DevOps Enterprise Summit
DevOps Enterprise is THE event for people who are bringing Lean principles into the IT value stream
   9 years ago
#DOES15DevOps Enterprise Summit DevOps Enterprise is THE event for people who are bringing Lean principles into the IT value stream
Evgeny Zislis
What are some of the bigger remaining problems in IT right now?
Scott Prugh
Optimizing teams by activity instead of by outcome.
Ross Clanton
Architecture (massive tech debt)
Scott Prugh
Hah... And tech debt too..!! Darn Conway!
Evgeny Zislis
Making it "simple"-er to use exiting tools. (installation-as-documentation must die)
Dr. Tapabrata Pal
I problem seems to be growing - too many tools and too many tools discussion
@TopoPal Who's the trouble maker who said Mainframe...
Sam Fell
Tool consolidation. Everyone has a favorite xyz... Also, dealing with legacy systems ("afraid to touch it")
Damon Edwards
@ScottPrugh 1. Silos 2. Siloed thinking 3. Slioed working
figuring what to do with legacy applications... Should I stay or should I go...
Ross Clanton
silos are killers.... Really difficult to break people out of the localized optimization mindset.....
Tim Crawford
The problem isn't about the tools. The problem is central to cultural shifts that are needed.
Carmen DeArdo
Silos and Process Variance. You can't automate what you can create a pattern for which requires eliminating non-value added variances
Dr. Tapabrata Pal
I also think that lack of test automation for legacy app is a problem - big tech debt.
Jan-Joost Bouwman
nothing wrong with mainframe. We have DevOps teams on Mainframe applications
Gene Kim
Another key @puppetlabs State of DevOps finding: architecture matters: testing w/o integrated test env & ability to independently deploy code.
Scott Prugh
@TopoPal Convincing business owners to invest in automation of "legacy" apps is very hard. They don't want to "waste" the money but these apps can drag them to the bottom.
Ben Grinnell
IT is still in IT rather than in the business
Michael Valentin
a big problem facing IT is the loss of quality individuals who understand how to get there, are passionate about doing it, but are not given the opportunity to do so
Jan-Joost Bouwman
@TopoPal sure, I can organise something. It isn't easy, because of the lack of tooling, but it is possible to do at least some of it.
My head is spinning. This is like 3 dimensional ping pong... but I like it..
Sam Fell
Yes hard to keep up with all the knowledge being laid down, here...
Thomas A. McGonagle
Should we start a thread to capture the most "important" take aways?
Robyn Crummer-Olson
And you're even good at the Twitters
DevOps Enterprise Summit
fortunately, the whole discussion lives on here on for us all to go back and review!
Jan-Joost Bouwman
my session just crashed...
@JanJoostBouwman You must not ne Devops :)
Ranjun Chauhan
How would #devops impact my career? What do I need to prepare for? #DOES15
Thomas A. McGonagle
The Chef Conf videos from 2014 and DOES 2014 were all excellent. I would highly recommend them as resources
John Furrier
increase in pay for sure
Brian Gracely
wrote something about that a little while ago - http://itknowledgeex...
Ben Fay
Start thinking about more than just your immediate roles and responibilities
Carmen DeArdo
get a better understanding of your delivery and operations value stream. Identify what obstacles are in the way of delivering more quickly and providing seamless feedback.
Sam Fell
big-picture thinking and collaboration with people to achieve more makes you like a mini-CEO. That's a nice little promotion right there...
Gene Kim
.@ranjun_chauhan Grt glib line from @glennodonnell: "If ur title has 'admin' in it, u may be in trouble"
Halie Noble
@RealGeneKim i remember that! Had some folks a little worried...
John Furrier
as the new generation of engineers in the enterprise take over devops ethos will take over 100% but on premise will change but only the size of the footpring
Gene Kim
.@HalieNoble I do believe the best days of Ops are ahead of us, not behind us.
@RealGeneKim Shouldn't that be.. If your title has admin you have a great opportunity in front of you.
Dr. Tapabrata Pal
the train is leaving the station - where do you want to be? on the train or at the station?
Evgeny Zislis
How to grow the community that talks about DevOps and get beyond the echo chamber even more than has been accomplished up until now?
Thomas A. McGonagle
Sincere Passionate Evangelism?
You keep kicking the tire... Great stories from Ross, Heather, Jason and Courtney .. on this list..
Internal devopsdays.. internal blogs... hackathons...
Jan-Joost Bouwman
meetups and devops days
Dr. Tapabrata Pal
Meet ups, demo's, conferences - internal, and external.
Heather Mickman
@botchagalupe internal events are great ways to build momentum in a large enterprise for sure!
Brian Gracely
Been enjoying the internal stories highlighted by @mfdii on The Goat Farm podcast - good examples of internal evangelism, training, identifying business challenges
Ross Clanton
internal conferences are huge. That's how we got the conversation moving at Target.. We've put on 5 internal DevOps Days.