Open Technology Summit Preview
A discussion on trends and topics in open technology.
   8 years ago
#IBMOTS#IBMOTS: Future of Open TechA preview of the Open Technology Summit at IBM InterConnect.
IBM Cloud
How will we see the role of the foundation shift in the coming months/years? Are we still seeing foundation players cooperating on interoperability and competing on execution?
Sam Ramji
Foundations are growing in popularity as a way to manage collaboration and competition. They provide stability in the middle of wild markets like containers.
Amy Hermes
Loved the "role of the foundation" podcast from @christo4ferris & @CloudOfCaroline ->
Sam Ramji
There will be more of that talk at Interconnect on @duncanjw’s panel
Brian Gracely
it's still a mixed scorecard on foundations. Linux and Cloud Foundry have done well recently, but OpenStack and some others less so. All depends on how much vendors dictate the agenda vs. community-driven goals.
Sam Ramji
We’re definitely seeing interop and execution at the same time. Not just in Cloud Foundry, but in CNCF and OCI - look at Docker and CoreOS.
Amy Hermes
"Are we headed for Foundation Fatigue" is going to be a GREAT #ibminterconnect panel w/ @sramji @tcrawford @e_monty @duncanjw
Chris Ferris
inter-dependencies and conflicts between projects is a complex fabric - I really like when I see collaboration
Dave Lindquist
@sramji which is a sign of a healthy ecosystem. it's great to see the breadth of contributions and still see the competition
Jerry Cuomo
With #blockchain foundation members also provide a venue for readiness... we all will make sure that an open ledger is ready for 100 years of transactions!
Sam Ramji
It’s funny, we use the word “ecosystem” which we borrow from biology and perhaps think it means “peaceful”. Ecosystems in nature are quite violent. @d_lindquist
Jerry Cuomo
at #ibminterconnect we are going to breakdown the new linux #blockchain project and demo blockchain on @IBMCloud
Chris Ferris
@sramji but they achieve equilibrium for extended periods
Brian Gracely
@sramji agreed. people sweep "coopetition" under the rug as if it's a peaceful co-existence. it adds a 50% tax to all partnerships and interactions.
Sam Ramji
@christo4ferris Yes… after the expansion and die-off phases!
Rich Hintz
@bgracely Linux Foundation dropping community representation seems a step backwards
IBM Cloud
What do you see as the biggest priorities today in open technology?
Sam Ramji
Application development & deployment has been the biggest area for the last few years (Node.js, Cloud Foundry, Docker, etc).
Daniel Berg
harmonizing container technologies
Sam Ramji
Now that elastic compute is getting solved, elasticity for networking and storage are bubbling up.
Brian Gracely
as technology takes a greater role in reshaping businesses, open plays a bigger role in giving more options for the "supply chain"
Dave Lindquist
agree, the growth and innovation around application development and deployment technology has been incredible
Jerry Cuomo
Some of the best open technologies provide a "seat at the table" for companies to add value. Think NPM for Node, DockerHub for Docker, CloudFoundry Services and Runtimes... When open means extendable it often work best.
Sam Ramji
Blockchain is sort of “open-squared” - open source plus enabling open distributed transactions.
Chris Ferris
@bgracely excellent point! an important characteristic of successful open technologies is that there are multiple options available to end consumers/users
Dave Lindquist
among the more significant priorities for open source is keeping a pulse adoption, and understanding critical issues like security
Chris Ferris
personally, I think the most important priorities are those that matter most to most
Sam Ramji
Vehicles are coming to the forefront - not just IoT, which is big for open technologies, but specifically cars and UAVs: https://www.automoti... and https://www.dronecod...
Dave Lindquist
@christo4ferris security, availability, management to name a few
Chris Ferris
the most important thing those of us in open communities can do is understand our users needs
Jerry Cuomo
#ibmblockchain Blockchain and open source go hand in glove... Linux foundation is all over it... and we are all in. Sooo much innovation in cloud, mobile, analytics... Blockchain has arrived to bring new innovations that make transactions cool
Rich Hintz
@sramji When you say "elastic networking" what do you mean? Interfaces? Bandwidth?
Rich Hintz
@sramji Similarly, for "elastic storage," what do you have in mind? Isn't storage already elastic?
Sam Ramji
It’s the slow part of elastic computing right now. Setting up new network routes is more than an API call.
Sam Ramji
So SDN and NFV have parts to play in solving the network problem.
Sam Ramji
On the storage side - getting access to new storage beyond simple APIs - volumes and storage virtualization - still have quite a way to go. The two problems (storage and networking) are bound up in each other.
Rich Hintz
@sramji I understand what you're getting at for each of networking and storage, I think, but I'm not clear how their evolutions are linked, if that's what you're suggesting.
Rich Hintz
@sramji Yes, pretty clear that SDN and NFV in some form are important, but their maturity seems a long way off with continuing controller wars and no federation of controllers in sight
Sam Ramji
@rjhintz Exactly. There is a challenge there which makes fluidity and interoperability very hard. Those are required for elasticity.
Sam Ramji
@rjhintz I think about simple problems like getting a secure network route to a storage volume for a container running an application with audit or regulatory requirements. The network and the storage aspects are strongly linked.
Ruben Orduz
It's all about application and content delivery. That's what your users see and experience. How it's deployed and where it's irrelevant to them. So the priority today is to make that delivery and deployment as streamlined as possible.
IBM Cloud
Hello, and welcome to our preview of the upcoming Open Technology Summit!
John Furrier
Hi tweeting from Palo Alto
IBM Cloud
The summit will take place during @IBMInterConnect, 2/21, 4 pm PT.
IBM Cloud
If you haven’t already, please register for the event here:
IBM Cloud
Joining us as panelists for today’s chat are @CloudFoundry CEO Sam Ramji (@SRamji), IBM Fellow & Vice President, IBM Cloud DevOps and Analytics Dave Lindquist (@D_Lindquist), and IBM Fellow & CTO Jerry Cuomo (@JerryCuomo).
IBM Cloud
Let’s begin!
Sam Ramji
Greetings, everyone.
Amy Hermes
Excited to join this #IBMOTS preview! (Register for #IBMOTS here --> !)
Brian Gracely
@amyhermes looking forward to it.
Jerry Cuomo
Hello from sunny Durham North Carolina