
Applications Management
How do you reduce costs without sacrificing agility, reliability or security in applications?
   11 years ago
#CSCTownHallDisaster RecoveryHow Will Regulatory Changes Impact Disaster Recovery?
John Furrier
Question for Panel: Is DevOps a reality in the enterprise cloud or is DevOps just outlier for the AWS, Facebooks, Google, etc.. Is DevOps just CloudOps in the enterprise
Dan Hushon
totally real #DevOps culture is beginning to permeate Enterprise, but it's a culture/people problem first imo.
John Furrier we love devops and are excited by openstack
Crowd Captain
John Martoglio is answering - he mentions "agile" as key aspect - nice
Crowd Captain
John Martoglio systems of innovation, differentiation face customers & employees which makes business relevant so faster enterprises get changes to market is critical to value - that's where devops comes in to play - very important for enterprise
Crowd Captain
gr8 conversation here @CSC @furrier Narayanan Viswanathan says devops is critical to the enterprise in delivering new services
Pete Wood
There is really bad feedback on the audio for me.
DXC Technology
Yes, we are aware of the audio issues and are working on it. Sorry about that.
DXC Technology
How about now? any better?
John Furrier
Google hangouts are difficult sometimes
DXC Technology
What do you see for the future of applications?
Chris Fangmann
Trend to Evergreen?
John Furrier do you mean from a code standpoint for functionality or both?
Crowd Captain
I am seeing the movement from static configurations, applications, and solutions (silos etc) to a fully connected &dynamic infrastructure/applications and user does this mega trend impact #CIO
John Furrier
Diana Billingham talks about capturing savings from legacy states but innovating on new ground in apps.. imo this is the consumerization of not just IT but "Business"
Dan Hushon
apps = Continuous Improvement & Delivery on top of a cloud that has same properties
lewis richards
Consumerization of the Enterprise will increasingly shape the future of Applications, demand will shift
lewis richards
Context aware portfolio, api driven, mobile first
DXC Technology
Who are the buyers of application services, and what are they looking for?
John Furrier
Question for Raj: Do purchases of infrastructure determine the application development or the other way around?
Dan Hushon
unfortunately, many times procurement of infrastructure ends up being first, but it shouldn't be... #AppsFirst
John Furrier
IT providers need to focus on business outcomes. The buyer's needs are changing. #CSCTownHall
a minute ago
Crowd Captain
Raj says infrastructure as a service is the future.. there is a bigger picture he says like middleware etc
John Furrier
common db, middleware and then port -- bottom line the end state drives the infrastructure...
John Furrier
@CSC thanks Raj for answering that.. some say Infrastructure as Code
DXC Technology
What are the main issues that companies face today in managing their Applications portfolio?
Dan Hushon
inventory? skills?
sat ananth
Lack of knowledge on why they have what they have! Long term memory loss! Remember organizations prefer the momentum of running than to stop and clean up!
Nick Panayi
CrowdChat seems like a great tool for discussion during our live Townhall today. We are testing it for the first time so sign in and give it a try.
Crowd Captain
thanks for using Crowdchat. Couple of reminders all posts (tweets) in this app stay here within the transcript and get sent to public timeline on the hashtag. For tweets not posted here you can drag n drop from the right side bar
Heather Simpson 🌈🍃
It is! It's fast and fun and I think it will continue to draw more people to collaborate.
John Furrier hi @heatherscsc happy new year great to chat today
Dan Hushon
okay, I'm here!
Crowd Captain
I've opened the video in another window but commenting in the CrowdChat as best practice
Pete Wood
This is a great system for collaboration and communication! :-)
Chris Fangmann
hmm....try to reply to "level 3" (i.e. reply to reply to reply) - not working
CrowdChat hey thanks for feedback, intentionally removed 3rd branch to avoid long threads like reddit. But if many users want it we would bring it back. Also this is similar to Facebook fan pages
Chris Fangmann @CrowdSpotsOrg Got you. Prob a personal thing....
DXC Technology
The big question we’ll tackle today is this: How do you reduce costs without sacrificing agility, reliability or security when you’re doing applications management?
DXC Technology
Hello everyone! Welcome to the CSC Town Hall Event: Trends in Managed Application Services.