How Does Opensource Change the Dialog around #hybridcloud?
Lauren Cooney
Copying post above here: Open source is great.. but it gets expensive to maintain, etc unless you have heavy technical skills in IT organization to maintain. Look for vendors that use it in their solutions
John Furrier
#opensource is first class citizen in the enterprise
Scott Brindamour
opensource will help provide innovation, but without standards and wide adoption open source will just be a means to experiment
Kurt Milne
I agree with Lauren. Free like a free puppy. have your read many open source product docs? Awful.
John Furrier
Do you think new open source models are emerging like #OpenCore vs pure #opensource ?
John Furrier
@kurtmilne great to see you Kurt. Open is good for innovation and prototyping but it's hard to be silver bullet? Can you share your opinion on that?
Lauren Cooney
There are some amazing open source products out there... but they take awhile to mature. I remember working w/Doug (Cutting) almost 10 years ago on Hadoop when he was at Yahoo. It took awhile for full maturity.
Stuart Miniman
@lcooney enterprise IT needs solutions (rather than just components) and increasingly users want the pieces to come from open source. Users contribute and share support burden with community (of suppliers and peers).
Lauren Cooney
Look for mature, active community (Code, Docs, Dialogue) and big companies using/implementing successfully. Also look to see if your company has the skills to integrate it.
Kurt Milne
Opensource contribution by developers is equivalent of Cisco Cert for IT Ops.
Lauren Cooney
@stu fully agree. But you can't bet the farm on that early on.. do it w/smaller projects/offerings/solutions to start when you integrate. Then roll larger if works. Skills in-house so critical. Can't rely only on "vendor supported OSS"
Kurt Milne
Download. Install. Start using. is great. But to scale in production, need training, documentation, UI that fits different roles etc.
Tim Crawford
OpenSource is the raw materials. IT orgs are used to finished products. That's where providers can bridge the gap.
Kurt Milne
How do you train help desk to support 500 micro services apps?