shares
Paul Krappman
A6: It depends... Never confuse numbers w/ actual engagement from the right followers.
A6: Interesting, almost all of us said "engagement" because it is better to make connections that focus on numbers.
Robin Scharpf
A5: invites to be guest blogger or speaker are indicators of growing influence.
Brian Gilb
A6: A low following but a high amount of interaction is better than anything else on #socialmedia
Denise Bahs
@PaulKrappman agreed! Quality over quantity.
Mimi Murray Meagher
A6: Buying followers is not the answer to grow your influence and trust!