
IaaS 2015 Usage
The state of IaaS adoption from a Wikibon user survey - hosted live from IBM Interconnect
   10 years ago
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Stuart Miniman Most agreed upon survey statement was regarding public cloud's advantage with agility and economics

Tim Crawford
I would agree for those workloads appropriate for public cloud. However, most enterprise workloads are not appropriate for public cloud today.
Dave Vellante
- who has the advantage? the pure play public cloud (aka amazon) or the guys who really understand enterprise
Tim Crawford
@dvellante I strongly say those that understand enterprise have the long-term advantage.
Stuart Miniman
@tcrawford help tease this out for us some more. Agree that the advice isn't to take everything that you have now and push it to the cloud, but changing apps takes a long time. How do CIOs manage the app portfolio?
Tim Crawford
Post will be up on @GigaomResearch later today. :)
Stuart Miniman
AWS says that everything should go to the public cloud today. As we stated, hybrid is where users are today (and it is not a "halfway house")
Tim Crawford
There is a larger potential for the broader enterprise app portfolio. But AWS only services a smaller part of it.
Tim Crawford
Based on recent research, broad use of apps in public cloud is actually far more costly than the alternatives. Hence the need to be surgical in its use.
Tim Crawford
Spoiler Alert: Public cloud may actually be more expensive that many alternatives. Depends on the workload.
Mike Kavis
Problem is those that "understand" enterprise, understand yesterday's enterprise
Tim Crawford
@madgreek65 Unfortunately, 'yesterdays' enterprise is today's enterprise. #reality
J Metz
Agree with Tim. "Yesterday's enterprise" comment is unnecessarily dismissive.
Mike Kavis
For some enterprises
Stuart Miniman
One of the primary things we looked at was the mindset of IT when it comes to public cloud

Dave Vellante
c-suite wants the whole of IT to be either in the cloud or cloud-like - IT imo is stepping up with a good mix of ease of use, speed and governance/compliance
Dave Vellante
Security imo is a wash - but it's complying with the edicts of the co that is difficult w/ cloud
Tim Crawford
Most ppl are in the far right box. But c-level (outside of the #CIO) are in the far left.
Tim Crawford
@dvellante More to the point, security for cloud is completely misunderstood and misused.
Dave Vellante
@tcrawford Yeah the corner suite just wants to shove it out but the CIOs role is to cover the CEOs A**
Stuart Miniman
Today IBM said that they are building out location across the globe to be local (rather than fewer Mega DCs), this helps with governance challenges
Tim Crawford
@dvellante IMHO: There is still a massive disconnect between #CIO & rest of c-suite.
Dave Vellante
@tcrawford couldn't agree more - is it a trust issue? or is the c-suite clueless? or is the CIO hanging on to the past?
Stuart Miniman
via @PlatenReport [IBM] will go broke trying to execute such as build-out strategy. They need to concentrate on the networking and SDx capabilities.
Stuart Miniman
IBM made a slew of announcements - what comments or questions do people have? #openstack #docker
Tim Crawford
One of the concerns is IBM's mixed messaging on the value of #cloud.
Jesse Proudman
Would love to learn more about the new OpenStack as a Service. Love that more companies are adopting that methodology of service.
Stuart Miniman
My notes on IBM "Enterprise Containers": based on Open @docker ; built service natively (no VM required), automate IP address creation; private repositories; composability of services to container
Tim Crawford
We need to stop talking about #cloud value and talk about how to increase adoption!
Tim Crawford
It's not clear where their #OpenStack as a service comes from. SoftLayer? Product?
Tim Crawford
@blueboxjesse Great for new workloads. Presents challenges for existing workloads.
Tim Crawford
Still spending a lot of time talking about the beauty of the highway. But we're forgetting about the onramps.
Stuart Miniman
I like that IBM is working to bring Docker and OpenStack to the enterprise - today these are in the dev world and not sure how the two come together
Tim Crawford
It's only day 1, but IBM is doing a good job of skimming the surface of #cloud. Would like to see more detail/ engagement.
Tim Crawford
15 minutes left for our CrowdChat on @wikibon results for IaaS #cloud.
Stuart Miniman
what do you hear from CIOs about IBM's #cloud strategy?
Tim Crawford
I don't. SoftLayer presents a great opportunity. However, too quiet.
Stuart Miniman
From our survey - top 3 clouds are still Azure, AWS and Google. IBM gets good marks from those that use Softlayer, and IBM's cloud revenue has strong growth http://www.businessc...
Stuart Miniman
I hear more about BlueMix and all of the analytics, agree that IaaS (or hosted private cloud) is quiet...
Tim Crawford
SoftLayer is a hidden gem for IBM. Lots of opportunity. But they need to change it up.
Tim Crawford
@stu I also hear more about #BlueMix and #Watson than SoftLayer.
Dave Vellante
I'm impressed by what Azure is doing in the market - do you agree?
Tim Crawford
@dvellante I agree Dave! Azure is starting to garner increased attention. Most by a halo effect of 365.
Tim Crawford
@stu WRT SoftLayer, is the applicability and engagement that is missing.
Stuart Miniman
What do users look for in the public cloud? Top response isn't economics or even agility. Trust and Reliability are table stakes.

Stuart Miniman
Overall, users of public cloud were happy with providers; all vendors averaged satisfaction ratings of more than 4 out of 5. IBM had the top scores with Microsoft Azure a close second.
Tim Crawford
Trust & Reliability are key to public cloud, but there's the perception it is cheap.
Tim Crawford
via @madgreek65 "Can be cheap if architected correctly and managed efficiently. Other wise its like leaving the lights and TV on all day"
Tim Crawford
via @ROIdude "@tcrawford re: Costly Cloud. I did an analysis recently for a client of internal Nutanix vs. Azure. Twice the performance at 1/4th the cost"
Stuart Miniman
Cloud economics is a nuanced debate - renting (functionality gets added and price goes down) vs buying (and the challenges that go with owning something for X years)
Jesse Proudman
Many of the challenges with buying can be altered when you add in the notion of remote management.
Tim Crawford
@roidude A recent analysis I did showed 4x for public cloud. But again, applicability is the key here.
Dave Vellante
Here are the attitudes we found in the survey wrt to cloud

Dave Vellante
Looks like the writing is on the wall but security and compliance remain the lynchpin
Tim Crawford
Security/ Compliance is a common wet blanket that is leveraged too broadly. Need to be more surgical in the application of it.
Jesse Proudman
"Public cloud has more lock in risk that on-prem infrastructure." Amazon as the new Oracle?