7 years ago
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DevOps Enterprise Summit
Are there any anti-patterns of DevOps? If so, please explain.
Jonathan Fletcher
Creating a DevOps team that is itself a silo
Mauerbauertraurigkeit 3x+1
Creating a third team called “DevOps” that is the approval committee for anything “DevOps” to be approved and rolled out in the organization through the Project Management Office.
Tapabrata Pal
My most favorite anti-patter is having a team that says "we are the devops team and we set up everything for you and we have a blacklog to manage your request"
Ben Grinnell
DevOps without regular releases and feedback from real users contributing to the product backlog - fake DevOps
Joe Brown
Just attaching DevOps as a label to everything because DevOps is a really cool word.
Rosalind Radcliffe
Silos - including creating separate DevOps team, breaking down the silos and providing visibly across the systems
Mark Schwartz
Commenting out failing tests!
Carmen DeArdo
centralized command control which create wait states in the value stream. This can be a change board or a centralized Performance testing team or Security testing team
Jonathan Fletcher
I read countless CV's from people that once wrote a batch file and that are now "DevOps engineers"
Joe Brown
Top down driven DevOps with practices defined at the enterprise level.
Paula Thrasher
Using the word DevOps to describe your old school, siloed way of working because you implemented one DevOps tool
Tapabrata Pal
Another anti-pattern - overhearing in post-mortem - "who did it?"
Rosalind Radcliffe
Pushing from the top without having bottoms up support and effort
Paula Thrasher
@FletcherJofanon Creating a silo DevOps Team is absolutely THE anti-pattern
Gene Kim
OH @carmendeardo : "like people going to quality conference & coming back and creating a Quality Team"
Scott Nasello
OH - The Load Balancing team can't load balance themselves @topopal @realgenekim
Paula Thrasher
DevOps anti-pattern is DevOps = tool. You need tools but you need collaboration, systems thinking feedback more
Tapabrata Pal
"Center of excellence" has a sense of eliteness to it.
Scott Nasello
@topopal - and lots of COEs often don't demonstrate excellence
Gene Kim
Sometimes not obvious at all: amazing PPT by @andyburgin on Sky Betting Data Warehouse
Paula Thrasher
Big Bang thinking is still a big anti-pattern. DevOps requires smaller batches. Hard to claim "DevOps" with a 6 mo deployment cycle
Gene Kim
OH @scottprugh "Once people/teams go above 50%, queue times go exponential"
Jason A Cox
@topopal Anti-pattern: Architecture and engineering excellence can only come from CoE experts & towers
Sam Guckenheimer
There is a ton of SrummerFall out there with the kabuki of Lean/Agile terminology over a big-batch waterfall process.
Gene Kim
OH: "[without slack time], we feel like we're just stuck in a feature factory [that doesn't actually create value]"
Sam Guckenheimer
Another very common antipattern is not investing in engineering system improvement.
Sam Guckenheimer
On antipatterns, I'd also tag V-model thinking, that forces slow testing over fast feedback.
Mark Schwartz
Assumptions about user behavior, rather than user-centric design and testing in production
Sam Guckenheimer
@schwartz_cio +! on testing in production, with quantitative and qualitative validation.
Jeremy Douglas
If #DevOps was a board game, what would it be?
Jonathan Fletcher
whack-a-mole. Fix one thing and another pops up.
Alexa Alley
Clue. Who did what, with what tool, where? And now, make sure everybody becomes aware.
Joe Brown
@alexaalley I think you nailed it!
Mauerbauertraurigkeit 3x+1
The Campaign for North Africa. The game requires attention to logistics, methodology and an ability to understand the other players approach only through their moves on the 7 foot playing surface.
Scott Nasello
@paulycomtois - reminds me of the "Beer Game"... I wonder if we should build #DevOps game cc @realgenekim
Mauerbauertraurigkeit 3x+1
@scottnasello @realgenekim I'm in on a DevOps board game, if we make it fun. :) @alexaalley and I created an Agile board game, and it's a blast!
Alexa Alley
@paulycomtois willing to share it and make it even better with help from others!
Paula Thrasher
I think DevOps needs to be a cooperative game. Like Forbidden Island https://boardgamegee...
Paula Thrasher
@paula_thrasher The point of the game is for everyone to work together, to get the artifacts off the island (into production!)
Sam Guckenheimer
There is a great Kanban board game that I'd recommend to any DevOps team
Mark Schwartz
Othello - just when you think you're ahead, all of a sudden all your pieces get flipped over :-)
Paula Thrasher
@scottnasello I think the Beer game might need to be a session at #DOES17 #educational
Scott Nasello

"Phoenix Project" is to "The Goal"
"DevOps Game" is to "Beer Game"
Mark Schwartz
Go - when you see a master at work, it's sublime
#DOES19 London
Name one skill that dev should learn from ops.
Mauerbauertraurigkeit 3x+1
Don't restrict yourself to a single skill/language. Ops folks are usually well versed in several skills in the classic "T Shape" out of necessity. Continue to push yourself to learn outside of your core competency.
Scott Prugh
Infrastructure skills like: OS config, networking, load balancing
Rosalind Radcliffe
Understand how systems really run - what does it take to scale the system
Tapabrata Pal
How to better log error messages so that trouble shooting is easy.
Carmen DeArdo
better understanding the "day 2" operations and how the system design can be improved to improve MTTR
Tapabrata Pal
Monitoring tools don't help if your application code is not "monitorable"
Jonathan Fletcher
basic network skills seems to be a reoccurring theme
Tom Clark
Ensuring the non-functionals are covered - if you can't monitor/operate/scale/etc then the task isn't "done"!
Tapabrata Pal
@tomonocle IMO, we need to stop using the term "non-functional required" and everything is "functional requirements" - with NFR, things get ignored
Mark Imbriaco
Nothing is more permanent than a temporary solution. Technical debt is forever.
Paula Thrasher
@markimbriaco Technical debt can be paid down, but its massively hard. Better to avoid it as much as possible.
Mark Imbriaco
@paula_thrasher Absolutely. At the very least, know when you're incurring tech debt and the impact.
Sam Guckenheimer
"There's no place like Production"
Sam Guckenheimer
Re skills, experimentation, or Build-MAsure-Learn, or Hypothesis-Driven Development. Pick your term.