
Applications Management
How do you reduce costs without sacrificing agility, reliability or security in applications?
   11 years ago
#CSCTownHallDisaster RecoveryHow Will Regulatory Changes Impact Disaster Recovery?
DXC Technology
How does Apps modernization fit into a customer's decision on a sourcing strategy?
Dan Hushon
apps modernization is about freeing the information and supporting new ways of interacting. Customers are looking to use information for better decisions, information is still a key enterprise asset... they need to unlock the value potential
John Furrier
I think that this is huge - modernization is happening across the board not just apps.. up and down the stack from physical plant to virtual apps
Dan Hushon
providers must be able to demonstrate an understanding of old world, new world, and the transformational process across that discontinuity. they must help to define the business value of the modernization.
Crowd Captain John Martoglio mentioned agility earlier wrt to devops etc an that is the key.. CSC buying Servicemesh is a home run.. orchestration is a big differentiator in the delivery of modern services if you believe the IT environment is a Operation Sys
Torrey McMahon
Where is eTES for my iphone? (No, seriously ...)
Dan Hushon first things first, where's the common SAML/XACML/REST interfaces from most legacy application vendors.
Crowd Captain
CSC Town Hall Experts for CrowdChat:

Diana Billingham - Global Dir Apps & Cloud
Raj Ramaswamy - Global Engagement Manager
Narayanan Viswanathan - VP & GM, Applications & Expert Services
John Martoglio - Global App Cross Sell Lead
John Furrier
@CSC do the experts have twitter handles be great to have them log in or leave their handles
DXC Technology I don't believe this particular group of experts are on twitter- but this might be enough to push them onto it!
John Furrier @CSC they can log in with LinkedIn and Facebook not just twitter - we have unified the networks and provide for dynamic connections independent to whether people are friends in other networks - did you see that we can message to people participating
Pete Wood
In terms of service levels and contracts - will we see a change in the way we measure sucess?
Dan Hushon
yes, outcomes/insights will become important, contracts need to change from traditional metrics to business value improvement/delivery...
sat ananth Cocreation is the new game! Be it business value, cost reduction, making the world a better place..
Chris Fangmann
Success is not (anymore) meeting SLAs but supporting customers in business increase
John Furrier
agree with all here outcomes but the delivery cycle will be based up on scale of three major things: technology, applications, and humans
DXC Technology
The concept of a Global Delivery Network is about the right talent, in the right place at the right time and at the right price. It's about integrating this global talent. - Narayan Viswanathan, VP and GM of Custom Applications and Expert Services, CSC
John Furrier
this is great point.. this speaks to the reality of our current marketplace- It's about real time putting the right resource in the right place at right time.. this applies to all aspect of the value chain from apps to even social media
sat ananth How do I take the resource constraint out? right solution at the right place at the right time? Resource is more aligned to staff?
John Furrier @sat13734 great question: it's a model shift.. resources have to be addressable and assembled by software not statically defined imho; this is shift in dev practice- hence my thesis that it's a systems game now not just sw engineering #operatingsystem
Crowd Captain
From @simoncoston "People and corporations are using social media as a way to reach customers. That's the kind of shift happening in the market." #CSCTownHall
Pete Wood
Which industries will see the biggest disruption in Application Management over the next 3 years - automotive? insurance? banking? healthcare? All of the above? :-)
Dan Hushon
everyone who has customers or employees IMO
John Furrier
hey @petew00d the disruption hits all industries but I see all above except automotive as massively being disrupted - financial, insurance, healthcare are the most active imho
Dan Hushon hmmm. you seen this! @ford in the SVL. open application platform which will require integral mgt as full scope of api's move forward safety and security always concerns
John Furrier @DanHushon I agree automotive is there but those other markets are "hotter" than auto .. i would submit that even retail industry is more disrupted than auto that's all i'm saying
DXC Technology
Let's talk about a specific industry. How would an insurance company use application services?
Chris Fangmann
Like every other industry? Differentiation would be in the applications, not the application services?
John Furrier
The days of big IT development is over - the future is stitching these little apps together.. getting services working together (integration) for end to end processes is the new normal - cough cough sounds like an operating system where is orchestration
John Furrier
the above quote came from Raj Ramaswamy
Global Applications Engagement Manager at CSC
lewis richards
Apps refactor and change to become encapsulated, abstracted, addressable and connected.
John Furrier
Question for Diana or expert at CSC: @DanHushon & I were just chatting below about openstack. What is the impact to app mgt with respect to application mgt/security in the openstack cloud (aka enterprise cloud)
Dan Hushon
openstack in and of itself isn't the answer, need a CMP like @ServiceMesh as well as an appropriate openstack implementation IMO
DXC Technology
There is a lot of talk about DevOps in the industry. How does that fit into what we are talking about today?
Chris Fangmann
Hear John & Narayanan: It's all about integration, speed and 100% uptime
Crowd Captain
2 minutes ago