
Trends in Mobile Apps, Devices
JOIN US: This is a chat-based conversation about what new mobile devices and apps are out there to help us work from home during the pandemic. Samsung's new 5G phone is among the pioneers. We'll have expert guest hosts!
   4 years ago
#eweekchatTrends in Collaboration ToolsJOIN US: This is a chat-based conversation about what tools we're using in working from home and in teams and whether we're more (or less) efficient. We'll have expert guest hosts!
   4 years ago
#eweekchatNew-Gen DataStorage/ProtectionJOIN US: This is a chat-based conversation about new ways we need to protect our personal and business data from bad actors who are using ransomware on an increasing basis. We'll have expert guest hosts!
Chris Preimesberger
If you want some useful background to read while you're here, go here: https://www.eweek.com/mobile/eweekchat-tuesday-may...
#eWEEKchat Tuesday, May 12: Trends in Mobile Apps, Devices
#eWEEKchat Tuesday, May 12: Trends in Mobile Apps, Devices
#eWEEKchat PREVIEW: Plan to join us on a new day, Tuesday, May 12, for an #eWEEKchat about trends in new-generation mobility applications and devices and how they're improving our lives.
Chris Preimesberger
For those on Twitter only: To follow our discussion in real time, go here (http://www.crowdchat.net/eweekchat) ... You do have to authorize Twitter to join.
[LIVE CHAT] Promise, Potential of the Edge
[LIVE CHAT] Promise, Potential of the Edge
JOIN US: This is a chat-based conversation about how IT is rapidly evolving into a new phase that may turn out to be as important as, if not more important than, the cloud itself.
Chris Preimesberger
Please use this convention: To address Q1, please begin your answer with "A1." In this manner, all the questions and answers can be kept in the same thread. *Oh yes, we have 280 characters to use here!*
Chris Preimesberger
I will ask some seed questions--about one every 8 to 10 minutes--and our guests can answer as they see fit. All of you following the conversation also may participate at any time. Let's stay on topic!
Chris Preimesberger
To comment inside a specific thread, look for the directional links below the comments.
Jim Xiao
@editingwhiz Hi Chris, thanks for having me. I'm Jim, founder of Mason, where we let anyone create their own smart hardware product like Peloton or Square. Our customers build the apps, and we provide the rest - hardware, dev tools, and ops services.
Chris Preimesberger
Thanks for explaining Mason. Very cool
Chris Preimesberger
We;d like to get to know you all through this "new media" channel!
Rich Ryan
@editingwhiz Hi - Rich Ryan with Six15 - We design, develop, and manufacture head worn displays for Soldiers and workers performing tasks in challenging environments
Chris Preimesberger
Welcome, Rich! Thanks for coming!
Rich Ryan
glad to be here
Chris Preimesberger
Thanks for explaining Six15. That's Nashville's zipcode!
Chris Preimesberger
Just log in at the upper right using your Twitter handle and follow along. We invite all to participate when you feel you'd like to do so!
Chris Preimesberger
If you're not familiar with the CrowdChat.net format, well, blame John Furrier! *kidding!*
CrowdChat is one stop solution to host #hashtag chats across multiple social networks. It is more than just Tweet Chat. A beautiful card like this, is automatically appended to updates posted on Twitter. It comes packed with FREE analytics for early ...