
Enterprise IT Predictions
Thought leaders from NetApp and industry professionals discuss 2014 Enterprise IT predictions.
   11 years ago
#NetAppChat#NetAppChatMaking Sense of the Hybrid IT Mix: Flash, Cloud, Software-Defined
   10 years ago
#NetAppChatYear of the Hybrid CloudJoin a panel of industry experts to discuss how to best take advantage of the hybrid cloud in 2014
Where do you see enterprise progressing their cloud strategy in 2014? Do you already have one on place? How's it changing?
Kailas Jawadekar
Lot of enteprise will start looking at Cloud Service brokers to deliver IT-as-a-Service
John Furrier
I am seeing and hearing mass acceleration especially this current quarter with deals being done fast (budget flush) but 2014 should be a busy year of building out and refreshing architectures.. hybrid cloud is no brainer for IT
ScottLindars hybrid direction was loud in clear at Gartner Symposium this fall
Krish Subramanian
I am hearing about enterprises thinking about how they can innovate on top of cloud more than whether they should go that route
Chip Childers and that's an important shift in thinking!
Krishna Subramanian
Hybrid cloud models across public and private, leveraging clouds to go beyond greenfield use cases to traditional enterprise apps are two topics I hear about a lot from customers.
Michael Keen
CIOs that I speak with are taking a very holistic approach as part of larger outsourcing/nearshoring strategies #netappchat
Aaron Delp I agree with Michael (hey dude!) on this one. As the pieces come into focus Ent's are stepping back and thinking bigger and longer term
John Furrier
I brought up #sdn in cloud bc this might be a pacing item in deployment on services Cisco, and Juniper have to move fast because mobile apps and byod pressure is bursting at the seams
Aaron Delp The big push and interest around SDN stems from networking being the last frontier of automation. Storage, compute, virtualization all solved already. Network (network services LBaaS, VPN, FW) are hard
Richard Denyer SDN becomes a bigger play as more people move to cloud as its pretty hard to deploy hardware in the cloud
Ryan Beaty
Outsourcing is in all industries. A hybrid cloud solution will start to become more popular. I believe the DevOps will be the ones to push this move.
Michael Keen exactly Ryan. These CIOs r putting "cloud" of all flavors into their larger sourcing strategies #netappchat
Dave Vellante
I see a bifurcated enterprise - those w/head in the sand "no public cloud" and those that embrace
Krishna Subramanian This seems to be changing - most CIOs I speak with now are looking at hybrid cloud strategies. The challenge I hear is that a pure public cloud doesn't work in many situations - security, compliance issues.
Aaron Delp
I would add that I see "pockets" of cloud based on workloads in most large Enterprises. "One Cloud to rule them all" for an entire Enterprise is unlikely
Kailas Jawadekar
Per Gartner.. 2014 will be an inflection point year in which the early phases of cloud adoption will come to an end and organizations will get serious about using public and hybrid cloud services
Dave Vellante
@cloudKrishna when you say "doesn't work" (security) what do you mean?
John Furrier
Time for flash prediction: All Flash Arrays vs Hybrid Arrays. Which will be dominant in IT budgets next year?
Chip Childers
Hybrid - costs / comfort / product availability will drive that
Aaron Delp Dominant in total sales or dominant in market share :) (hijacked your thread)
Aaron Delp
I would say we are going Flash but better question is probably the future of RAID technologies (RAID-DP, RAID6) vs. new scale out tech that does full copies of data and mirrors the full copies w/o parity
Chip Childers Yeah, but "dominant" in 2014... I say not flash *yet*
Chip Childers Completely agree that the real market shifts are happening in the scaleout tech around storage.
Ryan Beaty
Hybrid arrays are taking off very rapidly. I think most storage will include hybrid solutions next year. All flash is great, but i think the price point isn't there yet.
John Furrier
Software-defined anything (SDx) incorporates various initiatives like OpenStack, OpenFlow, the Open Compute Project and Open Rack, which share similar visions. What does this really mean for CIOs and enterprises? Predictions for 2014 anyone on this?
Krish Subramanian
I will say not much. 2014 will still be the time for maturity for many of these technologies
Krishna Subramanian I agree, market is still early and customers are still exploring. But, Software Defined DataCenters or private clouds are taking off.
Krish Subramanian
Hype in 2014: For sure. Value in 2014: Not so sure
Open Compute opened the doors for companies (especially webscale) to build their own, take advantage of Moore's law
Enterprise is likely waiting for the dust to settle and see who emerges and the dominate leader. Reminds me of VHS and Beta wars.
Do you think the traditional networking folks are already starting to ramp up their SDN skills or waiting?
Chip Childers
Many of these projects are very important to the industry's future, but will remain largely deployed in hyper-scale environments in 2014.
Dave Vellante
It should mean less non-differentiated heavy lifting around infrastructure
Aaron Delp
While great ideas I still think all of it is still too DIY for mainstream adoption yet. I would like to see this improve in 2014
John Furrier
@dvellante and I were broadcasting @theCUBE at #reinvent AWS show and we said AWS is like a tidal wave hitting the enterprise the question is how far onshore will the water flow - meaning how much of the enterprise will it take b4 other respond?
Krish Subramanian
AWS is definitely hot but how much they can break into the enterprises is something we need to wait and see
Krish Subramanian
They will have a sizable marketshare few years down but nowhere near the monopoly status pundits are predicting
Ryan Beaty
It's a good model, but leaves a lot of room for a personalized experience. Not everyone is looking for just hardware cloud solutions. They need a provider to help them through the entire stack.
