Stuart Miniman31 Most agreed upon survey statement was regarding public cloud's advantage with agility and economics
Tim Crawford
I would agree for those workloads appropriate for public cloud. However, most enterprise workloads are not appropriate for public cloud today.
Dave Vellante
- who has the advantage? the pure play public cloud (aka amazon) or the guys who really understand enterprise
Tim Crawford
@dvellante I strongly say those that understand enterprise have the long-term advantage.
Stuart Miniman
@tcrawford help tease this out for us some more. Agree that the advice isn't to take everything that you have now and push it to the cloud, but changing apps takes a long time. How do CIOs manage the app portfolio?
Tim Crawford
Post will be up on @GigaomResearch later today. :)
Stuart Miniman
AWS says that everything should go to the public cloud today. As we stated, hybrid is where users are today (and it is not a "halfway house")
Tim Crawford
There is a larger potential for the broader enterprise app portfolio. But AWS only services a smaller part of it.
Tim Crawford
Based on recent research, broad use of apps in public cloud is actually far more costly than the alternatives. Hence the need to be surgical in its use.
Tim Crawford
Spoiler Alert: Public cloud may actually be more expensive that many alternatives. Depends on the workload.
Mike Kavis
Problem is those that "understand" enterprise, understand yesterday's enterprise
Tim Crawford
@madgreek65 Unfortunately, 'yesterdays' enterprise is today's enterprise. #reality
Mike Kavis
For some enterprises