DevOps Enterprise Summit83
What is your favorite (or least favorite) jargon in the IT space? Why?
Paula Thrasher
I hate the term software factory. its insulting both to software engineers and to factories.
Jonathan Smart
@paula_thrasher Totally. Emergent Determinism.
Dave Stanke
I'm currently feeling grumpy about "modern applications"... it implies that everything which doesn't adhere completely to today's trends--I mean, best practices--is an "ancient application."
"capacity" It's not like it's a bucket with a certain number of hours. Focus, mix of activities, etc all matters when it comes to productivity and happiness.
@davidstanke Micro services has taken on a whole new meaning too unfortunately.
Matt K. Parker
Most favorite: Maker. We are makers; we bring new products into the world through collaboration and creativity, through learning, caring, and safety.
Paula Thrasher
I hate the term Hybrid cloud when used to mean "keep our data center but run one small app on AWS"
Jonathan Smart
Least favourite: Velocity. Say/Do Ratio. Maturity Model. Resources.
Paula Thrasher
favorite term is Technical Debt. Its overused, but its so real. SO REAL.
Dave Stanke
@mickfeech Yeah, every customer I speak to has a huge monolith, and then "a handful of microservices that do some auxiliary things." So it's neither here nor there, and everyone's disappointed by it. :-(
Dave Mangot
@paula_thrasher Perfectly said. Look over here in this dark corner, we're agile we're cloud! (or whatever)
Marcello Marrocos ∞
@paula_thrasher agree! All tech is debt, as learned from @davidstanke at devopsdays nyc! ;)
Jonathan Smart
Favourite: Outcomes. Autonomy. Multi-disciplinary. Emergence.
Jonathan Smart
Better Value Sooner Safer Happier
Jonathan Smart
Elephant Carpaccio
Dave Stanke
@mrmarrocos Thanks for the plug!
Matt K. Parker
Least favorite: Velocity. Never has a good idea been more abused and misused.
Paula Thrasher
@davidstanke Hybrid: To do two things badly
Jonathan Smart
+: Psychological Safety
Dave Stanke
@jonsmart YES -- Supporting psychological safety is *proven* to make teams more effective. And I'm pretty sure it makes us better humans.
Dave Mangot
Favorite: Kaizen. It's never hard to get people to agree that we can always get better.
Johan Tegler
Favorite: learning, fast feedback