
Accelerate Insight
Accelerate Insight with the Right Infrastructure - IBM DB2 with Blu Acceleration and Power Systems
   10 years ago
#ibminterconnectIaaS 2015 UsageThe state of IaaS adoption from a Wikibon user survey - hosted live from IBM Interconnect
   10 years ago
#ibminterconnectIBM InterConnectHow is your IBM Interconnect 2015 experience? Join the conversation and tell us what you are doing!
Jeff Kelly
IBM taking some interesting steps with DB2 - BLU Acceleration bringing in-memory to DB2 and bridging analytics and transactions - what's the feeling out there about BLU Acceleration?
Dave Vellante
generally the trend toward in-memory is real and taking hold
Dave Vellante
look at Hadoop and Spark
Jeff Kelly
also seeing other in-memory approaches catching fire (pun intended) in the #BigData world - Apache Spark is all anybody was talking about (mostly) at #BigDataSV and Strata + Hadoop World
John Furrier
. @jeffreyfkelly to me the open source moment around in-memory and how it ties to analytics then to the apps #developers
Dave Vellante
ever since there's been memory and databases there's been talk of in-memory and with prices dropping the way they have and flash coming to the fore it makes more and more sense
Anirban Chatterjee
There are huge benefits but they come at a cost -- memory is expensive!
Jeff Kelly
i think in-memory is getting so much attention because of what it enables - analytics at a speed that allows for you to make and execute a decision while it still has an impact
Anirban Chatterjee
Flash technology is doing a lot to change that equation for the better
Dave Vellante
flash attacks the latency from "the horrible storage stack"
Jeff Kelly
@anirbahn true, cost came down dramatically but its still not "cheap" - seeing a tiered approach with disk, flash and DRAM depending on "temp" of the data in questions
Jeff Kelly
@dfloyer and I wrote about IBM's approach not long ago ... http://premium.wikib...
Dave Vellante
actually I think flash is becoming cheap - I'm going to post a video with Eric Herzog that discusses this
Anirban Chatterjee
#PowerSystems has a feature called CAPI that speeds up flash latency to be much closer to DRAM. Great for #nosql apps for example
Jeff Kelly
Let's get right to it ... how do infrastructure considerations impact an organization's ability to derive insight from #BigData?
IBM Analytics
The ability to process and analyze all that big data is paramount, without the right infrastructure all the data can be useless #IBMInterConnect
Anirban Chatterjee
It's not just ability, it's speed too, right? Really transforms how you can use the data if the answers come back quickly.
Jeff Kelly
yes, need to balance deep data analytics with inline analytics (aka operational analytics)
Jeff Kelly
requires different storage and compute infrastructure depending on use case (real-time requirements)
John Furrier
. @jeffreyfkelly decoupling the infra from the software at the app layer is very important he talked about it on @theCUBE yesterday http://premium.wikib...
Dave Vellante
as a customer I want to reduce complexity. Save on people time
Jeff Kelly
@dvellante yes, reduce complexity whenever possible, but show;dint do so at the expense of the desired outcome
Jeff Kelly
in other words, it would be ideal if there was one infrastructure to support ALL analytics (offline and operational) workloads, but in reality you'll probably need more than one approach
Jeff Kelly
but definitely move towards less complexity and bringing together transactions and analytics
Anirban Chatterjee
Do you think using tools like virtualization & cloud orchestration can get you closer to that "one infrastructure" dream?
Jeff Kelly
@anirbahn yes - tying together hybrid cloud environments with common tools and workflows
Dave Vellante
Here's the conversation with @zoginstor from yesterday -
Eric Herzog - IBM InterConnect 2015 - theCUBE
Eric Herzog, VP of Storage Marketing, IBM at IBM InterConnect 2015 with Dave Vellante @dvellante & John Furrier @furrier @theCUBE #IBMInterConnect
Dave Vellante
the key point he kept hammering was that flash was now less expensive than so-called hi spin speed disk
Dave Vellante
Hi performance disk is an oxymoron - it doesn't exist. It's like saying that's a fast turtle
Dave Vellante
@dfloyer predicted in 2009 that by 2014 high performance SaaS and FC disks would be killed by flash - maybe he was a few months off but that was a great prediction
Dave Vellante
With data reduction techniques you can dramatically reduce flash costs and b/c of the speed you don't pay nearly the perf penalty as you would w/ disk
Jeff Kelly
for me, in-memory allows us to take the business conversation from a theoretical one (i.e. what could I do if I could act in time to save the customer? prevent the fraud? etc.) to a reality.
Douglas Gibbs
Consider the savings that flash provides with regards to speed, density and power efficiency
Dave Vellante
The point is with flash now attacking disk latency it opens the door for a balanced systems approach with more horsepower at the system level - flash is forcing the pendulum to swing back to server performance
Dave Vellante
Everyone operates on the thinking that anything non-Intel is dead in data center- but Power and Sparc both have momentum
Dave Vellante
a few years ago, Steve Mills declared "Mark my words, Sparc is dead" - others said the same about Power
Anirban Chatterjee
I'd love to hear what the crowd thinks about this one!
Dave Vellante
What's happened is #bigdata workloads are a tailwind for systems that have affinity in historic HPC workloads
Dave Vellante
HPC meets Big Data is the theme there and it's real imho
Jeff Kelly
I think the market interpreted IBM's move to sell off its commodity HW biz to mean it was out of the #BigData hardware business. Not so, IBM pushing hard on Power to improve efficiency and performance in #BigData analytics enviroments
Anirban Chatterjee
If you look at the computation patterns between #bigdata and traditional #HPC, they have a lot in common. #HPC has a bright future.
Jeff Kelly
@anirbahn Fair to say #BigData makes #HPC accessible to, affordable for the enterprise?
Anirban Chatterjee
#BigData has certainly driven the need for #HPC capabilities with enterprises (and even smaller businesses)
Dave Vellante
Open source is the other huge trend we really haven't unpacked yet here.
Dave Vellante
Open source is a powerful wild card - it's like making Joker's Wild in a card game - it's there and can change the game
Jeff Kelly
agreed - I expect acquisitions in the #BigData space, but open source nature of the community ensures innovation continues
Dave Vellante
Opening up Power tries to capitalize on the ARM playbook applied to the enterprise in a way
Anirban Chatterjee
It can transform and accelerate how businesses can create and deploy new tools
Dave Vellante
100 partners has real juice - they're not just "Barney Deals"
Jeff Kelly
you never know where the next innovator will come from
David Floyer
Making IBM OpenPower is a smart move by IBM - big demand from cloud service providers for multiple sourcing
Anirban Chatterjee
There are some well known partners there too - Google, NVIDIA, Samsung, Redis, ...
Douglas Gibbs
@anirbahn It allows partners to intergrate and innovate following an open set of rules, not the rules of a single platform provider
Dave Vellante
What does it mean that Power runs Little Endian mode?
Anirban Chatterjee
Basically it's data compatibility. Most x86 reads/writes data in little endian (byte ordering). Power can now interact natively with that data.
Jeff Kelly
@anirbahn the implications meaning better performance? Lower latency?
Douglas Gibbs
It means more application portability and support for clients who wish to leverage both Linux, open source tools and Power systems
Anirban Chatterjee
The ability to use Power gets you better performance, yes. Faster results for your queries.
Anirban Chatterjee
Power has 4 times the threads as x86, tons of memory bandwidth, CAPI acceleration, etc.
Jeff Kelly
@DouglasGibbsIBM that's key - #BigData requires flexibility, agility; application portability an important capability