7 years ago
#DOES17DOES17 London Join DevOps Enterprise Summit Community to preview DOES17 London and San Francisco
John Furrier
Great chat .. jumping in now .. sorry I missed most of it.
DevOps Enterprise Summit
feel free to ask a question, John!
#DOES19 London
What are your top resources for learning?
Rosalind Radcliffe
other teams experiences - practical examples
Mauerbauertraurigkeit 3x+1
Doing. Even if you read it in a book or someone shows it to you, practicing it will help solidify it in your mind. You can’t get muscle memory from a book.
John Furrier
of course videos from events and peer conversations
Paula Thrasher
IT Revolution Books and links! https://itrevolution...
Carmen DeArdo
We do regular book studies. We have internal Teaching Thursdays where associates teach associates. Of course DOES17 :-) Following leaders on social media.
Paula Thrasher
Hackathons! We have used the to let folks practice tools outside their current role and project
Tapabrata Pal
My top resource for learning - engineers from my own company.
Jason A Cox
Drive experiential learning: Leaders and educators should encourage a hands-on approach to training and development
Ben Grinnell
We try to use a lot of channels, its more work but people learn in different ways so user choice is critical
Mark Imbriaco
A focus on capturing context when it happens rather than relying on inaccurate memories.
Mark Schwartz
Trying out stuff and experimenting.
Jason A Cox
Continual Learning: Building a DevOps Inspired Career Track @ChivasNambiar @paula_thrasher https://dl.orangedox...
Ben Grinnell
We have loads of architects in the DevOps community. I think Gene said it was the second most popular title. So what's the most effective role/setup of the architecture capability as your scaling DevOps in an enterprise?
Tapabrata Pal
One thing more to consider in traditional architecture work - discuss the pipeline that will be used
Carmen DeArdo
We need more architecture on our value stream and pipeline
Rosalind Radcliffe
We do still need application architecture work that is focused on the applications themselves as well as architecture of the pipeline itself
Carmen DeArdo
We also need architects to work with teams to help decouple dependencies so they can deliver more quickly
Paula Thrasher
Big enterprise still need enterprise architecture. We have a team and a governance board, but the architects area also matrixed to delivery teams too - they are not astronaut architects in the sky, they are making things along side teams
Paula Thrasher
We are embracing Scaled Agile in our organization to manage and plan the enterprise. It complements a DevOps transformation
Mark Schwartz
We have been experimenting with having architects be hands-on creators. They create reference architectures, reusable services, and curate Github projects that are shared between teams
Mauerbauertraurigkeit 3x+1
Do you implement #DevOps on legacy systems or stick only to net new projects/designs? Have you been successful at one or both or neither?
Rosalind Radcliffe
You have to include your legacy systems to allow business agility, there is no reason legacy systems can't be part of the transformation
Scott Nasello
we are doing both! Brownfield offers lots of learnings for Ops team!
Mauerbauertraurigkeit 3x+1
@scottnasello I agree! There can be a mindset that legacy can not benefit from modern approaches and methodologies.
Carmen DeArdo
There are several concepts like source code management (GitHub with pull requests), automation, more frequency deployments that apply to everything
Rosalind Radcliffe
you may be surprised that you get the most value from the transformation of the legacy teams
Erica Morrison
100% agree legacy has to come along for the ride. It takes more work to unwind legacy, but the same best practices and benefits apply.
Carmen DeArdo
when we implemented Agile 10 years ago, we applied the management practices to all teams. We don't believe that DevOps is only for the "cool kids"
Paula Thrasher
Yes to DevOps on Legacy. Not involving DevOps ideas in your transformation means part of your organization will always be a boat anchor to progress
Paula Thrasher
Don't listen to anyone who tells you that Legacy systems should do waterfall while digital systems do DevOps. Path to failure #AskMeHowIKnow #LivedIt
Mark Imbriaco
@carmendeardo This! Creating a team of cool kids is a great way to calcify distrust and strengthen silos.
Rosalind Radcliffe
absolutely you can't do waterfall with part of an application and DevOps with other parts, it's all going at the speed of the slowest part
#DOES19 London
Name one skill that dev and ops should learn from QA
Carmen DeArdo
We are tri-paring testers and developer pairs so that they can learn from each other
Tapabrata Pal
how to design test cases
Mark Imbriaco
That knowing the right questions is at least as important as knowing the answers to them.
Paula Thrasher
Dev and Ops can learn pessimism from QA. How is it going to go wrong? Sometimes engineers are hopelessly optimistic
Mark Schwartz
Everything you do needs to be rugged. Crazy stuff happens - your system must be resilient
Jayne Groll
Agile - both from a Dev perspective and a cultural perspectve
Paula Thrasher
How do you make your current systems and process more visible? What is working well? What isnt?
Rosalind Radcliffe
Sharing data across the systems instead of in silos is one. You can't manage one platform separate from others
Carmen DeArdo
Provide a visible lead time measure that shows how work flows through a team's value stream. We have an integrated pipeline that allows workflow to be visible from customer concept through deployment.
John Allspaw
sometimes data is available (because is actually shared) but it's not known that it is, either because it's difficult to discover when you need it, or because the sharing itself wasn't shared.
Rosalind Radcliffe
having an integrated set of teams so there is not isolation as well as providing common dashboard or visibility across the organization
Paula Thrasher
Chat tools (ChatOps) help with shared visibility
Paula Thrasher
@carmendeardo having public visibility on the tool pipeline really helps.
Scott Nasello
#ChatOps has been super transformational for us
Alexa Alley
@scottnasello Agree! Same for us... getting cross-functional roles and teams communicating daily has been a huge win.
Scott Nasello
@alexaalley - #ChatOps has helped us to on our #DevOps journey and Ops Engineers "leaning in"