
theCUBE at #ReInvent
SiliconANGLE @theCUBE preview of #AWS #ReInvent Though Leader Conversation
   10 years ago
#reinventtheCUBE at #ReInventSiliconANGLE @theCUBE preview of #AWS #ReInvent Though Leader Conversation
   9 years ago
#reinventtheCUBE at #ReInventSiliconANGLE @theCUBE preview of #AWS #ReInvent Though Leader Conversation
John Furrier
Question: What is your opinion on Aurora - come comment here on CrowdChat on the record.
Crowd Captain
It's an oracle killer says #thirdwave crowd chat geeks
JP Morgenthal
AWS has offered DBaaS for awhile now and yet I still see most client deploying their own instances. I believe users are concerned about lock-in to AWS services still
John Furrier
6 million inserts per min - FAST says Bloomberg journalist Jack Clarke
Amazon Aurora can do 6 million inserts per minute & 30 million selects per minute. That is very, very fast. #reinvent
7 minutes ago
Quoted By @furrier
JP Morgenthal
#DevOps efforts & Containers may be hindering use of #AWS #DBaaS as users want migratable app environments
JP Morgenthal
I believe #Aurora addresses a need and its users will build their solution around its capabilities versus general consumption. AWS Enterprise sales team may drive greater use
JP Morgenthal
Used to be that the applications that required this level of transactional performance were in industries that are skeptical of public cloud (e.g. financial services & transportation). What new apps require this level of performance?
JP Morgenthal
Is #Aurora an answer to a coming problem associated with #IoT?
John Furrier
@jpmorgenthal It's only relational so I'm not sure how to store "the data exhaust"
Crowd Captain
It's MySQL-compatible database engine for Amazon RDS that combines the speed and availability of high-end commercial databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open source databases says AWS
Crowd Captain
here is the link that they are previewing today
Jeff Frick
Are people going to ask for an on-prem version?
Andy Jenks
I think that composite apps are requiring a solution like this to match with big NOSQL and you've got a killer low cost solution.
John Furrier
#NewDawn Aurora - going after Oracle huge lets see the price and capability

Dave Vellante
I asked amazon last year how Orcl felt abt the AWS Marketplace - guess Aurora is the answer :-)
Andy Jenks
This should be interesting #NewDawn
John Furrier
MySQL is base technology not sure I buy this and just relational? What do you thing Andy
Andy Jenks
@furrier it's interesting, i think, because I think that's a head fake.
Mike Onsing
Is AWS talking about anything related to social media like #marketingcloud which Oracle launched in #oow
John Furrier
Not a marketing show #AWS is more geeky than sales driven; Oracle's #marketcloud is vaporware imo
John Furrier
hey @fk_andyjassy beat that demo they just did with MLB Real Jassy rocked it on stage
John Furrier
Hey is that the CrowdChat logo on stage at AWS? All cloud geeks love CrowdChat others don't get it; just the beginning
John Furrier
MLB coming on stage. Jassy sports nut adlibs on stage with #SFGiants riff- NICE
John Furrier
I loved those graphics on the World Series - great innovation experience
Crowd Captain
MLB is kicking ass in the consumerization of media meets user experience
John Furrier
MLB does 17PB of data per season
John Furrier
Ok you had me at hello with MLB demo #coolness #sfgiants demo
John Furrier
Joe Inzerillo EVP CTO of MLB BAM is awesome!! amazing demo of course #SFGiants example was cherry on top
John Furrier
Amazon pace of innovation - Iteration is the way to win in cloud generation

Eric L Nielsen
Is that the number of innovations deployed in AWS, what is the number ?
John Furrier
@ericni25 that is over 1100 I think
Eric L Nielsen
No way I want to be running on a service that changes things that much! What a impossible way of knowing what your running on. =).
John Furrier
They are clearly trying to win the innovation message plus give impression of enterprise ready. CIA yesterday said they are moving over to the cloud
Eric L Nielsen
Can I just run on a cheap X86 white box again.. things were so simple!
John Furrier
I'll be interviewing James Hamilton I'll ask him that question
John Furrier
The new way to run big datacenters & workloads Jassy can't spit out all the new features fast enough on stage- amazing

John Furrier
Jassy & team add new features at blind pace; in terms of horses on the track they are Secretariat thundering away

Crowd Captain
New normal is killing the old guard "datacenter in cloud"