Michael Keen this is where we will c the local telcom providers step up their game. They have the "trusted provider" relationship that enterprises r looking for IMO
Chip Childers AWS has much more than just "hardware cloud solutions". They are leading through a variety of services with a variety in the services' levels of abstraction. They are also leading by providing different ways to compose the services.
Ryan Beaty @chipchilders So they actually help you with more than spinning up some servers and giving you some resources? When was the last time they helped someone with software living inside the VM?
Chip Childers Every time they provision an RDS instance, they help with those VMs. It's not a "managed OS" question. It's about completely abstracting away the details of a specific architectural component.
Eyes are on it, time will tell on adoption, but I think there will be a lot of tire kicking for sure
Krish Subramanian
Pundits usually miss out the impact of OSS till it actually happen
Crowd Captain @michael_keen says many taking holistic approach - I agree and would add that the Datacenter operating system will include hybrid cloud architectures hence increasing value of OSS and its impact
Aaron Delp
RE: OS & CS co-exist and grow. I believe there is room for both projects. Many lump them (and vCloud) into the IaaS bucket when all three have very different architectures under the hood and handle workloads differently. Many don't get that
Aaron Delp
RE: AWS, they will grow as public cloud grows but the challenges often aren't technical in nature, they are political and compliance challenges that often stand in the way
Krishna Subramanian
Enterprises are looking at hybrid strategies - mix of public and private clouds. Many may not go fully public - virtual private clouds (public hosted but walled) may end up being the right answer.
Dave Vellante
customer today told the @wikibon crew they spend $7B/yr on IT and w/in 5 yrs 20% will be public cloud
Krishna Subramanian
Customers are definitely looking for open source solutions in the cloud for greater control and flexibility. Technologies like Openstack and @cloudstack are getting support of traditional and new vendors.
and Enterprise appetite and acceptance for OSS is growing. We'll see more and more of that in 2014
John Furrier
I have been hearing lots of complains about Openstack privately in that it is still not ready for prime time.. no one wants to say that publically..what do you think? Cloudstack also has an active community like Openstack
Tarun Thakur not sure -- just heard from big customers this week on how OpenStack is gaining momentum on prod workloads - and, they were very vocal
ScottLindars both are OSS, but CloudStack and @CloudPlatform have hundreds of production clouds. Hype vs implementation.
Krish Subramanian Not sure I agree. When outside of Red Hat, I have seen big orgs using both platforms.
Aaron Delp I can't comment on OS, I can say when I was at the CloudStack Collab conference it was a very different audience. Folks were running in production and trying to help each other optimize their environments
Krish Subramanian I would say it depends on their needs and existing investyments/relationships
Krishna Subramanian Open source clouds do work - Cloudstack has a great community and 500+ production clouds running at scale - Edmunds, Spotify, TomTom, BT, Bell Canada, Disney,...
Tarun Thakur not sure -- just heard from big customers this week on how OpenStack is gaining momentum on prod workloads - and, they were very vocal
Aaron Delp
We can see by the growth of organizations interested in contributing to both projects
John Furrier We've debated this in an early CrowdChat but can you share to the audience why they both can coexist and grow..this is important distinction that many don't undertstand in the noise of cloud market
Containers, LXCs, Warden, Docker, adoption seems to be happening by devops, I'm interested to hear about monetization strategies to the enterprise...
Krish Subramanian
It is still early stages but there are ways to monetize on the management plane (for eg: Docker)
susanwu88 early indeed, perhaps in the form of support and/or professional services
Krish Subramanian
Containers will be solving portability aspect of some of the complex workloads including Big Data. Lots of monetization opportunities will emerge
John Furrier
I still am having hard time getting my head around the productization of containers.. the path it takes and it's position in the architecture.. I am not well informed here..any basic ways to explain it to me?
Krish Subramanian People had problem wondering about monetization around VMs too. It will happen at higher planes around orchestration, management, etc
John Furrier
What are thoughts around Openstack and networking for the cloud - #sdn should new innovative services be developed or should it come from traditional networking vendors? thoughts?
Standards are important, hence motions like the OpenDaylight Project
Crowd Captain
This was the discussion we had in the crowd this week in SF link: #openstack
Aaron Delp
New Innovative Services for sure in either OpenStack or CloudStack. But Traditional vendors can still be innovative
Krish Subramanian
It is early stages with OpenStack and networking but it will eventually help smart vendors disrupt the space
John Furrier
First up what areas of the enterprise do you think will be the most disrupted areas that predictions will be falling into?
Ryan Beaty
Virtualization, Storage, and Media
Krish Subramanian
Virtualization is the main area
Aaron Delp
virtualization and networking
John Furrier what kind of #sdn flavor do you see in the cloud model of say openstack.. new services or same old networking model?
Krish Subramanian
We are going to see disruption in Virtualization coming from the container side. Containers are getting maturity and simplicity
Aaron Delp I agree with Krish... LXC and containers have huge interest right now
Moving about specific technology, the relationship between IT and business units, as IT starts to deliver IT services
Sales and Marketing, due to data volume, velocity and make timely decisions on them @netapp @citrixcloud
Krish Subramanian
We are going to see business units more empowered while IT staying relevant through agility gained from newer technologies
ScottLindars hopefully the two are coming to the table together in 2014
Krish Subramanian
DevOps enabled by cloud and container technology is going to play a key role in this relationship transformation
Ryan Beaty For sure, I see DevOps actually driving the move to a hybrid or full cloud infrastructure.
#NetAppChat is about to kick off, talking about 2014 Enterprise IT Predictions. Join in
John Furrier
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