4 years ago
#DOES20DOES20DevOps Enterprise Summit 2020
DevOps Enterprise Summit
Q1: How do you get buy-in for a #DevOps Transformation from leaders?
Matt K. Parker
You don't. If you're starting with a position that you want others to "buy into", you've already lost. If you want someone to change, you have to make it *there* idea.
Duena Blomstrom
Have them read the Accelerate State of DevOps report and furnish them with a handout of the financial figures of the respondents. “That’s what they do. This is how they’re winning.” Really have them read it though, stand by their shoulder. Sending links won’t do!
Arun N
Convince them with real use cases! Living examples of other enterprises doing great transformations works the best!
Dave Mangot
All leaders (and humans!) want to know what's in it for them and the business. Now that we've got great stuff like Accelerate, that's not hard to do!
Jon Moore
I've had the most success with the "roadshow" : meeting the members of the senior leadership team in 1on1 settings. You are more likely to be able to target your pitch to their individual interests and questions, and you can often get more candid feedback this way.
Jeffrey Fredrick
by focusing on business problems with the transformation as the means, not the end.
Gene Kim
@jon_moore I'm so excited that you're sharing your philosophies about the role of the Chief Architect at #does20 — it's fascinating for me to see the spectrum of "gentle nudge" to "everyone must."
Ross Clanton
I don't see buy in as a huge challenge (who doesn't want move value, cheaper, better, faster). It's the lean in that leaders need to do, their words, actions, etc., to champion and support the change throughout the org thats a bit harder.
Ross Clanton
helping leaders understand how their role and approach needs to change will help with the lean in..
Diana Cx
Small and quick wins might get you some interest from sponsoring parties, however when it comes to bigger changes and sustained efforts, it'll be easier if you find a strong champion that is already promoting other isolated initiatives to solve the issues that DevOps addresses
DevOps Enterprise Summit
Hello everyone, thanks for joining today!
Matt K. Parker
Glad to be here!